Highway Patrol issue from 31.05-01.06 (1999)

Telecast №103506, 1 part, duration: 0:12:45
Production: Highway Patrol

Reel №1

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A fire on an open highway in an apartment building.

An eyewitness (synchronously).

Fireman (synchronously).

An accident on 1st Ostankino Street.

A Mercedes car hit a pedestrian.

A downed pedestrian is lying on the asphalt.

An eyewitness (synchronously).

An ambulance.

An accident on Krymsky Val Street with a fatal outcome.

Mangled cars.

A head-on collision of cars.

The body of the deceased driver is in a black bag.

Head of the press service of the Department of Internal Affairs (synchronously).

The arrested robber (synchronously).

The duty station.

An accident on the Warsaw highway.

A MAZ dump truck crashed into a MAN truck.

Colliding cars.

An accident on D.Ulyanov Street.

The collision of a General Motors SUV and a Lada.

The driver of the SUV (synchronously).

A police officer (synchronously).

Murder in Zadonsky passage.

Head of the ATC press group (synchronously).

A fatal accident on Svobody Street.

A mangled car on the lawn.

The bodies of the dead on the roadway.

An ambulance.

Evacuation of one of the cars.

Department of Internal Affairs "Timiryazevsky district.

The duty station.

The detainee.

A stolen watch seized from a detainee.

Head of the ATC press group (synchronously).

An apartment building.

The detainee's passport.

Attempted murder in M.Zlatoustinsky lane.

An ambulance, a dog handler with a dog near the house. where the assassination attempt took place.

Locations: Moscow [820]

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