Military chronicle (1912)

Footage №103681, 2 footages, duration: 0:07:43

Scene №1 Military chronicle

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Nikolai is the second in the bet.


Nikolaj Vtoroj

Calendar: 1912-1919

Locations: Russia [1]

Scene №2

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Plot 1. Russia, Krasnoe Selo, Kirchhoff, October 2, 1913. Emperor Nicholas II receives the report of a Cossack officer on the field, next to him are Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich, generals and Minister of the Imperial Court V.B. Fredericks.

Nicholas II talks with General V.A. Sukhomlinov.

On the field there are Emperor Nicholas II, Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich, Minister of the Imperial Court V.B. Fredericks, General V.A. Sukhomlinov, officers, next to them there are boxes with paper covered [sweets].

Nicholas II goes to a carriage pulled by a pair of horses, Russian, French, German, Austro-Hungarian officers approach, among them the chief of the General Staff of the French army, General J. Joffre.

Plot 2. Playing football on the field near the forest.

Plot 3. Russia, [1918-1919].

The Red Army soldiers are chopping geese with checkers near a thatched barn, sitting in a field, preparing an artillery position.

Plot 4. Russia, [1912-1913].

Parade of horse artillery, cavalry, Cossacks on the field.

The general and a group of officers on horseback cross themselves, go around the soldiers lined up on the field, drive up to the carpet lying on the ground.

There is a group of officers and officials.


Nikolaj Vtoroj

Locations: Russia [1]

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