Daily News / A Chronicle of the day № 28 (1976)

Newsreel №13072, 1 part, duration: 0:10:06, black-white
Production: CSDF (RCSDF)
Director:Andreev A.
Camera operators:Oshurkov M., Semin V., Fedyaev E., Filatov I., Kuzminskiy S., Maev V., Kogan S., Koroev H., Shironin K., Monglovskaya G., Popova M., Yatsun E., Shapiro B., Rozhin A., Ramenskiy O., Uchitel A.


Different subjects.

Temporary description:

1syuzh. - Signing of Brezhnev, and others Stockholm appeal in Moscow. 2syuzh. - Research Station in orbit. Baikonur Cosmodrome. 3syuzh. - Construction of the North Caucasus Chirkeisk HPS. 4syuzh. - Harvesting of fodder in the Moscow region. 5syuzh. - Negotiations Kosygin and Prime Minister of Iran Hoveydu in the Kremlin. 6syuzh. - Press conference at the Academy of Sciences. Speech Acad. Alexandrov et al 7syuzh. - Creating Dymkovo toys: painting. 8syuzh. - Championship Cup. Match "Zenit" - "Dinamo".

Reel №1

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1. Signature of Brezhnev and other leaders of the CPSU Stockholm appeal of the World Peace Council in Moscow.

2. Signing of agreement between the USSR and France.

3. Research Station in orbit of the Soyuz-21 ".

Baikonur Cosmodrome.

4. Construction of the North Caucasus Chirkeisk HPS.

5. Forage at the farm "Zarya communism" the Moscow region.

6. Negotiations Kosygin and Prime Minister of Iran Hoveydu in the Kremlin.

7. Press conference at the Academy of Sciences.

Address by Academician Alexander and others.

8. Creating Dymkovo toys: painting.

9. Championship Cup.

Final: Match "Zenit" - "Dinamo".,

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