Daily News / A Chronicle of the day № 5 (1978)

Newsreel №13324, 1 part, duration: 0:10:00, black-white
Production: CSDF (RCSDF)
Director:Opryshko A.
Camera operators:Byalik A., Grek I., Epifanov G., Zakharova G., Kuzminskiy V., Lovkov V., Popova M., Fedyaev E., Khavchin A., Khodyakov V.


Different subjects.

Temporary description:

Receiving Kosygin in the Kremlin, President of the Council of Ministers of Poland P. Yarashevich. The meeting room in the Grand Kremlin Palace, V-th All-Union Congress of scientific and technical societies. Speakers: AP Kirilenko, academician Ishlinskii, AP Aleksandrov. Inventor Moiseev at a meeting of innovators, in the All-Union Patent and Technical Library, which stores and descriptions of inventions Moiseeva. Moiseev at work in the shop Perovsky plant sales engineering. Mongolia. Soviet-Mongolian team "Friendship" - "Neyramdal" working on the construction of mining and processing enterprise in the field of copper and molybdenum on Mount Erdenet. Meetings of the Soviet-Hungarian friendship at the Moscow plant named Vladimir Ilyich in connection with a visit to the plant by the delegation of the National Assembly of Hungary, headed by A. Apro. Supports A. Apro. The grand meeting in the House of Friendship with the Peoples of foreign countries, devoted to the Independence Day of India. Speakers: VF Petrovsky, Charge d'Affaires of India in USSR Tej. City of Moscow. International exhibition "Woodworking - 78" at the exhibition complex "Krasnaya Presnya. Scope of Exhibits: equipment for processing wood, plywood, furniture. Fur farm animal-breeding sovkhoz "May" in Kabardino-Balkaria. Mink, nutria in the cells. City of Moscow. International boxing match between teams of the United States and the Soviet Union. In the ring boxers: Tkachenko, G. Teydzha, H. Indzheyan and others.

Reel №1

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1. Reception in the Kremlin Prime Minister Kosygin PNRM. P.Yaroshevicha.

2. 5th Congress of the All-Union Scientific and Technical Societies.

3. Inventor-innovator V.Moiseev.

4. Construction of mining and processing enterprise in Erdente.

5. A Soviet-Hungarian friendship at the Moscow plant named after Vladimir Lenin.

6. A solemn meeting at the House of Friendship, on Independence Day of the Republic of India.

7. International exhibition "Wood-78" in Moscow.

8. Fur farms "May" in Kabardino-Balkaria.

9. Boxing match USSR-USA.

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