Relocation of the Red Army on the eve of World War II (1940-1941)

Footage №22482, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:33

Scene №1 Relocation of the Red Army on the eve of World War II

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Soldiers of Red Army units are loaded on the train.

Passing horse carts with guns.

The soldiers will ship military equipment to the railway platform.

The soldiers got into the van.

Commanders of the train.

Train rides with military vehicles.

Soldiers from teplushek waved.

Photos of the military Chief of General Staff, General Post-Lieutenant Trubetskoy.

Military exercises of troops on the ground of a new dislocation - passing tanks, flamethrowers shoot, run by soldiers with machine guns, soldiers from the mortar, the commanders

teachings on the lookout.

Key words

Red Army 1940-1941gg.

Calendar: 1940-1941

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