Seventh Congress of People's Deputies of Russia (1992)

Footage №25316, 1 footage, duration: 0:20:10

Scene №1 Social and political life

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MP Lukin on the sidelines of 7 - First Congress of People's Deputies of Russia.

Talking deputies.

Join delegates.

S.Filatov passes.

S. Baburin interview.

Red Square at night.

Rally on Vasilevsky descent.

Delegates review the literature on the tray.

The congress delegates at the buffet.

S.Umalatova photographed with two delegates.

Press service of the Congress.


Lukin V. Filatov S. Baburin S. Umalatova S. -- politician

Calendar: 12.1992

Locations: Moscow [820]

Seasons: Winter [823]

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