In Pushkin Moscow. The cycle of "History of Moscow." (1983)

Documentary №35605, 3 parts, duration: 0:29:07
Production: Centrnauchfilm (CNF)
Director:Tyapkin F., Tyapkin F.
Camera operators:E. Oljshevskaya
Other authors:Zvuk - N. Roginskaya



Walk through the places of Moscow associated with memory AS Pushkin Lead - Yu Yakovlev, has 120 places of memory associated with the name of the poet.

Reel №1 In Pushkin Moscow. The cycle of "History of Moscow."

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Place in Moscow attractions associated with the name of the Russian poet Alexander Pushkin: Tverskaya, Kropotkin, Bauman Street, Bloch's Cathedral, which was christened Alexander Pushkin.

Yusupov Palace, the Grand Kharitonievsky Lane, Petrovsky Palace, the Grand Theatre, the Column Hall of the House of Unions.

Deli number 1 on Tverskaya Street, where the interior Z. Volkonskaya.

Exhibits of the State Pushkin Museum on Kropotkin Street.

Antique prints, watercolors, lithographs, the contents of which recreates the atmosphere of the first third of the 19th century.

Sound excerpts from the memoirs of contemporaries of Alexander Pushkin by artist Yuri Yakovlev.

Key words

The Orthodox Church.


Yakovlev Yu. -- actor

Calendar: 1983

Locations: Moscow [820]

Seasons: Summer [824]

Reel №2

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Yakovlev stands in front of the Travel Palace.

Petrovsky Castle (lithography).

Old Moscow (lithographs).

Quadriga at the Bolshoi Theater.

The Bolshoi Theater.

The hall of the Bolshoi Theater.

The Hall of the Noble Assembly.

Eliseevsky deli.

Pushkin in the salon Z.Volkonskoy (artist G.Myasoedov).

The building where the salon of Princess Volkonskaya was.

The house in Krivokolenny Lane, where the poet D.Venevitinov Pushkin read the poem "Boris Godunov".

Pond of the Moscow Zoo.

Presnensky ponds (lithography).


The building where the Pushkin Museum is located.

Interiors of the Pushkin Museum.

Oneginsky Hall of the museum.

Locations: Moscow [820]

Seasons: Summer [824]

Reel №3

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Interiors of the museum.


Portrait of Pushkin (miniature).

Portrait of N. Goncharova.

Portrait of Pushkin.

Portrait of N. Goncharova.

The white hall of the hotel, in one of the rooms of which the sonnet "Madonna" was written.

Memorial plaque to Pushkin and Mickiewicz on the house in Glinishchevsky Lane.

The house on the Arbat (now the memorial apartment of A. Pushkin).

Portrait of Prince Vyazemsky.

Portrait of Yazykov.

Portrait of Baratynsky.

Portrait of I. Kireevsky.

Portrait of D.Davydova.

Portrait of Nashchokin.

Temple B.Ascension.

Nashchokin's house in Gagarinsky Lane.

Nashchokin's apartment in miniature.

Nashchokin's house in Vorotnikovsky Lane.

Portrait of Nashchokin's wife.

Posthumous portrait of Pushkin, painted by K. Mazer.

Moscow (picture).

Pushkin monument on the square named after him.

Locations: Moscow [820]

Seasons: Summer [824]

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