Soviet Ural Mountains № 7 (1982)

Newsreel №3639, 1 part, duration: 0:09:34
Production: Sverdlovsk newsreel studio
Camera operators:V.Monastirskij, V.Gorshkov, R.Lyaginskov
Text authors:L.Bortvina


Brigadier Uralmash A.Korolev. Sverdlovsk. 2. N.Kudymov, director of the farm Kudymkar. 3. Veteran actor L.Obolensky Soviet cinema. Miass.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

1. Uralmash workshop.

Brigadier A. Korolev.

The Korolev brigade is at work.

The Korolev brigade is coming from work.

2. Panorama of the snow-covered village.

A tractor is carrying a haystack.

A string of sledges carrying hay is driving along the road.

Director of the Kudymkarsky state farm N.Kudymov.

Livestock farm, a worker feeds cows.

Director of repair shops.

N. Kudymov works in the office.

Evening, the director comes home.

3. On the stage L. Obolensky.

Fans give flowers to Obolensky.

Photos of cinema figures of the 20s by Meerhold, Khozlova, Kuleshov).

A fragment of the film "The Feast of St.


S. Eisenstein (photo).

Photos by L. Obolensky.

Colleagues congratulate the actor on the award.

Applause, champagne.


Obolenskij L.L.= kinoakter, rezhisser, pedagog.Narodnij artist RSFSR

Locations: Sverdlovsk [876] Perm Krai [763] Chelyabinsk region [811]

Seasons: Winter [823]

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