Tech dispensary. (1985)

Documentary №39384, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:02
Production: Centrnauchfilm (CNF)
Director:Ratsimor A.


System of practice for the protection of workers' health - prevention, health centers.

Reel №1 Tech dispensary.

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

System of practice for the protection of workers' health - prevention, health centers.

Key words

Preventive inspection.
Medical devices.


Leonov B.I., professor. Misyuk N.S., professor.

Calendar: 1985

Locations: Moscow [820]


Polyclinics. All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Medical Technology.

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Computer-X-ray tomography apparatus.

Research on the device.

The image of the brain on the CRT screen.

Prevention Department at the MOTOR BUILDER software.

The candidate of medical Sciences E.K. Vlasova tells.

In-depth preventive inspection of the workers of the enterprise.

Automated system of annual medical examination.


Diagnostic examinations.

The doctor enters information about the patient into the computer.

The candidate of medical Sciences E.K. Vlasova tells.

Employees of the enterprise at their workplaces.

Massage room.

Swimming pool.

Therapeutic gymnastics.

Key words

Automated medical examination system.
Enterprise computers and employee health.


Vlasova E.K., kandidat medicinskih nauk.

Calendar: 1985

Locations: Moscow [820] Zaporozhye


MOTOR BUILDER Production Association

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