USSR-Syria on the eve of the launch. (1987)

Documentary №48819, 1 part, duration: 0:09:26
Production: Centrnauchfilm (CNF)
Director:V. Sivkov, M. Sulejman
Screenwriters:I. Nehamkin
Camera operators:A. Marinchenko, M. Alkedzh
Sound mixer:A. Romanov
Other authors:V. Kuzin


The film tells about the preparation for the flight into space of Soviet cosmonauts Alexander Viktorenko and Alexander Alexandrov and Syrian cosmonaut Mohammed Faris.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Portrait of Yuri Gagarin.

Storyboard: members of international crews aboard spacecraft during flights under the Intercosmos program.

Views of the streets of the Star city, snow on the branches of trees.

Syrian cosmonaut Mohammed Faris and his understudy at a Russian language lesson.

The understudy Munir Habib reads a poem in Russian, Faris continues reading from the next stanza (synchronously), the faces of Faris and his understudy.

M. Habib's family at a tea table in the vicinity of Latakia.

The faces of Habib's relatives.

Faris is in a Russian language class.

Faris' brother, a mechanic, oversees the operation of factory equipment.

Faris' brother, a taxi driver, is driving a car.

The third brother of Faris, an accountant.

View of a part of the Damascus quarter (from above).

Views of the streets of Damascus, people and transport on the streets of the city.

Types of new residential quarters.

Panorama of the suburbs of Damascus (from above).

Spacecraft before launch against the background of the starry sky (combined shooting).

Cosmonauts A.S. Viktorenko and Faris during training.

Cosmonauts Viktorenko and Alexandrov together with their Syrian colleagues at Baikonur at the monument to the VOSTOK spacecraft.

Khabib talks with cosmonauts Savinykh and Solovyov before starting training on simulators.

Habib and Faris during theoretical classes.

Cosmonauts' study of remote sensing equipment of the Earth's surface, Alexandrov's face.

Alexandrov checks Faris' actions.

View of the dam on the Euphrates (from above).

Faris is studying materials science equipment for conducting experiments on board the space station, Viktorenko and Alexandrov are helping him.

Training of astronauts on the water, training in the use of rescue equipment.

Astronauts during training on simulator simulators and underwater.

Faris and Khabib are engaged in strength training in the gym.

The space crew inspects the tail section of the ship in the hangar.

Panorama of the press conference hall.

The faces of the journalists sitting in the hall.

Cosmonaut A.A. Lenov represents the members of the space crews.

The faces of the members of the main and backup crews - Viktorenko, Alexandrov, Faris, Solovyov, Savins and Habib.

Soviet and Syrian cosmonauts in the hangar during the inspection of the MIR station.

The faces of the members of the main and backup crews.

The disk of the sun in the sky.

Key words



Viktorenko Aleksandr Stepanovich -- pilot-cosmonaut Aleksandrov Aleksandr Pavlovich -- pilot-cosmonaut Savinih Viktor Petrovich -- pilot-cosmonaut Solovjev Anatolij Yakovlevich -- pilot-cosmonaut Faris Muhammed Ahmed -- Syrian pilot-cosmonaut Habib Munir Habib -- Syrian pilot-cosmonaut

Calendar: 1993

Locations: Moscow region [788] Syria [213] Kazakhstan [114]

Seasons: Winter [823] Summer [824]

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