Construction and architecture № 6 (1984)

Newsreel №53654, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:55
Production: Centrnauchfilm (CNF)
Director:Slomyanskij B.


1. "Along the BAM route". On the integrated development of BAM. On solar heating and hot water supply systems developed by NIEPI Gosgrazhdanstroy of the USSR. 4. "For a long memory." The ancient photographs helped restore masterpieces of Russian architecture to life.

Scene №1

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1 Monuments in photos I.F.Barschevskogo - exhibition.

2 "For a long memory"

Photos of the old landmarks.

Shchusev Museum in Moscow.

Old photos.

Museum staff.

Restoration of monuments.

Red Square.

Calendar: 1984

Locations: Moscow [820] St. Petersburg [814]

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