Perov Painter (1833-1882) (1953)

Documentary №58825, 1 part, duration: 0:10:05
Production: Centrnauchfilm (CNF)
Director:Razumnij A.
Screenwriters:Vladimirskij S.
Camera operators:Tarasov A.
Composers:Shvarc L.


The film is dedicated to the works of the famous Russian painter Vasily Perov, and the value of the artist's work in culture.

Reel №1

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Portrait of Vasily Perov.

Visitors to the museum.

Famous paintings of the artist, the analysis and a brief description of the works.

Works Gallery Perov.

Portraits of prominent figures of culture.

Paintings and sketches dedicated to the Pugachev rebellion.

Excursion to the museum hall.

Locations: Moscow [820]

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