Die Deutsche Wochenschau № 624 (1942)

Newsreel №59262, 4 parts, duration: 0:30:54
Production: UFA

Reel №1

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1. North Africa.

Artillery post on the Egyptian coast.

Soldiers emerge from the tent, run to the sea, bathe, wash, shave.

Observer with binoculars on a rock.

Breakfast in field conditions.

The soldiers are from the canisters to the broken English the plane, lies a barrel of fuel.

Take out the water from the well, it is covered with oil film.

Soldiers digging a canal, pumping water into the canal.

Views of the channel.

The inscription in German and Italian about the water source.

German tanks going past the caravan of camels in the direction of El Alamein, the artillery in cars, trucks with soldiers.

Artillery positions at El Alamein.

Marshals Rommel and Bastico consider Hiking map, discussing the actions.

Uncovered weapons, charging, shooting.

Rommel smiling, talking with the soldiers.

Tankers awarding of Iron crosses.

2. The Atlantic coast of Europe, map.

Admiral Raeder inspects the connection of the German Navy.

With the officers of the card attached to the Board.

A huge bunker with a lot of German submarines.

PNRM. the bunker.

Raeder with the officers going to the Doc.

Submarine from the dock out to sea.

3. Of the Soviet Union.

The Northern section of the Eastern front, Murmansk and Salla.

NDP on the Board: area of the fortress Kirkenes.

General Dietl inspects a line of soldiers, shaking hands.

The RAID of German bombers on the Soviet positions.

Motion mountain Rangers in the woods, they are fighting.

Soldiers with a flamethrower set fire to the huts of the village.

There is a column of Soviet POWs.

The movement of German transports riding on terrible dirt.

The Germans transported the pontoons on horseback, those on the belly in the mud, soldiers lashing horses with a whip.

The soldiers then carry the pontoons on hand to the river crossing.

The rest of the soldiers, they take Packed Lunches, cigarettes, bread.

Finnish girls serve soup in the field.

Girls sit with soldiers, talking.

Locations: Africa USSR [863]

Reel №2

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4. Of the Soviet Union.

The Northern section of the front.

Finnish girls talk to the soldiers.

A soldier writes a letter, another reads a newspaper.

Gunners load a gun, shooting at Soviet positions on the opposite shore.

5. Of the Soviet Union.

The Central section of the Eastern front.

The movement of German troops through the muddy roads.

Horses almost drowning in dirty water, turn the cart.

Soldiers climb on downed logs, a foot soldier slips in the mud.

The Soviet artillery fire, fleeing German soldiers, signalmen establishing telephone.

The reflection of the attacks of the Soviet troops, shoot German guns, saradoc mortar.

German planes take off, the pilot in the cockpit.

The RAID on the Soviet positions, see the bombs exploding on the ground, on the road.

Bombing it burns.

6. Of the Soviet Union.

Military actions in the Kuban.

The movement of German tanks and infantry on the steppe.

Appear Soviet bombers, the Germans take cover at the roadside.

The flak hits the plane, he crashes and burns.

German infantry and tanks on the March.

The fighting in the village, burning house.

The soldiers are hiding behind the tank.

German soldiers on bicycles.

Fight night in the village, the fires, the actions of the German flame thrower.

Attack German and Romanian troops in Armavir.

Shooting infantry.


Tanks, infantry included in Armavir.

View of the city.

PNRM. at competitive homes, the river.

German artillery fire down the street from the cannon.

The crossing of the Kuban inflatable boats from Armavir.

Locations: USSR [863]

Reel №3

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7. Of the Soviet Union.

German tanks on the March, they are at the train station.

One of the tanks, lying pig.

Tanks moving to Voroshilov, the capture of the farm.

Cows, German soldiers milking a cow, followed by runs boy.

Peasants near a farm.

Soldiers get water from the well, watered the cattle.

German troops move on.

The shelling of the Soviet airfield, lit aeroplane, the Germans near the airplane.

The capture of Voroshilov, city views, Church.

Twisted rail journey.

German soldiers are digging.

Locations: USSR [863]

Reel №4

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8. Of the Soviet Union.

The southern sector of the front.

German and Romanian troops on the March.

Divisional General out of the car welcomes the passing troops.

Crossing a small tributary of the Kuban.

Soldiers enjoy the moment, wash in the river.

Tanks and infantry crossing.

Camels graze, devour the leaves of trees.

Requisitioned camels, the Germans are trying to climb on them.

Soldiers from the car, stroking the snout of the camel.

The German sitting next to chewing the muzzle of a camel.

The Germans on camels crossing a corn field.

German troops on the March on the way to Krasnodar.

Infantry, cyclists.

Introduction to Krasnodar, street fighting.

Tanks, artillery pulling a gun, shoot.

First aid to the wounded, a nurse bandaging the soldier.

In fires, smoke, factory chimney sticking out.

Nazi troops on the March South of Krasnodar, go to Maykop Pyatigorsk.

Locations: USSR [863]

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