Leningrad chronicles № 32 (1977)

Newsreel №59502, 1 part, duration: 0:09:57
Production: LSDF
Director:P.Kogan, I.Chigilejchik

Reel №1

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1. The city for the anniversary of Oct., 2. Sea trials of the nuclear icebreaker "Sibir"., 3. Kirov plant, Assembly plant., 4. Metal factory, a unique steam turbine., 5. Weekdays SELA., 6. The story about the foreman of the builders Stupakova., 7. New metro station "Leninsky prospect", "Prospect VETERANOV"., 8. Weekdays complex "Kotelsky"., 9. The success of poultry "Orlinsky"., 10. The construction of the complex "Ushaka"., 11. Reconstruction of the Leningrad factories., 12. The plot of the vocational school № 49., 13. Day of the young worker., 14. The Admiralty plant, the construction of a ship bearing the name Chueva.

The Performance Of Romanov., 15. The Leningrad Union of artists, exhibition of Leningrad artists., 16. The premiere of "the Quiet don" in the BDT (O. Borisov, V. Strzhelchik, Oleg Basilashvili).

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