Soviet diploma (1982)

Documentary №62354, 5 parts, duration: 0:49:05
Production: LSDF
Director:M.Litvyakov, I.Kalinina
Camera operators:Yu.Aleksandrov, V.Djyakonov
Sound mixer:M.Podtakuj


Training of young specialists for the countries of socialist orientation in the early 1980-ies, when the Soviet Union studied at the same time 85 thousand foreign citizens. They studied not only in the well-known University of Friendship of peoples. Patrice Lumumba, but also in Universities and colleges of Leningrad, Kiev, Baku, where the shooting took place.

Reel №1

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Troika racing through the forest.

Young people sit in the sleigh, laughing.

In one of the triples - an accordion player.

At the rink, young people from Africa learn to skate.

A lesson of Russian language for foreign students.

Language lab.

Students wearing headphones.

Red Square, view of the Pokrovsky Cathedral.

The embankment of the Moscow River, the Kremlin Wall.

The building of the Moscow State University on the Leninsky Mountains.

Student audience, students in white coats.

The faces of the students.

Laboratory classes.

Medical students in the institute museum.

The teacher leads the class.

The boat pulls up to the shore.

A dark-skinned man is rowing with one oar while standing in a boat.

Ocean waves.

Boys on the shore near the boat.

The bus goes along the road past the palm trees.

African boys run next to the car.

A veterinary center in Brazzaville.

One of the center's laboratories.

Young Congolese scientists who studied in the USSR.

Scientists in the laboratory.

A woman stands on the street with a basin on her head, a child behind her back.

The streets of Brazzaville, a small market.

A tractor is driving down the street.

A Congolese cameraman who graduated from VGIK shoots everyday scenes on the streets of the city.

Children watch the shooting and pose.

A man carves a figure out of wood.

Figurines made of wood.

Children's Hospital in Brazzaville.

Newborn children in cuvettes.

Pediatrician Jean Claver (synchronously) about his work.

A small child in her mother's arms.

The doctor examines the child.

A woman is breastfeeding a baby.

Locations: Moscow [820] Congo [51]

Seasons: Winter [823] Summer [824]

Reel №2

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A Congolese family who met in Moscow.

The boy speaks Russian.

A woman tells how she met her future husband while studying in Moscow (synchronously).

The seaport of Pointe-Noire.

Unloading the ship.

An engineer who studied in the USSR(synchronously) about the attitude to specialists who studied in the USSR.

Unloading of wood.

Palace Square in Leningrad.

On the Nevsky is a column of military.

May 9 holiday in Leningrad.

People watch the parade.

Demonstration of workers on the streets of Leningrad(from the top point).

Piskarevskoye cemetery.

People go to lay wreaths and flowers.

Indian student (synchronously) about Russian people, about Leningrad.

A river boat sails under the Lomonosov Bridge.

Anichkov Bridge.

Eternal Flame in the Alexander Garden in Moscow.

The queue at the Lenin Mausoleum.

International students are waiting in line at the mausoleum.

A keepsake photo on Red Square.

Streets of Sofia.

People's Architect of Bulgaria Georgy Stoilov (synchronously).

Halls where the Biennale of Architects was held.

The Rila Hotel, built according to the project of G. Stoilov.

Radio House.

Palace of Congresses.


Hungarian locomotives.

Andras Dunaisky-CEO of Ganz-MÁVAG (synchronously) about studying at the Ural Polytechnic University.

Locations: Congo [51] Leningrad [848] Bulgaria [34] Hungary [100]

Seasons: Summer [824] Winter [823]

Reel №3

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The clock on the Old Town Square in Prague.

General view of the Association "Chempetrol" in Prague.

General Director of "Chempetrol" Jiri Wenzel (synchronously).

Teenagers feed pigeons.

View of the Moscow River from SAVA.

View of the Kremlin from the Stone Bridge.

Foreign students sing "Katyusha".

20th anniversary of the Peoples ' Friendship University.

Graduates of different years who came to the anniversary.

Short interviews of graduates.

A solemn meeting, the removal of the banner.

Girls in the hostel are preparing for the New Year's carnival.

Students from the GDR sing .

"Student party".

Leningrad Mining Institute.

Students of the Mining Institute in the classroom.

Medical students in surgery.

Future hydraulic engineers in the classroom.

General plan of Baku.

Institute of Petroleum and Chemistry.

Future oil workers in practice.

Future shipbuilders in the classroom in the experimental pool.

Practice at the ship repair yard.


Sofia Square.


Students go down the stairs at the Institute of Civil Aviation.

An airport.

Locations: Czech Republic [59] Moscow [820] Leningrad [848] Baku [948] Kiev [933]

Seasons: Summer [824] Winter [823]

Reel №4

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A Cuban student is discharged from the hospital and is greeted with flowers.

A woman and a girl who were rescued by a Cuban student.

Seeing the graduate home.

Solemn meeting of the Association of Graduates of Soviet Universities in Cuba.

A few riders among the palm trees.

A graduate of the Kiev Agricultural Academy examines a calf.

Veterinary doctor on the farm.

Cosmonauts Yuri Romanenko and Arnaldo Tamayo Mendez.

Cuban and Soviet cosmonauts in training.

Before the flight at the spacecraft Yu.

Romanenko and A. T. Mendes.

Rocket launch.

Meeting of the Cuban cosmonaut at home.

F.Castro hugs a Cuban astronaut and attaches the star of the Hero of Cuba to his tunic.

Boys on the Havana waterfront.

Graduation performance of graduates of the circus school -the first national Cuban troupe.


Ballet class.

A rehearsal of the Cuban National Ballet "Spring" at the Budapest Opera and Ballet Theater.

Adele Oros directs the rehearsal.

Soloist of the Budapest Ballet (synchronously) that she studied in Leningrad.

Ya Rays - the soloist of the ballet (synchronously).


Oros (synchronously).

Palace Square in Leningrad.

I. Repin Institute.

The library's reading room.

Young artists draw.

A Mongolian student shows his work to a teacher.

Black students on skis.

Sri Lanka.


Romanenko Yu.V.-Lyotchik-kosmonavt SSSR, dvazhdi Geroj Sovetskogo Soyuza. Arnaljdo Tamajo Mendes -pervij kubinskij kosmonavt, pervij latinoamerikanec i pervoe lico afrikanskogo proishozhdeniya v kosmose. Oros A. -prima Budapeshtskogo opernogo teatra.

Locations: Havana [912] Moscow [820] Budapest [865] Leningrad [848] Sri Lanka [206]

Seasons: Summer [824] Winter [823]

Reel №5

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Buddhist monks walk on the bridge.

Rice fields.

Construction of a hydroelectric power station.

Dam on the river.

Collection of tea.

Tea leaf processing factory.

A factory in Colombo for the production of machines for processing, drying and sorting tea.

The elephants bathing.

Snake charmer on the beach.

Young people sit at a table on the beach, one of them plays the guitar and sings "The Last Train".

Souvenir shop.

A boy with two monkeys sitting on his shoulders.

On the streets of Colombo.

A former university student (synchronously)about what his studies in the USSR gave him.

Young Sri Lankans at the Soviet Cultural Center in Colombo.

The girls are standing on the ocean shore and reading something.

Two young men are sitting with books in their hands.

The lesson of the Russian language.

Presentation of diplomas of the branch of the Institute of the Russian Language at the Soviet cultural center in the Congo.


Novoarbatsky bridge.

Presentation of Soviet diplomas to foreign students.

V. Stavis admonishes graduates (synchronously).

Graduate (synchronously).

The concert of graduates.


Stanis V.F.-uchyonij-ekonomist, obschestvennij deyatelj, vtoroj rektor Universiteta druzhbi narodov im. Patrisa Lumumbi

Locations: Sri Lanka [206] Congo (Democractic Republic) [52] Moscow [820]

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