Tonwoche № 358 (1937)

Newsreel №63865, 1 part, duration: 0:11:51, black-white
Production: UFA

Reel №1

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International racing for the prize of Vanderbilt.

The beginning of the race.

The view from the plane on track.

Spectators in the stands.

German racing driver, Rosemeyer wins the Cup.

To re-attempt flight over the North Atlantic.

Plane English postal service takes off from the water.

The pilots in the cockpit.

Radioman discourages message.

Flying over the sea.

Landing in the city.


Competitions in tennis between Germany and Czechoslovakia.

Pairwise game men.

Sports festival of the Italian organization of free leisure.

Mass exercises at the stadium of girls in white skirts and black blouses.

Mussolini on the podium.

Girls perform exercises, holding a flexible stick.

The line of girls throws the spear in length.

The mass gymnastic exercises of the young men with flags in their hands.

Jumping over benches with sitting on their comrades.

Showing training of firefighters.

They climb the walls with ladders.

Jumping out of the Windows and from the roof to fastened to the wall of the cloth stretched to the ground.

Mussolini gives cadets their diplomas.

A fishing holiday in Japan.

In the sea there are big boats, decorated with long banners, flags.

With boats thrown the network, then pull in their catch.

Fisherman poddevat big fish with a net, shows it.

Water competition between the teams of Germany and Hungary.

Competitions in swimming among men in the outdoor pool.

Water Polo.

Cycling race "Tour de France" of the five stages.

Cyclists race through town, on the road, moving across the bridge.

Stop at the stage, the driver guzzles water.

The race continues, leaving the city by the old bridge, the route goes through the forest.

Finish, she kisses the winner.

Seeing a small garrison in the Harz.

Recruits in funny hats and beards are attached with the bags.

They are fooling around, roll on the ground rolling baby.

Recruits marching through the streets of Blankenburg, the people walking, accompanying to the station.

Seeing the station, the train departs.

The March of the British fascists in London.

Top view of the street where the Nazis March.

The sides go to the police.

The police have to drag the citizens who are trying to fight against the Nazis.

Two police officers lead a woman.

Wounded in the scuffle the young man put on a head bandage.

There is a fight between fascists and their opponents.

New police squad out of the tram.

The police holding back the crowd.

The rally of the Nazis in the square, he spoke, people raising their arms in a Nazi salute.

The police takes wounded.

Fun Randomperson camp on a lake near Berlin.

On the coast is a fun competition between sailors.

Two teams try to pull the rope to their side.

The descent on the boards by jumping in the water.

The men sleeping in pairs on the sand to the water rushing into the sea, dive.

Key words

USA, 1937, racing, personalities
England, 1937, civil aviation, post office
Germany, 1937, sports, tennis
waist, 1937, sports, celebrations, Mussolini, fire
Japan, 1937, holidays, rybolovstvo
Germany, 1937, sport, swimming, water Polo
France, 1937, sports, Cycling
Germany, 1937, recruits, wires
England, 1937, demonstration, fascists, police, meetings
Germany, 1937, sailors, sport

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