Science and technology № 14 (1973)

Newsreel №75257, 1 part, duration: 0:09:53
Production: Centrnauchfilm (CNF)
Director:Kogtev K., Sudejkin V., Solnceva L., Berenshtejn Yu.
Editor:Mahmudbek Yu.
Camera operators:Sudejkin V., Solnceva L., Berenshtejn Yu.
Text authors:Ditrih A.
Sound mixer:Belousov M.



1. Five-Year Plan. The third decisive. Giant-station wagon (Ulyanovsk plant of heavy and unique machine tools). 2. Saving Life ... (Sklifosovsky Institute: a new method for treating acute poisoning). 3. Teacher, student and electronics (Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology). 4. From a distance of time (Paleontological Institute of the Academy of Sciences, the work of Professor Flerov).

Reel №1

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