Science and technology № 21 (1972)

Newsreel №75266, 1 part, duration: 0:09:48
Production: Centrnauchfilm (CNF)
Director:Uljyanov A.
Production Manager:Rodin B.
Screenwriters:Chumakov E.
Editor:Levin A.
Text authors:Biljchinskij V.



Dedicated to the 25th anniversary of scientific and technical cooperation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Polish People's Republic. 1. Scientific session of scientific and technical cooperation of the USSR and Poland (Petr Yaroshevich, Vladimir Kirillin, Edward Gerek). 2. The name of Lenin (metallurgical plant in Novaya Guta). 3. Collaborate scientists (clinic of the Warsaw Medical Academy and the Institute of Cardiology. Myasnikov). 4. Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna. 5. Warsaw Polytechnic Institute (honorary doctorate degree to Academician Kirillin) 6. Integration in action (cooperation of the "Guta Steel Will" combine with Soviet machine-building enterprises, agricultural machinery). 7. Meeting of the headquarters of the Economic Cooperation of the countries of Socialism - the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance in Moscow.

Reel №1

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