Science and technology № 3 (1982)

Newsreel №76062, 1 part, duration: 0:09:13
Production: Centrnauchfilm (CNF)
Director:Frolov I.


3. "Points on an unusual map" On new research in the field of electropuncture diagnostics and therapy. 4. "Pushkin lived here" About Pushkin's dacha in Tsarskoe Selo.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

"At the automobile manufacturers of KAMAZ".

One of the workshops of KAMAZ.

Automatic line.

Precision casting shop.

Carousel machine with electronic control.

Wax models of future parts.

Pouring metal into ceramic blocks.

Assembly shop.

Ready-made KAMAZ trucks.

"LILO -2".

A model of a pipeline container system.

The LILO system.

The dispatcher on the remote controls the process.

Pipeline on the surface.

Movement of containers through the pipeline.

The blower station.

Automatic unloading of containers at the terminal station.

"Points on an unusual map".

The man's head is entangled with sensors with wires.

A needle is inserted into a man's ear.

Photo by Professor Paul Nogier.

Drawing of the auricle with the designation of acupuncture points.

F. G. Portnov-Chief Physiotherapist of the Ministry of Health of Latvia in the office.

Professor Portnov conducts research using a dipstick.

Experiment on a rabbit.

F. G. Portnov with a patient.

Lecture by Professor Portnov.

"Pushkin lived here."

Autumn Park in Tsarskoye Selo.

Monument to Pushkin.

Alley in Tsarskoye Selo Park.

The house where Pushkin lived.

Portrait of N. N. Goncharova.

Museum interiors.

Old house plan.

Watercolour of the 19th century with a view of the house.

Artist T. N. Voronikhina and museum curator N. M. Chernetskaya look at old albums.

Personal belongings of Pushkin's friends.

Pushkin's Manuscripts.

Portrait of Pushkin in a hat.


Portnov F.G. - professor, glavnij fizioterapevt Ministerstva zdravoohraneniya Latvii v kabinete. Voronihina T.N. - hudozhnik N.M.Cherneckaya - hranitelj Carskoseljskogo muzeya

Locations: The Republic of Tatarstan [752] Georgia [83] Riga [969]


KAMAZ (Naberezhnye Chelny)

Seasons: Winter [823] Autumn [826]

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