Nikolo-Solbinsky Monastery in the Yaroslavl Region (2004)

Footage №78160, 2 footages, duration: 0:23:57

Scene №1 Nikolo-Solbinsky Monastery in the Yaroslavl Region

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Subsidiary of the Nikolo-Solbinsky Monastery.

Cows, ducks in the courtyard.

Temple of the monastery.

The monastic churchyard.

Interview with the nun Akphia.

The history of the monastery.

Residents of surrounding villages.

Interview with the priest and abbot Iroteid.

Calendar: 2004

Scene №2 Nikolo-Solbinsky Monastery (source material)

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Territory of the monastery.

Duck with ducklings.

At work, the nun Akphia.

Auxiliary farm: the cow eats hay.

Mother Superior Irotheid.

Memorial stone in honor of the foundation of the monastery, wooden cross.

A horse, a dog.

Temple in the monastery.

The monastic cell.

Interior of the Baptistery, the cathedral, the territory of the monastery.

The sisters go to the temple.

Start the service.

Icons, candle (large).

Singing on the choirs.

Mother Superior in worship.

Construction work on the territory of the monastery: a tractor and other special equipment.

Calendar: 2004

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