The Parliamentary Delegation Of Mexico In The USSR. (1983)

Documentary №8814, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:30
Production: CSDF (RCSDF)
Director:Skitovich V.
Camera operators:Lovkov V., Cherkasov S.
Text authors:Bukalov A.


The visit of parliamentarians of Mexico to the USSR.

Temporary description:

1h. - Stay of the delegation of the National Congress of the United Mexican States in Moscow. Meetings with members of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, sightseeing. Laying a wreath at the Mausoleum of Lenin. Newsreel: 1941 - formation of soldiers passes in front of the Mausoleum. Victory Parade (July 1945). Visiting Moscow State University. 2h. - Visit of the delegation of the cities of Vladimir and Suzdal. Staying in Baku. Returning to Moscow, the completion of the visit.

Reel №1

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Official visit to the Soviet Union delegation of the National Congress of the United Mexican States at the invitation of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Heads delegation chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Deputies of Mexico Luis Rodriguez Danton.


Capital Airport.

State flags of the Soviet Union and Mexico.

Members of the delegation of the National Congress of the United Mexican States are met officials of the USSR.

The building of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Plaque with the inscription: "The Supreme Soviet of the USSR."

The conversation in the Kremlin, President of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR AP Shitikova with guests from Mexico.

Take part in the conversation: the Mexican side - Louis Danton Rodriguez, Raul Castellanos, Perla Sanchez Lazcano, Antonio Melendez Fabila, Carlos Barrios Honey, El Salvador Castagnola O'Connor, Jesus Lujan Gutierrez, Miguel Borge Martin, Juan Millan Lissarraga, Mexican ambassador to the Soviet Union, Flores de la Peña;  the Soviet side - the Soviet Ambassador in Mexico Sergeev, Deputy Chairman of the Soviet of Nationalities Zaychenko.

Open the door.

Courtroom of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Chandeliers.

Painted on the walls, frescoes; malachite fireplace in the hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace.

Moscow, Red Square.

Mausoleum VI Lenin.

Crown of the parliamentary delegation of Mexico to the Mausoleum of VI Lenin puts Luis Rodriguez Danton.

Newsreel 1917-1922: VI Lenin

Portrait VI Lenin.

Newsreel of 1941 .: A military parade on Red Square on November 7 1941: worth soldiers; passes military equipment - tanks; cavalry.

Mausoleum VI Lenin.

Standing members of the Victory Day Parade (June 24, 1945 Red Square).

The Mausoleum of VI Lenin abandoned fascist banners.

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier near the Kremlin wall.

Eternal Flame.

Laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier from the delegation of Mexico.

The building of the Moscow City Council.

Chairman of the Board of the Moscow Soviet VF Crafts takes members of the Mexican delegation and leads to them talk.

New Moscow.

Luzhniki (small arena) - from the observation deck.

Parliamentarians of Mexico at the building of Moscow State University.


Full-scale building plans of the sports complex "Olympic".

Parliamentarians visit Mexico Peoples' Friendship University named after Patrice Lumumba.

Talk to the university administration.

Speech by the Rector of the University of VF Stanis.

Guests among Mexican students studying in the Soviet Union.

Mexican parliamentarians visited the Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy of the USSR pavilion "Electrification".

Visiting the exhibits of the pavilion.

Map Electrification of the Soviet Union.

Reel №2

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Members of the Mexican delegation visited the ancient Russian city of Vladimir, Suzdal, visiting monuments of ancient architecture, church.

Vladimir Kremlin.


Soviet-Mexican talks in the Kremlin.

Participate in the negotiations: AP Shitikov, Chairman of the Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR VP Ruben, a candidate member of the CPSU Central Committee, first secretary of the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR LA Kulidzhanov and others.




Monument VI Lenin.

Members of the Mexican delegation acquainted with the city.

Monument "26 Baku commissars."

Detail of the monument.

Passers-by on the streets.

The fortress walls of the old city; Maiden's Tower; Palace of the Shirvan Shahs; old shopping arcade.

Talk to the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan SSR first secretary of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan, a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU KM Bagirov with parliamentarians of Mexico.

Guests from Mexico to shop Baku factory of household air conditioners talk with the workers.

Plant employees at work.

Factory building.

Vineyards Azerbaijani kolkhoz.

Bunches of grapes.


Loading crates of grapes to the machine.

The Mexican delegation in the shop of the Baku factory of sparkling wines.

Finished products plant on the conveyor.

Stand with the production factory of sparkling wines.

In the glass of champagne is poured.

Seagulls over the Caspian Sea.

Sailing boat.

Guests from Mexico visited the marine oil field "Oil Rocks".

Oil rigs at sea (shooting through the glass window of the boat).


Politburo member, First Deputy Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers, GA Aliyev takes the Kremlin delegation of the National Congress of Mexico and leads to them talk.

Danton says Luis Rodriguez.

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