Encyclopedia of astronauts.Klimuk (2016)

Documentary №99510, 1 part, duration: 0:04:04
Production: Studio Roscosmos
Other authors:Rozakova Marina, Kuckij Mihail, Shatilo Sergej, Trudova Nataljya, Pastuhov Sergej


A series of films about important pages of the life of Soviet and Russian cosmonauts. Pyotr Ilyich Klimuk is known not only as a research cosmonaut, but also as a doctor of technical Sciences and a laureate of the USSR State Prize for his work on the study of the effect of weightlessness on human health.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Pyotr Klimuk, portrait in a spacesuit.

Pilots in the classroom.

The pilot in the cockpit

The plane lands.


Tests on the simulator in preparation for space flights.

Photos of the Soyuz-13 crew (Pyotr Klimuk, Valentin Lebedev).

The Orion-2 telescope.

Scientists process the data.


The building of the Air Force Academy.

The second flight, the Soyuz-18 crew in space (Klimuk, Sevastyanov).

View of the Earth from space.

Communication session with the MCC.

The daily work of astronauts.

The sun.

Sevastyanov takes pictures.

A snapshot of a supernova.

Negotiations with the Salyut-4 station.

Landing of the lander.

Astronauts on earth.

Klimuk works during the flight.

Soyuz-30, Pyotr Klimuk and Miroslav Germashevsky.

View of the Earth from space.

The building of the military-political Academy.

Cosmonaut Training Center.

A fragment of the film "Ordinary Space", Klimuk and Sevastyanov wake up.

Klimuk is working in his office of the head of the training center, talking on the phone.


Klimuk P.I. -- Soviet cosmonaut, Colonel-General, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Sevastjyanov V.I. -- pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, Candidate of Technical Sciences, twice Hero of the Soviet Union. Germashevskij M. -- the first Polish cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union.

Calendar: 1973 1975 1978 1985

Locations: Moscow [820] Moscow region [788] Kazakhstan [114]

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