Encyclopedia of astronauts.Romanenko Yuri (2016)

Documentary №99578, 1 part, duration: 0:04:58
Production: Studio Roscosmos
Other authors:Rozakova Marina, Kuckij Mihail, Shatilo Sergej, Trudova Nataljya, Pastuhov Sergej


A series of films about important pages of the life of Soviet and Russian cosmonauts. Romanenko Yuri Viktorovich made three space flights, during the last of them he went into outer space three times and conducted the first astrophysical studies using the equipment of the Kvant module. Father of cosmonaut Roman Romanenko.

Reel №1

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Portrait of Yuri Romanenko in a spacesuit.

The plane takes off.

Training flights and shooting.

The plane lands.

Romanenko and Grechko are preparing for the flight.

Baikonur, top view of the launch pad.

A bus with astronauts arrives.

Romanenko and Grechko get off the bus.

Cameraman with a movie camera.

Astronauts wave goodbye.

The launch of Soyuz-26.

Views of the Earth and the station, spacewalk, negotiations with the MCC.

Astronauts descend the plane ramp.

Report to the Chairman of the State Commission.

People give flowers to astronauts.

View of the Earth from space.

Salyut-6 station.

Yuri Romanenko and Cuban cosmonaut Arnaldo Tamayo Mendes.

Gagarin Air Force Academy.

Baikonur, Soyuz TM-2 starts.

Astronauts work in outer space, conduct astrophysical research.

Cosmonaut Training Center.

Romanenko at the entrance to the center.

Portrait of Romanenko in a spacesuit.

Yuri Romanenko's son, Roman, at a press conference.

Portrait of Yuri Romanenko.


Romanenko Yu.V. -- pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, twice Hero of the Soviet Union. Romanenko R.Yu. -- pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Russian Federation, public and political figure. Grechko G.M. -- pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, twice Hero of the Soviet Union. Mendes A.T. -- the first Cuban cosmonaut, Hero of Cuba, Hero of the Soviet Union.

Calendar: 1960s 1977-1978 1980 1987

Locations: Moscow [820] Moscow region [788] Kazakhstan [114]

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