Daily News / A Chronicle of the day №6-1954 (1954)

Newsreel №10099, 1 part, Duration: 0:08:46 Black-white
Medvedkin A.
Camera operators:
Nebylickiy B., Opryshko P., Tsiperman B., Staroshas V., Bogorov A.


Different subjects.

Reel №1

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1. Meeting in Berlin, foreign ministers of the four powers: the USSR, France, Britain and the United States.

Pass, sit the members of the Soviet delegation, headed by the Soviet Foreign Minister VM Molotov.

The delegations of France, Britain, the United States.

Molotov read out a draft program to reduce international tensions and security in Europe.

Participants listened to.

2. Production in the shops of the Leningrad Metal Works Stalin giant turbine to the Kuibyshev hydroelectric station.

3. The output in the shops in Moscow perfume factory "Freedom" - the production of toothpaste, vaseline, soap.

Chemical laboratory of the factory.

Chemical engineers ES Dmitrieva and G. A. Borodin develop recipes of new varieties of soap.

Academician PA Rehbinder and Professor DA Christmas consult factory chemists.

Factory Director J. Aratov demonstrates scientists new product samples: "floating" soap, soap for salt water (spa soap "), figure soap for children.

The little girl washed in a basin, soaps head.

4. The new union holiday home in the October gorge near Saratov.

The building of holiday homes - commonly.

Guests in the room, the dining room, in the Reading Room.

The game of billiards.

She plays the guitar, man - the accordion.

Ski trip.

5. State Opera House, Vilnius.

The premiere of the composer Yu Yuzelyunasa "On the seashore.

Spectators in the courtroom.

Scenes from the play (synchronously).

6. Gathering in the GDR signatures under an appeal to the Foreign Ministers of the USSR, France, Britain and the USA (members upcoming Berlin meeting) on the need to participate in the conference, the two parts of Germany, the peaceful settlement of Germanic issue and create a united democratic independent Germany.

7. France,Marsel - view from the top of a wharf, street.

The collection of signatures against the rearmament of West Germany and a "European Army".

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