Footage №102970, 20 footages, Duration: 7:11:23
Доступность: Кинодокумент не опубликован

Scene №1 Admiral Ushakov F.F. Memorial Tournament among children's military-patriotic clubs, part 1

Cadet School No. 1700, Moscow United Naval Corps of Heroes of Sevastopol.

Cadet squads are being built in the school yard.

The colonel reports on the formation.

The guys greet the colonel according to the regulations.

The colonel is talking about the tournament in memory of Admiral Ushakov F.F.

Raising the flags of Russia, Moscow, the naval flag; the anthem of Russia sounds.

Cadets in naval uniform on the porch.

A priest and choristers conduct a prayer service.

A ship's anchor with the inscription "To the Cadet Corps from the bosses of the Zelenodolsk plant named after A.M. Gorky".

The colonel is on the porch of the school, behind the ship's bell and a sign "Cadet school No. 1700".

Cadets listen to the speech of the captain of the 1st rank.

The priest blesses the cadets, sprinkles holy water.

The teams of the tournament participants march around the school yard, carrying flags.

The guys enter the building.

The officer checks the Kalashnikov assault rifle, writes down the names of the participants of the tournament.

The faces of the guys.

Competitions for the collection and disassembly of the Kalashnikov assault rifle for speed, the lieutenant colonel records the results.

Pull-up competitions on the crossbar.

The young man performs a push of a kettlebell, the judge considers.

Participants pull themselves up on the crossbar.

Guys in camouflage suits are warming up.



Shooting locations:


Scene №2 Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School, part 1

A cadet in a balaclava talks about studying, field exercises, performing combat missions.

Gym, kickboxing classes.

Complexes of hand-to-hand combat without weapons and with weapons (several takes).

The senior lecturer of the Department of Physical Training and Sports, Lieutenant Colonel Andrey Borisovich Kirillov, talks about the physical training of future scouts, military-applied sports, scheduled hours of classes, sports achievements of cadets.

The parade ground and the buildings of the school.

Cadets on the formation.

Senior Lieutenant Samurai reports to the colonel about the formation of the battalion's personnel.

Cadets greet the colonel according to the regulations.

Platoons of cadets are marching on the parade ground, an orchestra is playing.

The colonel is on the podium.

Cadets in the classroom on simulators perform tasks for the crew of the BRM-1 combat reconnaissance vehicle.

A lesson in a computer classroom.

The teacher makes notes on an interactive whiteboard, talks about working with electronic maps of the area.

Professor of the Department of Intelligence, Colonel of the reserve of Necklaces Viktor Yurievich speaks about the disciplines studied, the number of study hours, teachers of the department.

Shooting in an electronic shooting gallery.

Chinese language lesson.



Shooting locations:

Novosibirsk region

Scene №3 Special forces battalion, v/h 3678

The GAZ-3307 truck stops on the road, a man in overalls and an orange helmet walks around the car.

Special forces soldiers are lying in the back.

On the road, a man in overalls saws a log with a chainsaw.

UAZ-469 is approaching.

Working out the capture of criminals in the UAZ (several takes).

Fighters hide on the side of the road, get up, shoot from machine guns.

A BRDM-2 is driving along the road, a machine gun is firing.

The commander of the special forces platoon speaks about the battalion's service for the protection of important state facilities, about the past exercises, the personnel training program.

The instructor talks about service in the special forces, Marines, physical training.

The duty officer on the part receives a phone call, commands "In the gun!"

Alarm signal, the red lamp is on.

In the armory, the fighters take machine guns and magazines (several takes).

The commander of military unit No. 3678, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Pavlovich Malyukh, talks about the goals and objectives of the unit for the protection and defense of the Smolensk nuclear power plant, about conducting exercises, about military personnel under contract.



Shooting locations:

Smolensk region

Scene №4 Borodino field, excursion

The guide Ilya tells about the Battle of Borodino.

Shevardinsky redoubt, monument to the 12th battery company, cannons, cannons.

Types of Borodino field.

Monument to French soldiers, officers and generals ("The Dead of the Great Army").

Bagration's flushes (defensive fortifications for artillery).

A woman and a child are walking along the road.

The grave of General Dmitry Petrovich Neverovsky.

View of the field.

Monument to pioneer (engineering) troops.

Monument to the soldiers of the 2nd Cuirassier Division.

Cathedral of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God.

The main monument to the Russian soldiers-heroes of the Battle of Borodino.



Shooting locations:

Moscow region

Scene №5 Cossack Cadet Corps, part 1

Cadets in the classroom of a church school talk with a priest.

Cossacks, cadets and a priest sing songs around the campfire.

The correspondent jumps on a horse and talks about the Cossack cadet corps, the art of jigging and horse control (several takes).



Shooting locations:

Perm Krai



Scene №6 Cossack Cadet Corps, part 2

A child psychologist, a senior ensign talks about the drawings of cadets.

Cossacks, cadets and a priest sing songs indoors.

The faces of the singers.

The priest talks about serving as a novice, about religion and about the education of cadets.



Shooting locations:

Perm Krai

Scene №7 Training of parachutists at the airborne complex

Soldiers are marching in formation.

Fighters check and put on parachute packs, adjust belts.

The second lieutenant checks the parachute packs of the privates.

Soldiers are marching to the simulator complex.

The fighters take their places in the layout of the AN-2 aircraft.

On command, the soldiers jump out of the mock-up of the plane.

The platoon simulates the landing, counts down the seconds (several takes).

Soldiers in the layout of the AN-2 aircraft.

On command, the soldiers jump out of the layout.

Soldiers are marching to the simulator.

Fighters jump from the simulator "parachute springboard", practice landing.

Soldiers jump on a platform with metal corners, train their feet.

Fighters on the simulator "slipway for suspended systems" practice the actions of a parachutist in the air until the moment of landing.

The soldiers hang on the slings with their legs tucked under them, pull up the slings, count down.

The lieutenant gives instructions and commands.

The soldier holds on to the slings.

The soldier unfastens the parachute of the suspension system and stands on the ground.



Scene №8 Field camp deployment

View of the field camp.

The sentry under the sentry "fungus".

A soldier drives tent stakes into the ground.

A soldier mounts the entrance to the tent.

Flag with a red cross (on the tent of the medical unit).

A soldier puts a loop of the tent rope on a stake.

A fighter puts together a wooden structure.

Soldiers smoke at the tent.

A soldier drives a stake into the ground.

Soldiers pull the tent rope.

An ordinary sapper company speaks about the construction of a new barracks and about life in tents.

Soldiers are leveling tents, pulling and securing cables.

The window of the tent.

A fighter hits a stake with a hammer.

Soldiers are sawing a log with a two-handed saw.

View of the camping kitchen (tent with a pipe).



Scene №9 Plesetsk Cosmodrome, Cyclone-3 launch vehicle, part 1

Plesetsk cosmodrome, checkpoint gates.

Stand "Military unit 25922, Bolshoe Usovo".

A fence with barbed wire.

The sign "Forbidden zone, passage is prohibited!"

Birch trees, chain-link fences and barbed wire.

The bus passes the checkpoint gate.

The launch vehicle "Cyclone-3" on the platform in the hangar of the technical complex.

Locomotive and rocket.

Views of the rocket from above, from the side, from different points.

The head of the 221st transportation department, Sergey Ivanov, climbs into the cab of the locomotive, turns on the power supply, sits down at the control panel.

Ivanov S. moves the control lever, answers the correspondent's questions about the difficulties of transporting the rocket, high-speed driving modes, talks about the excitement before the launch, the specially designed design of the locomotive, personal life, about the city of Plesetsk and the space forces.

A graphic image of a satellite on board a rocket.

The nose of the Cyclone-3 rocket.



Shooting locations:

Arkhangelsk region

Scene №10 Plesetsk Cosmodrome, Cyclone-3 launch vehicle, part 2

The launch complex of the Plesetsk cosmodrome.

The flag of Russia is waving in the wind.

The tower of the launch complex.

Soldiers attach the shield "Space Troops of Russia" to the wall of the building.

Barbed wire fence, sign "Restricted area, passage is prohibited!"

View of the launch complex through tree branches and barbed wire.

Monument to those who died during the tests of rocket and space technology.

The tower of the launch complex.

Elevator cab.

Hydraulic pistons and hydraulic cylinders.

Infrastructure of the launch pad.

Shooting the descent of the steps.

Technical premises of the launch complex.

Metal door with a kremlin lock and the inscription "7A tetrahedron".

A soldier opens the door.

Passage along the corridor, climbing the stairs.

Bottom view of the launch table structure.

The stele is a pointer to "Mirny".

On the way there is a bus PAZ-4230.

Ice slide, the inscription "Plesetsk Cosmodrome".

Children ride down the hill.

Four-storey houses.

Cafe "Orbit".

Children in the ice town.

The launch vehicle "Cyclone-3" on the platform in the hangar of the technical complex.

A report on the construction of a combat crew for transporting the rocket to the launch complex.

The lieutenant colonel reads out the order.

Faces of military personnel.

The colonel reports to the deputy commander about the construction of a combat crew for transporting the rocket to the launch complex.

The Lieutenant General orders to proceed with transportation.

The calculation takes up space.

The major gives the order to proceed with transportation.

The hangar gate opens.

The locomotive leaves the gate, moves by rail to the launch pad.

Shooting a locomotive with a carrier rocket "Cyclone-3" from different angles.



Shooting locations:

Arkhangelsk region

Scene №11 Admiral Ushakov F.F. Memorial tournament among children's military-patriotic clubs, part 2

Women walk along the alley of the park.

Young men in camouflage uniforms.

Andrey Fomin, a student of the Ivanovo Cadet Corps, talks about the first months of his studies, teachers, marches, Moscow cadet corps, his family, participation in the tournament.

Competitions for the collection and disassembly of the Kalashnikov assault rifle for a while.



Shooting locations:


Scene №12 Admiral Ushakov F.F. Memorial tournament among children's military-patriotic clubs, part 3

A cadet in a naval uniform is ringing the bell on the porch of the school.

Cadet squads are being built at the school stadium.

Cadets greet the Rear Admiral.

The Rear Admiral is conducting a tug-of-war briefing.

The faces of the guys.

Tug-of-war competitions.



Shooting locations:


Scene №13 Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School, part 2

Officers are studying maps of the area.

The officer gives instructions to the cadets before the exercises.

The platoon commander reports to the lieutenant colonel about the formation.

The lieutenant colonel conducts briefing, roll call, issues sheets of combat orders.

Cadets study the map.

Cadets discuss the execution of combat orders.

Cadets Vasily, Oleg, Alexander talk about the field exit, exercises, plans to complete the tasks.

The commander gives instructions and landmarks on the ground before the march (several takes).

The faces of the cadets.

The cadet of the school, the commander of the group, Sergeant Komaritsyn Dmitry Yuryevich, talks about the experience of commanding a group of scouts, about the fulfillment of tasks.

Fighters put on parachute packs, check ammunition, build.

The senior lieutenant checks the parachutes and ammunition of the fighters.

Parachutists are walking across the field.

The senior lecturer of the Department of Special Intelligence, Lieutenant Colonel Lyakhov Roman Nikolaevich, talks about the training of special purpose scouts for actions in the deep rear of the enemy, the stages of training cadets.

Tables with pots and plates in the dining room.

Cadets enter the dining room, sit down at the tables, have lunch.

Plates with food, glasses with compote.



Shooting locations:

Novosibirsk region

Scene №14 Reconstruction of the Battle of Borodino

The announcer comments on the reconstruction of the battle in real time.

Lancers and hussars pass by on horseback.

Soldiers in the uniform of the Patriotic War of 1812 are marching.

A group of soldiers with flintlock rifles.

Napoleon is guarded by the Guards hussars.

Hussars with the flag of Poland.

A division of Lithuanian and Polish lancers in the rear.

Models of wooden houses, cavalry, infantry.

Hussars, lancers, cuirassiers on horseback.

The infantry is moving towards the village, the cavalry is retreating to the crossing of the Koloch River.

Infantry in the village.

The Russian cavalry approaches, the horse battle begins.

French infantry, square formation, horsemen galloping around.

French artillery is firing.

The French continue to retreat.

Russian infantry.

Russian cuirassiers attack the French infantry.

Russian heavy infantry is coming.

Soldiers fire flintlocks.

Movement of artillery.

Infantry, skirmish.

Russian heavy infantry attacks, the French retreat.

The battle for the village.

Russian troops are retreating, rebuilding.

Russian artillery is firing.

"Artillery duel", smoke over the field, infantry movements.

The Russian Hussars are attacking.

Russian infantry in a square, around the cavalry battle.

Artillery and heavy infantry, shooting.

French artillery.

Gunshots, smoke over the field.

The Russian infantry is advancing with the support of artillery.

A wooden house is burning.

Soldiers are advancing, shooting.

Battalions of Russian infantry and dragoons are being pulled up.

Burning wooden houses.

Russian troops are firing, infantry is advancing, smoke is over the field.

A shootout in a burned village.

French infantry is pushing Russian soldiers.

The Russian artillery is changing position.

Soldiers next to the guns.

Infantry shootout in the village.

Russian artillery, a shot from a cannon.

The gunner cleans the barrel of the gun with a ramrod.

French Guards.

A French soldier shoots a gun and "dies".

Infantry fighting in the village.

The Russian cavalry is attacking.

Russian infantry occupies the village.

A detour maneuver of the Russian cavalry.

The attack of the French cuirassiers.

Russian militias.

Cavalry attacks, artillery fires, smoke over the field.

Russian troops continue their offensive.

French troops at the river crossing.

The attack of the Russian Hussars, the retreat of the French.



Shooting locations:

Moscow region

Scene №15 Russian military builders in Lebanon

Eric Grigorievich Georgiashvili, an Arabic translator seconded to the engineer troops in Lebanon, speaks about the language training of Russian servicemen.

The Russian military is deploying a tent camp on the seashore.

Trucks, wooden crates nearby.

Soldiers in a tent.

The driver, Corporal Kozlov Dmitry Alexandrovich shares his impressions of Lebanon, talks about the construction of a tent camp.

A Lebanese military man holds a hose with flowing water, a Russian soldier next to him.

Soldiers in the back of a mobile mobile kitchen.

The Russian lieutenant general and officers communicate with the colonel of the Lebanese army, talk about drinking water.

Russian servicemen tell journalists about the protection of the units of the battalions of the Chechen Republic "East" and "West" of Russian builders of engineering structures in Lebanon (marriage of sound).



Shooting locations:


Scene №16 Meeting of Patriarch Alexy II and Russian President Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin congratulates Alexy II on his 75th birthday and the upcoming Namesake Day.

Patriarch Alexy II thanks the President for his congratulations, congratulates him on Defender of the Fatherland Day, and wishes him help in his labors for the benefit of the Fatherland and the people of Russia.

Alexy II and Vladimir Putin are photographed next to the Christmas tree, talking at the table; Lyudmila Putin is present.


Vladimir Putin is a statesman and politician, President of the Russian Federation, Master of Sports of the USSR in judo and sambo, Honored Coach of the Russian Federation, colonel of state Security in reserve, Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Alexy II (Ridiger A.M.) - Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (1990-2008).



Shooting locations:


Scene №17 Laying wreaths at the monument to the soldiers-paratroopers of the 6th Company at the Central Museum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

A sentry in full dress uniform.

Monument, fragments.

An honor guard with a flag.

Soldiers of the guard with carbines.

Paratroopers in blue berets solemnly carry wreaths.

Officers and civilians in the procession, Sergey Mikhailovich Mironov is present.

The anthem of Russia sounds.

A military brass band is playing.

Funeral procession, soldiers carry wreaths.

Mironov S.M., generals and officers.

Laying wreaths at the monument.

Mironov S.M. at the monuments.

Officers salute, the anthem of Russia sounds.

People put flowers on a granite slab.

The honor guard is marching, the orchestra is playing.

Mironov S.M. and accompanying.

Paratroopers lay flowers at the monument.

Types of the monument, flowers and wreaths at the foot.


S.M. Mironov - statesman and politician, Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (2001-2011).



Shooting locations:


Scene №18 Training camps of the personnel of the Russian Armed Forces parachuting team

The parachutist lands.

The chief of staff of the collection, Captain Maxim Lisitsyn, talks about the parachutes of the Malva-24 system, high-speed parachutes, the features and rules of their laying.

Helicopter in the sky.

Lisitsyn M. talks about the training camps of parachutists, preparation for the Russian Championship.

A parachutist in the sky.

Athletes check equipment, communicate.

The head of the parachute warehouse Teryaeva Tatiana Vasilyevna folds a parachute, talks about her experience in parachuting, performing 2000 jumps, practical classes and training.

Landing of parachutists.

Teryaeva T.V. puts a parachute in a satchel.

The athlete folds the parachute.

The head of the search and rescue parachute service, Major Denis Vladimirovich Kazanin, talks about his experience in parachuting, 5000 jumps, first jumps, graduation from flight school, work as an instructor coach.

Parachutists in the sky.

The head of the medical service of the training camp, Captain Volosnikov Anatoly Valeryevich, talks about a comprehensive medical examination of an athlete before a jump, measures the pressure of a man.





Scene №19 Marine Corps Reconnaissance Group exercises

Soldiers mask the wires to the charge with snow.

Paratroopers on BRDM-2 armor.

The captain gives the fighter a grenade launcher and conducts an instruction.

The UAZ-469 car is on the road, next to a fighter in a white camouflage suit.

The captain is conducting a briefing.

A soldier in a white camouflage suit is hiding in the bushes.

BRDM-2 and UAZ-469 are driving on the road.

A firefight, soldiers jump off the BRDM-2 armor, fall, pretending to be killed.

Paratroopers run out of the forest, capture UAZ-469.

The platoon commander conducts an instruction on obtaining information about the enemy after the capture of the car.

Scouts are hiding in the roadside thickets.

BRDM-2 is driving on the road.

Explosion, shooting.

BRDM-2 and UAZ-469 are on the road.

Paratroopers run out of the forest, capture UAZ-469.

Soldiers depict the dead at the BRDM-2.

The scouts are retreating into the forest.

The soldier climbs out of the hatch of the BRDM-2, shoots, portrays the dead.

The soldier shoots, falls, portrays the dead (staged shooting).

The scouts pull the prisoner out of the UAZ-469, lead him into the forest.

The platoon commander conducts an instruction on the interrogation of a prisoner.

Briefcase with documents.

The scout shoots at the car from a machine gun.

The scout fires a grenade launcher.

The platoon commander talks about mistakes during the capture.

The platoon commander tells the correspondent about his service in the Marine Corps, the reconnaissance battalion, making decisions in an unforeseen situation, communicating with the US military during exercises, about the Northern Fleet Marines.

Scouts are firing machine guns into the air.

Explosion in the bushes (two takes).



Scene №20 The second All-Army professional competition of military (naval) psychologists

Psychologists in the audience conduct individual training.

Abstract pictures.

Pencils, cups of water and paints on the table.

A psychologist conducts a group lesson on the method of art therapy.

The lecturer shows the components for creating paints: flour, salt, water, oil, glue, dye.

The participants of the class stir the ingredients in cups.

They draw abstractions on sheets.

Sheets with drops of paint of different colors.

Abstract picture in the hands.

The officers look at the picture.

Tactile therapy classes.

Participants touch each other, study clothes and hands by touch.



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