Mission of repentance (1991)

Movie №20237, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:29
Kheyfets S.
Camera operators:
Duplich V.
Kheyfets S.


On the German delegation's stay in Sevastopol: Memories protection workers of the city and reflections of former German soldiers.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Bell - gen., Wed, shot through the ears

Stormy sky - Wed, departure

Flying seagull - cf.

Flying seagull - cf.

Sevastopol: flying over the city - total.

Report on Sevastopol - cf.

Face war veterans - cf.

Report on Sevastopol - cf.

PPR has a building cost, the mission of repentance - cf.

NDP with the mission to muzzle - cf.

NDP with a monument on the mission - cf.

Tanks - gen., Poland

NDP members of the mission - cf.

NDP talking men - cf.

NDP birds sitting on wires - commonly.

Ships in port - commonly.

The ship enters the port of Sevastopol - the Society.

Guns on the shore - Wed, impact

Says an officer of the fleet - a war veteran (synchronous) - kr.

Newsreel, 1941:

Flying a German airplane - Wed, filmed from the cockpit of another aircraft

Fire on German aircraft - cf.

Flying bomb from an aircraft - commonly., Poland

Explosion - Wed

German wing aircraft, ground up - cf.

Flying German planes - cf.

Flying bombs.

Earth from above - total.

Crumbling tower - commonly.

Smoke in the port - cf.

Ruined Sevastopol - commonly.

Along the street are residents of Sevastopol - Wed, gen.

The ruined streets of the city - total.

Says an officer of the fleet - a war veteran (synchronous) - kr.

NDP Members war light candles at the monument - kr.

NDP stormy sky - commonly.

NDP Marine Wave - Wed, gen.

Said the sailor's Black Sea Fleet, a war veteran (synchronous) - kr.

Field of blooming poppies - cf.

Newsreel, 1941-1945.:

Explosion - Wed

Blooming poppies - Wed, Poland

Newsreel, 1941-1945.:

Explosion - Wed

Directions to flourish Maqam - cf.

Newsreel, 1941-1945.:

Explosion - Wed

Blooming poppies - cf.

Newsreel, 1941-1945.:

Explosion - Wed

Sky - commonly.

Said the sailor's Black Sea Fleet (synchronous) - kr.

Newsreel, 1941-1945.:

Flying German aircraft - commonly.

Explosion - Wed

Flying German planes - cf.

Women cry over the dead - commonly., Wed.

Woman crying - cf.

A woman cries over the dead - cf.

Flying aircraft - commonly.

The street running people - total.

Explosion - Wed

House is on fire - cf.

On the street are dead - cf.

Woman crying - cf.

German soldiers have shot the gun - cf.

German soldiers charged weapon - cf.

German soldiers have guns - cf.

Fires a weapon - commonly., Wed.

German soldiers have guns - cf.

Fires a weapon - commonly.

Explosion - commonly.

NDP with guns on the German soldiers - commonly.

Said the sailor, a war veteran (synchronous) - kr.

Newsreel, 1941-1945.:

Moves the German gun "Dora" - gen., Wed., Poland

German soldiers in a shell - cf.

German soldiers rolled round - cf.

German soldiers were driven round to the gun - cf.

German gun "Dora" - cf.

German soldiers were driven round to the gun - cf.

German soldiers have guns - cf.

NDP German soldiers being taken round to the gun - cf.

Charge the gun - kr.

Moves the German gun "Dora" - gen.

German soldiers have guns - cf.

Shoots German guns - commonly.

German soldiers rolled round - Wed, cr.

German cars go with the guns and shells - commonly.

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Newsreel, 1941-1945.:

Pass the German soldiers - cf.

Rides a German tank and go German soldiers - cf.

Explosion - Wed

NDP Fall German soldiers - commonly.

German soldiers are pressed into the ground from the explosion - cf.

German soldiers from firing guns - Wed, Poland

Says a member of the German delegation (synchronously in German) - cr., Poland on building diaramy

NDP pass members of the German delegation to the Sapun Mountain - Wed

Says a member of the German delegation (synchronously in German) - kr.

NDP members of the German delegation at Sapun mountain looking guns - cf.

Newsreel, 1941-1945.:

German graves - cf.

German soldier lies - Wed, cr., Poland

Are killed by German soldiers - Wed, Poland

NDP dead Germans in a rubber boat - cf.

Dead German soldiers in the water - cf.

Says a member of the German delegation (synchronously in German) - kr.

Members of the German delegation at the wreaths on Sapun Mount - gen., Wed, Poland

NDP guns on Sapun Mount - cf.

NDP stand people with portraits of the dead - cf.

Machines with the sailors, the NDP on the ship - cf.

Sailors carry a coffin - Wed, Poland

Poland Seafarers have a coffin and put on the car - cf.

NDP machine driven coffins - cf.

NDP Carry wreaths - cf.

NDP crying woman - kr.

At the tomb weeping woman, another woman lays flowers - commonly., Cr.

NDP in a mass grave throw the land - commonly.

Stand women - cf.

NDP with orders to the officer's face Navy - kr.

Waves rolled ashore - cf.

Marching German soldiers - commonly., Poland at the soldiers at the memorial

NDP marching German soldiers - cf.

German officers standing near the monument - cf.

Systems are German soldiers - cf.

Said the sailor's Black Sea Fleet (synchronous) - kr.

Poland with his hands on the face of a war veteran - kr.

Said the sailor's Black Sea Fleet (synchronous) - kr.

Says a member of the German delegation (synchronously in German) - kr.

Poland on the street is a sailor - commonly.

NDP Report on the streets of Sevastopol - Wed, Poland

Says a member of the German delegation (synchronously in German) - Wed, Poland

Poland on the street are residents of Sevastopol - cf.

There is a war veteran NDP - cf.

Says a member of the German delegation (synchronously in German) - kr.

NDP Men carry baskets of flowers to the monument - cf.

Poland Passes War veteran with a child - cf.

Square - commonly., The NDP at a flowering tree

Passes a war veteran, greets a woman - Wed, Poland sea

NDP Evening Sea - cf.

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