The third call (1986)

Documentary №35593, 6 parts, duration: 0:58:19
Production: Centrnauchfilm (CNF)
Director:V. Shifman
Screenwriters:V. Grigorjev, V. Shifman
Camera operators:A. Dudov
Sound mixer:N. Kuznecov
Music designer:I. Makarov
Painter:B. Scherbakov
Other authors:T. Pchelkina, T. Fomichev, G. Vikulov



The film is dedicated to human intelligence, the ability to find the right solution that covers technical and social aspects of the development of modern electronic technology in industry, medicine, everyday life, tells about the possibilities of electronics in improving the quality of life, analyzes the causes of under-utilization of these capabilities and the gap with the advanced foreign experience.

Reel №1 The third call

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Night lights reflected in the water, the view of the city at night.

Panorama of residential district at night, view of the building.

On the building-traveling light lettering, wall building, tree stand and smoke a man and a woman, talking by the light of the lighter.

The faces of men and women in the light of the flames.

Burning match in hand human.

Man and woman communicate using the alphabet of the deaf, lighting each other's faces and hands.

The light in the Windows of multistory buildings, there is a bust of Socrates.

Old books on the shelves.

Panorama of shelves with standing on them old books.

People at tables in the reading room of the library.

Girl makes a statement, books on the table.

Girl in library reading a book, old books on the shelves.

Burning in wall chandelier candle, a man in ancient clothes sitting in front of a computer.

Hands in lace cuffs on the keyboard.

Quote from "hamlet" on the screen.

The face of the man sitting in front of a computer.

Quotes from "hamlet" on the screen, hands on the keyboard.

The crown in the hands of the actor.

A man in Royal robes down the stairs.

Policemen escort actor in the mantle, put in a patrol car black (staged scenes).

People come to the building of institutions and ministries.

People come to the building "Hydroproject" view of the building (up).

Clouds in the sky, open window, type the working room of the planning Department (above).

One of the employees said in the accounts.

Hand, transferring the abacus.

Employees of Department on work tables.

High-rise building in one of the cities of Europe.

People look at the sky.

The spire of the dome of the bell tower of an Orthodox Church, a satellite dish on the roof of the building.

People walking down the street.

The man's face.

Industrial robot arm performs various operations.

The men's faces.

Calendar: 1986

Locations: Moscow [820]

Reel №2

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Electronic operator controls a robot manipulator performing a simple technical operation.

Examples of foreign robot manipulators.

The men's faces.

Job lathe machine.

The diagram of the machine on the monitor screen.

The faces of the visitors of the exhibition of industrial electronics and robotics.

Execution of a robot manipulator, various operations.

One of the exhibition visitors watching the work of automatic positioner, making notes.

One of the current manipulators on the show.

Worker in protective suit in hazardous work.

The color of the engine by hand, standing next to an inactive robot manipulator.

Robot brush clothes on one of the visitors.

The faces of the visitors.

People stand in a queue to the information Desk.

Employees of the design office carries a folder with drawings from the archive.

The employee design office is looking for information in the folders with business.

Engineer at the drawing Board.

Car during a crash test breaks a rack on the wall.

People sit at computers.

The crash testing of the vehicle on the monitor screen, using a specially created program.

The creation of the drawing on the monitor screen.

Find the right information in the computer database.

People work on computers.

The car on the road.

The view from the car window.

The car slows down in front of a poster warning about the dangers of illiteracy.

Classes on computer literacy in one of the Asian countries.

Formulas and algorithms for solving problems written in chalk on a blackboard.

Students in the audience write down formulas in the lecture notes, the teacher at the blackboard explaining the theory of operation on the computer.

The sand is showered with dune.

Human footprints in the sand, desert scenery, on the sand dune is a computer.

Children's toys on the shelf.

Toy robot, nods his head, moves his arms, goes.

Face of laughing children watching the robot.

Boy with remote control in hand controls a toy robot.

The faces of the children, the robot moves along the counter between the other toys.

Cleaning room without human intervention (computer graphics).

Children at computers.

The characters of computer games on the screen.

The fingers hit the keys.

The boy's face, playing on the computer.

Brick wall with the announcement of the recruitment of skilled workers.

Job ads on the street stands.

Calendar: 1986

Locations: Moscow [820]

Reel №3

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Is working on the factory shop floor.

Machinist checks the dimensions of the finished part.

The production process in the shop.

View of the shop.

Machinist, components and assemblies of the machine.

The process of processing of details on machine tools, working in the shop.

The doctor listens to the patient's stethoscope.

A stack of medical cards on the table.

The doctor performs palpation, the patient's face.

The doctor makes notes in the patient's chart.

A stack of medical records.

The doctor makes notes in the map, the patient lies on a couch.

Diagnostics using various electronic devices, the face of the doctor.

The diagram on the monitor screen.

The doctor at the computer.

Studies of diseased organs with the help of computer equipment.

Patients in the clinic corridor waiting for their turn to see the doctor.

The hand moves knuckle account.

The staff of the planning Department at work.

The cabin of the bus.

Test bus rollover.

The bus falls down, rolling over, the doll behind the wheel.

People in the audience.

A vote by show of cards.

Explosion rocks in a quarry.

View of the abandoned railroad tracks overgrown with grass and bushes.

The types of abandoned industrial enterprises.

Rails at the rotten sleepers.

Wetland pond near the abandoned buildings.

Cracked by the drought of the earth's surface passing motorcyclist.

A motorcyclist jumping through a hole in the tire from the heavy truck.

Automatic line work on the Assembly line automobile plant, carrying out automatic welding of the parts of the body.

Women's coat to the store.

Women choose dresses in the sales area of the store, and hang them back.

The computer in the factory shop.

The production of small series of fashionable clothes based on demand.

Designer clothes a new style.

Men look at walking down the street fashionably dressed women and girls.

One of the men photographing them.

People walk along Arbat street.

People on the street in booths payphones.

Calendar: 1986

Locations: Moscow [820]

Reel №4

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Black "Volga" standing in front of one of the ministries.

Car traffic on the streets of Moscow.

The car "the Seagull" in the middle of the strip, drivers troubleshoots, other vehicles go around her.

Electronic musician plays the guitar.

Monitors security cameras and microwave ovens in the kitchen of one of the Japanese restaurants.

Food cooked in a microwave oven for five minutes.

Cooking by electronic appliances.

Children electronic entertainment center in Japan watching cartoons in individual booths.

A room with a VCR and videotapes.

Enter the software CD in electronic vehicle control systems, the installation of the route.

Route information on the screen of the car Navigator.

The car rides on the street.

The driver drives the car according to the GPS.

Kind of pocket mini-computer with various functions.

A stack of phone books next to the computer.

Panorama of the forest.

Fight Cobra and mongoose.

The man in glasses sits at a computer.

Computer simulation and study of the action of the Cobra and the mongoose.

The dinosaur skeletons in the Museum.

Computers on the tables of the computing center.

The process of painting the painting robot.

Drawings made by a robot.

Portrait Of A. Einstein.

The creation of the project of the building using computer graphics.

Create a drawing on the printer multi-function device.

Conductor's hand picks up the wand, and turns a page of the score.

Conductor at the console.

The conductor conducts the orchestra of the electronic players.

The clock on the wall of the building.

The text on the computer monitor, the man types on the keyboard.

The use of computer technology in the West and in Japan.

Calendar: 1986

Locations: Moscow [820]

Reel №5

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The operation of automatic lines and machines-manipulators on one of the enterprises.

Automated build process ammeters.

Manual Assembly of electronic circuits.

The inspection of finished products.

The workshop diagnose broken devices.

The process of repair.

Devices, pending fixation on the shelves.

Wooden debris in the river.

View of the island with a Church and a flooded area (above).

Waves lapping on the shore.

Resin flows through the trunk of a pine.

View of the trunk of a felled pine.

The interior living room.

Life support the patient in intensive care.

Doctors examine the patient.

The resuscitation during cardiac arrest.

The startup process of the laser and synchronization of wave processes in physics.

People on the beach.

Electronic equipment in the lab, the screens of the oscilloscopes.

A problem with the computer.

Tram arc.

A woman walks into the tram, all the men get up to offer her a place.

The tram goes over the bridge.

Illuminated advertising on the walls of buildings in Japan.

Cashless payment with card.

Visitors electronic videobar watching programs and movies on the screen.

The walls of buildings with light is.

Viewers of street theater watching a movie.

Computers and electronics on the shelves of a Japanese store, customers choose a product.

View of the counter with electronic calculators.

Products in the Japanese electronics store.

Calendar: 1986

Locations: Moscow [820] Japan [112]

Reel №6

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The airship with the company logo "Konica" in the air, the view of the streets of Japanese cities.

Employees of one of the companies computers.

Pond in the city Park.

Turtle on the stone in the middle of the pond.

Samples of painting utensils, miniature on a saucer.

Optical discs within the specimens of Japanese porcelain.

Stack of books with information that accommodates an optical disc.

Optical discs on the table.

Statue Of Atlanta.

The student examines the statue.

The legs of the baby.

Individuals babies lying in Cribs.

Babies in Cribs in the maternity ward, green foliage outside the window.

Panorama of the forest, the wind rustles the branches.

Falls dead tree.

The plane was taxiing on the runway.

View of airplane in flight (above).

The computer on the Desk.

Self-propelled robot loader in a warehouse.

The robot arm performs operations on a lathe.

Transportation of finished parts to the robot loader.

People on the street, a man and a woman considering the map.

Robot manipulators perform different operations.

The text on the screen.

Computer among robot manipulators, open doorway.

Calendar: 1986

Locations: Moscow [820] Japan [112]

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