View from space (1975)

Movie №39108, 6 parts, Duration: 0:51:31
Studio -
Dombrovskij K.
Konovalov B.; Dombrovskij K.



The film is about the role of space research in the development of the national economy and science.

Reel №1

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Artificial satellite in flight.

General view of the antenna ground tracking.

View of Earth from a great height.

Clouds in the sky.

Panorama of forest and lake scenery.

Girl swims in a boat.

View of the lake.

Silhouettes of people against the backdrop of the lake.

A man in a rubber boat on the lake.

Boy and girl on the lake.

Boy and girl walking on the beach at sunset.

Boy and girl sitting on the bank of the lake, looking at the sky, talking to each other.

Satellite in space.

Types of rivers and fields (above).

Panorama of corn fields.

Tractor plowing a field.

Satellite in space.

Mountain scenery, view of the construction of the dam (above).

Builder gives signals crane operator.

Flying satellite.

Coastal landscape (top).

View of the bow of the boat deck (above).

The captain in the wheelhouse.

Passengers relax on the deck by the pool.

People swim in the pool, relax on sun loungers (synchronous sounds a warning about the storm).

View the bow.

Manager sends a warning about the storm (synchronously).

Floating passenger ship.

Captain in the control room listening to the message.

Coast Radio operators dispatching service receive messages.

Manager is studying a weather map.

Manager dictates radio operator reported the storm to transfer to one of the vessels.

Manager gets printed map.

The officer reports passenger ship navigator satellite data about the impending storm.

Meteokarta satellite data.

The captain and navigator are studying data on the card, the captain gives the command to change the course.

The helmsman turns the wheel.


Space technology

Reel №2

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Radar on the mast of the ship.

Radar screen.

Sea during a storm.

View of the river.

Boat by the river, a man walks on the catwalk.

Along the coast floating barge, tug pushed.

The woman on the bank of the river.

Ducks swim near the shore.

The woman's face.

The announcer reads the message to raise the water level in one of the sections of the river Mukhavets near Brest (synchronously).

View of the flooded area (above).

Newsreel November 1974: People in a boat sailing past the houses in the Brest region.

A woman walks through a flooded house.

Tugboat pulling barge with evacuees and cattle.

The woman's face.

Newsreel, 1974: People rescued from flooding the prepared hay.

People take out of the water and rescue from floods crop roots.

Flying rescue helicopters.

People discharged from the helicopter boxes with canned goods.

Loading boxes in a motorboat.

ATV approaching the flooded store.

The representative of the local authority instructs people.

Woman tells of flood (synchronously).

Clouds in the sky.

Panorama mountain landscape.

An employee of a mountain weather station takes the readings.

Mountain landscape.

View of the weather station.

Meteorologist takes the readings.

Face meteorologist.

The sky at sunset.

Newsreel 1930-1940-ies: the form of the weather station.

The rise of the ball-weather balloon.

Face meteorologists watching soaring ball.

The ball flies into the sky.

Meteorologists collect radiosonde receiver.

General view of the receiver.

Packing receiver in a case.

Rise of the radiosonde.

Meteorologist at the device.

Plane takes off with a weather balloon in the bow.

Meteorologists on board the aircraft-laboratory.

Weather balloon in the nose of the aircraft.

Kind of take-off site stratospheric "osoaviakhim-1" in 1934.

Persons Stratonavts Fedoseenko PF Vasenko AB and Usyskin ID

Stratonavts sit in a gondola.

Face Eideman RP Stratonavts sit in a gondola.

Stratospheric balloon rises into the sky.

The face of the military.

The cameraman shoots stratospheric flight.

People watching the flight stratosphere.

Message in a newspaper about the accident stratospheric "osoaviakhim-1."

Snowstorm sweeps.

Newsreel 1937-1938 years: ID Papanin on the drifting station "North Pole."

Launch a weather balloon comes to the start.

Meteorologists check the readiness of the rocket to fly.

Start meteoraket.

Kind of the Earth from space satellites.


Ivan D. Papanin - polar explorer Eideman Robert P. - commander Fedoseenko Pavel Fedorovich - Stratonavts Vasenko Andrei Bogdanovich - engineer Stratonavts Usyskin Ilya Davidovich - physicist



1930s 1934 1937-1938 1940s

Shooting locations:

Moscow [820] Arctic [941] USSR [863]


Winter [823]

Reel №3

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Sputnik flying in space.

View of the reception space meteoantenny.

Flying satellite.

Staff at one of the regional centers receive information from satellites.

Building type USSR Hydrometeorological.

Employees of the center monitor readings.

Clouds race across the sky.

View of the satellite.

Panorama of clouds, transmitted by satellites.

Lenses mounted on the satellite.

Pictures earth's surface in infrared wavelengths.

An employee of the Hydrometeorological Center of studying these photos.

Employees of the center analyzes the images and data.

Weather map.

People make weather maps.

View of the electronic computer (PC).

Mapping the weather by computer.

The transfer of the Hydrometeorological Center of the Weather.

Television announcer read out the weather forecast shows images from satellites.

Passenger planes at the airport.

People at the airport.

Aircraft before takeoff.

Sputnik flying in space.

Geologists in the mountains collect samples.

Geologists at work.

Those geologists.

Mountain landscape.

Geologist examining the terrain.

Mountain landscape.

Geologists applied places minerals on the map.

Flies aircraft geological party.

Geologists plane waving hands.

The pilot at the controls of the aircraft.

Geologists look in the window of the plane.

View of the Ferghana Valley (above).

Geologists reconcile their view of the area with the photographs received from the satellite.

Compilation of geological maps using images from space.

Part of the geological map prepared with the help of images from space.

Photo of the earth's surface, made from the satellite.

View of the plains (top).

Type of agricultural land (above).



Reel №4

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Flying Plane Space Research Institute.

Institute staff monitor the readings of the instruments on board the aircraft.

Pictures taken from the satellite.

Scientists have conducted a spectral analysis of images and devices on board the aircraft.

Woodland (above).

Scientists have observed the terrain using the instruments on board the aircraft.

Mountain landscape (top).

View of the flying satellite.

Kosmonavt passes from one compartment to another orbital station and starts photographing the surface of the Earth.

Caucasian mountain landscape, the foot of Mount Elbrus.

View the station Geographical faculty of Moscow University.

Employees stations investigate and analyze the characteristics of the earth's surface.

People stand at the open window.

The research team rises to one of the glaciers of Elbrus.

View of the glacier.

The scientist takes a sample of water from the glacier.

The scientist pulls out of the tent, and includes the device.

Researchers climb to the glacier.

Geodetic measurements on the ground.

People climb the glacier.

The picture of the glacier from space.

People go to one of the sections of the glacier.

Sampling of ice.

Scientific down into the glacier.

Colleagues insure his companion.

Sampling of ice from the glacier wall.

Melting ice in the sun.

Current ice stream.

View of a mountain stream.

Types of the mountain river.

Cable car in the vicinity of Alma-Ata.

Newsreel 1973: mudslide in the mountains of Trans-Ili Alatau.

Blast machine in the hands of the demolition.

Explosions in the Medeo in 1967 to create barriers mudflows.

The dam in Medeo.

Snapshot mountainous region, made from space.

View of the flying satellite.


1967 1973

Shooting locations:

Kazakhstan [114]


Summer [824]

Reel №5

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Cosmonauts Gennady Grechko and Gubarev AA during space flight.

View of the building of the Moscow State University.

Students sit prepare for classes, sitting on street benches.

Students of the Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University are going to school.

Face student Cousin TB Cousin makes a report of their diploma project (synchronously).

Pictures Earth's surface from space.

Cousin continues to report, showing pictures (synchronously).

Those teachers and members of the commission.

View parts of the landscape (top).

Cousin makes a report.

A final word on the diploma says Professor AK Savischev (Synchronously).

Student members of the committee and listen to Professor Savishcheva.

The technician looks into the light space map.

Types of cards made on the basis of pictures from space.

Savischev continues to speak (synchronously).

The unit draws a card.

View of Earth from space.

Animation illustrating the creation of a map of the space image.

Punched information is entered into a computer.

Panorama hall of computers.

The machine draws the map.

Face officer overseeing the operation of the machine.

The machine draws the map.

Map of groundwater Mangyshlak peninsula.

Cosmonaut verifies that devices on the space station.

Woodland (above).

Astronauts Gubarev and Grechko aboard the orbital station "Salyut-4".

Surveyors on a section of the Baikal-Amur Mainline study schemes terrain.

Excavation work on the construction of the highway.

Garbage dump trucks of soil.

View of the construction of BAM (above).

Laying track.

View of the construction site of the BAM (the top).

View of one of the stations of the "Orbit" (above).

An employee of one of the stations of the translational control.

Satellite antenna on the roof of the station.

Employee communication station "Lightning" for the remote control.


Georgy Grechko - cosmonaut Gubarev Aleksey Aleksandrovich - cosmonaut

Reel №6

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Employee communication station "Lightning" for the remote control in front of TV screens during the telecast.

Announcer Kirillov IL in the studio reading a narration (synchronously).

Communications satellite in space.

Announcer Kirillov in the studio talking about the role of space technology in the television.

Foreign visitors descend on the plane.

Meeting at the airport.

A meeting of Soviet and foreign scientists in the framework of the program "Intercosmos".

The face of foreign scientists.

Foreign scientists listen to the explanation of the Soviet colleagues.

Those scientists.

The American scientist asked.

Docking in orbit of the Soviet and American spacecraft.

Soviet-American crew on board the orbital station "Soyuz-Apollo".

Part of the solar battery station.

Station flight.

The crew is conducting research in a state of weightlessness.

View of Earth from space.

View of the telescope observatory.

A member of the observatory at work.

Interior view of the Observatory, the staff at the console monitor readings.

Person employee Observatory.

Scientists monitor the readings.

General view of the observatory after sunset.

People walk along the beach at sunset.

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