Gods do not take revenge (1992)

Movie №39556, 5 parts, Duration: 0:47:32
Studio Sverdlovsk newsreel studio
Camera operators:


The film explores deep-laid connections between the past and present that determine today's spiritual life of creative minds in the Buryat Republic.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The book "The Secret Legend of the Mongols" in Russian.

Quote from the book.

The nature of Buryatia.

There's a car coming down the road.

Monks go to Datsan.

Prayer in the Datsan.

Buddha statue.

Hural in the monastery.

Large - a monk prays.

Praying pilgrims.

The monks beat the drum.

The city of Ulan-Ude.

Fountain at the Russian Drama Theater.

Pedestrians on the streets of Ulan-Ude.

A stupa under construction.

People with children walking in the park.

The performance of the Buryat Academic National Drama Theater "Damdin Lama".

Large - the main character.

Monologue of the main character.

Ruins of Datsan.

A group of restorers inspects the Datsan.

Tells Tsyrena Tsyrenzhenova, architect.

Dorji Purbuev's painting "Lamas.



Buddhism, Repression


Dashiev Bazarsadayev Shoidagbayeva Ayurova



Shooting locations:

Buryat Republic

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Narrated by Bair Erdyneev, a playwright.

The play "Damdin Lama".

The audience is in the hall.

Narrated by Bair Erdyneev, a playwright.

Buddhist texts.

A carpet in a Datsan with an image of Buddha and prayers.

Images of the gods.

Vladimir Konoratyev, the chief director of the Academic National Drama Theater, tells.

The Buddha.

Soviet monuments in Ulan-Ude.

Architects visit the ruins of Datsan.


Culture, Performance, Revival


Erdineev B.

dramaturg. Konoratjev V.

glavnij rezhisser Akademicheskogo nacionaljnogo dramaticheskogo teatra.



Shooting locations:

Republic of Buryatia [740]


Academic National Drama Theater.

Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Tells Tsyrena Tsyrenzhenova, architect.

A sketch of a Datsan.

Tsyrena Tsyrenzhenova discusses the project of restoring the Datsan with her colleagues.

Tells Tsyrena Tsyrenzhenova, architect.

The cabinets contain items from temples.

Alternating frames with iconic objects.

Text from Agni Yoga.

Artist Anna Nikitichna Sakharovskaya paints a picture.

Anna Nikitichna Sakharovskaya tells.

Paintings By The Artist Purbuev.

Artist Zondan Dugarov.

Works of Dugarov.

The artist Nima Purbuev tells.

Nicholas Roerich's message to artists.


The national basis of art


Cirenzhenova C.

arhitektor. Saharovskaya A.N.

hudozhnica. Dugarov Z.

hudozhnik. Purbuev N.

hudozhnik. Rerih N.




Shooting locations:

Republic of Buryatia [740]

Reel №4

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Workshop of the artist Alla Tsybikova.

A child is playing with a kitten.


Narrated by Nima Purbuev.

Paintings by Buryat artists.

Artist Dorji Purbuev series of paintings "Genghis Khan".

The book "The Secret Legend of the Mongols".

Quote from the book.

Prayer in the Datsan.

A pilgrim, an elderly man with orders.

Buddha statues.

Narrated by Yuri Irdineev, composer.

Conversation of Yuri Irdineev with Bolot Boroev, singer, Honored Artist of Russia.

The conversation is continued by Darima Linkhovoin, Honored Artist of Russia.

People's Artist of the USSR Galina Shoydogbaeva sings an aria from the opera "Aida".

Honored Artist of Russia Olga Ayurova continues the conversation.

Olga Ayurova sings.


The importance of Buryat culture for the world


Cibikova A.

hudozhnica. Purbuev N.

hudozhnik. Purbuev D.

hudozhnik. Irdineev Yu.

kompozitor. Boroev B.

pevec. Linhovoin D.

zasluzhennaya artistka Rossii. Shojdogbaeva G.

pevica. Ayurova O.




Shooting locations:

Republic of Buryatia [740]

Reel №5

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Kim Bazarsadaev, People's Artist of the USSR, tells.

Bolot Boroev, Honored Artist of Russia, sings.

Fields against the background of mountains in Buryatia.

A herd is grazing.

Says Dugar Dashiev, People's Artist of the USSR.

Village children on the steps of the house.

People's Artist of the USSR Dugar Dashiev sings in the opera "Aida".

Says Dugar Dashiev.

The villagers are building a house.

Dugar Dashiyev sings a Buryat song at the festive table.

Women sing a Buryat folk song.

Says Dugar Dashiev.

Ruins of Datsan.

Tells Tsyrina Tsyrenzhanova.

Bair Erdyneev tells.

Objects of worship.


Monks pray in the Datsan.

Masks of the gods.

The book "The Secret Legend of the Mongols".

Quote from the book.


Origins, Repentance, Prayer


Bazarsadaev K.

narodnij artist SSSR. Boroev B.

pevec. Dashiev D.

pevec. Cirenzhanova C.

arhitektor. Erdineev B.




Shooting locations:

Republic of Buryatia [740]

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