Comrade Sverdlov. Pages of Life (1970)

Movie №41152, 6 parts, Duration: 0:59:03
Studio Sverdlovsk newsreel studio


A film about the life of Sverdlov YM, its revolutionary and party activities in the Urals, work as the first chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Newsreel 1919: all in the Column Hall of the House of Unions to bid farewell to the body Sverdlov YM People stand at the funeral of transparency in the day of the funeral Sverdlov March 18, 1919.

The funeral procession moves to Moscow.

The coffin was lowered into the grave in Red Square.

People stand on Red Square.

Photo Lenin VI, gave a speech at the grave of Sverdlov.

Newsreel, 1919: People on Red Square on the day of the funeral Sverdlov.

Funeral wreaths on the grave of Sverdlov.

Photo of the Red Square on the day of the funeral Sverdlov.

Photo Sverdlov beginning of the 20th century.

Game footage from x / movie: ships on the Volga at night.

A police officer stands on the street.

The building of the Nizhny Novgorod prison.

Light in one of the windows.

Doors of prison cells.

Photo warden looking in the door "eye".

Photos of inmates.

Photo Sverdlov beginning of the 20th century.

The grille on the window of the camera.

Photos of Nizhny Novgorod beginning of the 20th century.

Photos Bazaar in Nizhny Novgorod.

Sign engraving workshop MI Sverdlov.

Photos Sverdlov YM during my school years.

Pictures of buildings gymnasium and pharmacies.

Photos Sverdlov beginning of the 20th century.

Photos wires Gorky AM in Nizhny Novgorod in 1901.

People's faces in the photographs.

Photo Sverdlov beginning of the 20th century.

Photo Gorky.

Photo of a policeman standing at the car of a train.

Newsreel beginning of the 20th century: the train departs from the station.

Smoke comes from the locomotive pipe.

Photo policemen.

Photo of a young Sverdlov behind bars.

Photos Sormovo workers.

Photo Sverdlov beginning of the 20th century.

Production photos overclocking Day demonstration in Sormovo in 1902.

Photo House in Nizhny Novgorod.

Photos Gorky beginning of the 20th century.

Portrait of Sverdlov.

Photos gendarmerie officers and policemen.

Equipment illegal printing press, organized by Sverdlov.

The text of the Social-Democratic leaflets.

Photo hours on duty at the prison.

Case Sverdlov.

Photo Sverdlov in his youth.

Books that read Sverdlov while in prison.

Window of a prison cell with the lattice.

Photos prisoners.

Writing from a prison diary Sverdlov.

Photo Sverdlov.

Photo clock on the tower.


Revolutionary activity, Arrest



Shooting locations:

Moscow [820]


Spring [825]

Chronicle Topics


Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Photo Sverdlov YM as a young man.

Photos of Nizhny Novgorod.

Newsreel beginning of the 20th century, people walking on the street of the city.

Photos of streets and buildings gendarmerie in Perm.

Prisoner photographed full face and profile.

Flash photography in his hands.

Portrait of Sverdlov after his release from prison in 1905.

Prison photos Sverdlov front, in profile and full height.

Photos gendarme investigators.

Photos Sverdlov and investigator sitting at the table.

Photos of streets and public gardens Ekaterinburg beginning of the 20th century.

Photos Novgorodtseva K. and Sverdlov.

Newsreel 1910-ies of the 20th century: working in the foundry one of the plants.

Persons working.

The workers in the factory shop.

Photos of the revolutionary leaders of the Urals.

Buzz factory whistles.

Photos railway strike and workers of Yekaterinburg.

Photos of the rally on the square in Yekaterinburg.

Production photos disperse the rally.

Photos of the street and house in Yekaterinburg where the fighting was going to the workers' militia.

Photos of the revolutionary leaders of the Urals and Sverdlov.

Photos town meeting in Yekaterinburg, the meeting participants.

Buzz factory whistles.

Newsreel 1910-ies of the 20th century: the workers out of the factory gates.

Photos revolutionary meetings in the Urals in 1905.

Photo Yekaterinburg garrison military units before going on guard.

Portrait of Sverdlov.

The policemen on the streets of Yekaterinburg.

Photos of the revolutionary leaders of the Urals.

Pictures of houses with safe houses.

Photo of the building in Yekaterinburg, where in 1905 held a regional conference of the Bolsheviks in the Urals.

Photos of police and gendarmes on the streets of Yekaterinburg.

Photo street in Perm.

Photo Sverdlov in coat and bowler hat.

Photo of the building in Perm, where in 1906 a meeting of the Committee of the Bolsheviks.

Inside view of the room where the meeting took place.

Photos Sverdlov, and the participants.

Photos streets of Perm in 1906.

Photos of police on the streets.

Buildings gendarmerie in Perm.


Yakov Sverdlov - statesman and political figure



Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Photos Sverdlov among political prisoners Perm prison.

Photos of prisoners during a walk in the prison yard.

Portrait of Sverdlov.

Persons prisoners behind bars.

Photos walk prisoners.

Photos of inmates in the cells of the prison.

Photo prison gallows after the execution of the convicted person.

Photos prisoners.

Photo of the prison corridor.

Photos of prisoners in their cells.

Lenin's work "Materialism and Empiric" on the table in the chamber.

Photo officers in the prison office.

Sverdlov among political prisoners.

Opened the cell door and prison gates.

Photos streets of Perm.

Panorama of the river in the Narym region.

Photos guards accompanying Sverdlov into exile in 1911.

Bank of the river with fallen trees.

Types Maksimkin Yar village, where Sverdlov was exiled.

Photos locals, Russian and Ostyaks.

Photo Sverdlov in exile.

The window of the hut.

In the stove burning firewood.

House covered with snow.

Photos locals.

House, covered with snow on the roof.

Photo Sverdlov in exile.

Photos Sverdlov among the exiles in Narym.

Photos ships and piers on the river Ob.

Photos of passengers on deck and in the premises of the steamer.

Search game footage on the boat from x / film.

Photo Sverdlov in 1912.

Types of Tomsk.

Part of the building Tomsk transit prison.

Window and opens the door of a prison cell.

Photos Sverdlov, his wife and son.

Photo policeman.

Photo Sverdlov on free settlement.

House exiles.

Photos Sverdlov and exiles.


Winter [823]

Reel №4

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Snow-covered road runs from the sledge runners.

Photo of one of the streets of Tomsk.

Types of St.

Petersburg, rallies in the streets of the city in 1912.

Photo workers to the State Duma - Badaeva, Muranova, Samoilov, Petrovsky steps.

Photo provocateur Malinovsky R. Newsreel 1912: views of St.


Photo Sverdlov in 1912.

Photo Petrovsky GI Photo FN Samoilov Photo Muranova MK Photo Malinowski.

Photo police officer at the desk in the office.

Newsreel 1912: the streets of St.


Photo gendarme officers at his desk.

Photos streets of St.


Photo Petrovsky and his wife.

Wall clock.

Photo Sverdlov and Novgorodtseva.

Photographs of the interiors of rooms in the apartment Petrovsky.

Dial hours.

Photo Sverdlov in profile.

Photo Novgorodtseva.

Types Kureika surrounding villages, where he was exiled Sverdlov.

Floating of ice on the Yenisei.

Photos of paddle steamers.

Photo Novgorodtseva with children.

More Photos Sverdlov Novgorodtseva among the exiles in the village of the Monastery near Skvortsov-Stepanov, II, IV Stalin, Steps Badaev, Petrovsky.

House, where there was a weather station.

Wall clock on the wall.

Desk Sverdlov.

Books that Sverdlov read in the link.

Photo Sverdlov his desk.

Lit window of a house.

House in the village of the Monastery.

Photo of a policeman.

Winter landscape.

Dogs pulling sled.

Opens the door of the house.

Photos Novgorodtseva and Sverdlov in early 1917.

Waving a red flag.

Snowbound house.

Three horses pulling sleds.

General view of the sledge journey.



Shooting locations:

St. Petersburg [814]


Summer [824]

Reel №5

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The smoke from the chimney of a steam locomotive.

The wheels of the locomotive.

Railroad tracks.

Photo of people on the station platform Yekaterinburg.

Photos Sverdlov at rallies Urals workers in March 1917.

Photos of the Ural Regional Conference of the Bolsheviks in April 1917.

Photos wires Ural delegates in Petrograd at the April Conference of the RSDLP (b).

There is a passenger train.

Photos rallies and demonstrations in Petrograd in March-April 1917.

Photo Sverdlov among the delegates of the April Conference of the RSDLP (b).

Photos of Lenin and the conference participants.

Buildings Petrograd.

Portrait sverdlovoy Novgorodtseva-KT Photo of the Secretariat of the Central Committee employee Menzhinsky LR

Portrait Shotman AV - A member of the Petrograd section of the RSDLP (B).

Photos of 1917: the building of the Smolny Institute in St.


Sverdlov in his office.

Persons Baltic sailors.

Portrait Belysheva AV - Commissioner cruiser "Aurora".

Red Guard detachments in the streets of Petrograd.

Portraits of members of the Military Revolutionary Committee - Sverdlov, Stalin, Dzerzhinsky, Bubnov, Uritsky.

Game footage from x / movie "October": the revolutionary events in Petrograd in October 1917.

Photo Sverdlov in Smolny.

Photo military telephone operators for the switch.

Game footage: cruiser "Aurora" is on the Neva River, the Red Guards in the corridors of the Smolny.

Photos of the Central Executive Committee meeting of the Russian Federation headed by Sverdlov.

Photos of the revolutionary sailors and Red on the streets of Petrograd.

Newsreel, 1918: German troops on the streets of Kiev.

Fortifications and barricades in the streets of Petrograd in 1919.

The street is a detachment of sailors.

Workers receive weapons.

The sailors loaded ammunition train.

On the street passing armored cars.

Go Red Guard detachments.

The rally on the streets of Petrograd.

Photo of Red Guards standing at the gates of Smolny.

Portraits of Lenin.

Portrait of Sverdlov.

The building of the Tauride Palace.

Photos of the Plenum of the Central Executive Committee under the chairmanship of Sverdlov.





Shooting locations:

Kiev [933] Petrograd [959]


Summer [824] Autumn [826] Winter [823]

Reel №6

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Photos of the Plenary Session, the Central Executive Committee.

Portrait of Sverdlov in 1918.

Photos of members of the Central Executive Committee, who took part in the vote for peace with Germany.

Photograph of members of the Central Executive Committee of the Presidium of the table.

Portrait of Lenin.

Photos of Lenin and Sverdlov at various events in 1918.

Newsreel, 1918: types of towers and buildings of the Moscow Kremlin.

Photos of the Kremlin.

Telephone on the desk commandant of the Kremlin.

Lifting the handset.

Desk with a telephone in the room of the commandant.

Newsreel 1920: in the Grand Kremlin Palace approaching cars.

NK Krupskaya Photo Opened the door to the office of Lenin in the Kremlin.

Desk Lenin.

Portraits Sverdlov hand typists, print text.

The building in the Kremlin.

Photo Sverdlov jacket hanging on a hanger.

Desk Sverdlov, books and stationery.

There is a train.

Photo Sverdlov in the compartment of the car.

Scenery outside the window.

Photos Sverdlov at rallies.

Sverdlov sitting in the compartment window.

Photos rallies at railway stations.

Newsreel 1927: the streets of Moscow.

The building in the Kremlin.

Photo of the Kremlin.

Photo Lenin in bookshelves in his office in the Kremlin.

Portraits of Lenin.

Swinging pendulum.

Photo Sverdlov on his deathbed.

The clock on the Kremlin's Spassky Tower.

Photo Lenin, speaking through a megaphone recording device in 1919.

Photos Sverdlov during various events in 1918.

Newsreel, 1918: Sverdlov talks with delegates of the All-Russian Congress of Soviets, standing at the entrance to the Bolshoi Theater.

Sverdlov speaks with Avanesov VA

Sverdlov speaks at a rally.

People welcome the speaker.


Yakov Sverdlov - statesman and political figure Varlam Avanesov A. - statesman and political figure



Shooting locations:

Moscow [820]


Autumn [826] Winter [823] Summer [824]

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