Ural - Metal - Science (1978)

Movie №41219, 5 parts, Duration: 0:46:57
Studio Sverdlovsk newsreel studio
Camera operators:


The film brings up the problem of the iron ore base: the powerful economic region of the Urals faces the disproportion between the existing industrial potential and the iron ore base.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Earth from Outer Space.

Astronauts in the space station.

Ural Mountains from a helicopter.

Pillars of Manpupuner.

A piece of iron ore in your hand.

Blast furnace.

A cable car for transporting iron ore.

Smoking pipes.

Metal smelting.

Steelworkers at the furnace.

Rolling shop.

A memorial stone to metal.

The city from the top point.

Developed quarries on the site of the mountains.

There is a freight train on the railway.

Sergeev M.A. (synchronously).

Vonsovsky S.V. (synchronously).

Vatolin N.A.- (synchronously).

Ural Mountains.

Ore mining (animation).


Сергеев М.А. - директор Института экономики УНЦ АН СССР
член-корреспондент АН СССР. Вонсовский С.В. -председатель Президиума АН СССР
академик. Ватолин Н.А.директор Института металлургии УНЦ АН СССР
член-корреспондент АН СССР.

Shooting locations:

Sredneuralsk Kachkanar


Winter [823]

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Lyakishev N.P. (synchronously).

N.A. Vatolin (synchronously).


Tests in the laboratory.

Dovgopol V.I. (synchronously).

N.A. Vatolin (synchronously).

Explosion in the quarry.

Photos of 1958-the beginning of the construction of the Kachkanar plant.

Sladkov G.I. (synchronously).

Kachkanar mining and processing plant.

Excavator in the quarry.

The blast furnace of the Nizhny Tagil combine.

Molten metal.

The workshop of the combine.

Shavrin S.V. (synchronously).


Lyakishev N.P.-direktor CNII chernih metallov

doktor tehnicheskih nauk Dovgopol V.I.-direktor Uraljskogo NII chernih metallov

doktor ekonomicheskih nauk. Sladkov G.I. -glavnij inzhener proekta rudopodgotoviteljnogo predpriyatiya. Shavrin S.V. -zaveduyuschij laboratoriej pirometallurgii vosstanoviteljnih processov /Instituta metallurgii UNC AN SSSR

doktor tehnicheskih nauk

Shooting locations:

Ural [920]


Winter [823]

Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The workshop of the combine.

Shavrin S.V. (synchronously).

Tagil plant.

Experiments in the laboratory.

Slag under the microscope.

Computer center.

Shavrin S.V. (synchronously).

Blast furnace.

Molten metal.

Dovgopol V.I. (synchronously)

Shooting locations:

Ural [920]

Reel №4

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame



Torshilov Yu.V. (synchronously).

Dovgopol V.I. (synchronously).


Workshops of the combine.

Commodity composition with ore.

Uralmash, people come out after a shift.

Temples P.G. (synchronously).

Vonsovsky S.V. (synchronously).

Sergeev M.A. (synchronously).

Dovgopol V.I. (synchronously).

Melnikov N.P. (synchronously).


Torshilov Yu.V. -otvetstvennij rabotnik apparata Soveta Ministrov SSSR. Hramov P.G. -glavnij inzhener Instituta "Uralgiproruda". Meljnikov N.P.-direktor CNIIP stroiteljnih metallokonstrukcij

chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR

Shooting locations:

Ural [920]

Reel №5

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

A piece of ore.

Lyakishev N.P. (synchronously).

Loading ore into wagons.

The work of a rotary excavator.

A quarry for the extraction of ore.

Laying of the pipeline.

Welding of pipes.

Laying of the railway track.

Vonsovsky S.V. (synchronously).

Ural Mountains from a helicopter.

Temples P.G. (synchronously).

Lyakishev N.P. (synchronously).

The structure of the metallurgical plant (animation).

Construction of a new plant.

Shooting locations:

Ural [920]


Winter [823]

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