Let's get out into the sea (1986)

Movie №47083, 5 parts, Duration: 0:46:28
Studio -
Production manager:
V. Varlamova
V. Ignatyuk, V. Kirkarskij
Camera operators:
N. Morozov, A. Shafran
R. Koposov
Text authors:
V. Taranenko, N. Belyanina
I. Makarov, V. Kirnarskij
Sound mixer:
V. Korablev
E. Stihin
P.A. Nechaev


Фильм посвящен курсантам высших морских инженерных училищ, их повседневной учебе и морской практике.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Personnel of the Odessa Higher Naval Engineering School named after

Lenin Komsomol on the parade ground during the initiation ceremony for cadets.

The head of the school congratulates the cadets (synchronously).

The faces of the cadets standing in the ranks.

Cadets in formation to the music of a brass band are walking through the streets of Odessa, the faces of cadets.

Cadets march past the monument to the participants of the uprising on the battleship "Potemkin" (above).

View of the monument, cadets lay a wreath at the foot of the monument.

Sea surf.

Members of the club of young sailors "Albatross" comprehend the basics of marine science, put wooden boats in order.

Interview of club members about their desire to become a sailor (synchronously).

Club members carry a sail to the shore.

Young sailors go on a hike in sailing and rowing boats, their comrades wave goodbye with their hands.

Young sailors on oars during a hike.

The boats are in the wake of the formation to the Solovetsky Islands.

Raising the sails.

The boats are under sail.

View of the Solovetsky Monastery, boats under sail approach the pier.

Neptune's Holiday on one of the Solovetsky Islands.

Young sailors at the Neptune festival, types of festive event.

Members of the Albatross Club are thrown into the water during the "baptism by the sea".

Faces of children.

Veterans and members of the Albatross Club walk along the stone wall.

One of the towers of the monastery.

Laying wreaths and flowers at the monument to the jungs of the Northern Fleet, pupils of the Solovetsky Jung school.

Performance of a female folklore ensemble.

Applicants during the submission of documents to the faculties of one of the higher marine engineering schools.

Registration of a personal file.

Applicants' faces.

Compass on the background of a sailboat model.

Ancient nautical charts (panorama).

Visitors in the halls of the museum of one of the schools.

A young man reads aloud the text of the 18th century on the stand of one of the halls of the museum (synchronously).

The teacher of the school tells young people about the training program at the school (synchronously).

Panorama of a part of the stands in one of the halls of the museum.

One of the cadets of the final year of the Faculty of Navigation during the defense of the diploma in English.

Persons of cadets and members of the examination committee.

Interview of one of the graduates (synchronously).



Shooting locations:

Odessa, Arkhangelsk region



Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Чайки над морем.

Курсанты во время утренней физической зарядки.

Вид корпусов Новороссийского высшего инженерного морского училища со стороны моря.

Построение курсантов на плацу училища во время церемонии подъема флага (сверху).

Курсанты идут на занятия после утреннего развода.

Вывески Новороссийского и Одесского высших инженерных морских училищ.

Курсанты в лекционном зале судоводительского факультета (панорама).

Интервью начальника судоводительского факультета (синхронно и за кадром).

Вывеска Дальневосточного инженерного морского училища, мимо проходят курсанты.

Лица родителей курсантов.

Курсанты первого курса обживают комнату в общежитии.

Курсанты в бытовой комнате гладят обмундирование.

Курсанты заходят в обеденный зал столовой.

Чистка картошки нарядом по столовой.

Интервью курсантов-первокурсников (синхронно).

Курсанты играют в водное поло в бассейне училища.

Лицо арбитра.

Вид части бассейна во время игры (сверху).

Курсанты играют с гандбол в спортзале.

Выполнение прыжков на батуте.

Выступление самодеятельного танцевального ансамбля училища.

Суда в море.

Парусная шлюпка в море.

Морской прибой.

Виды порта Владивостока.

Интервью одного из преподавателей дальневосточного высшего инженерного морского училища о пользе парусной практики (синхронно).

Малые парусные суда за волноломом (панорама).

Лицо инструктора.

Парусная яхта выходит в море.

Курсанты на борту парусной яхты во время практического плавания.

Яхты, идущие под парусами вдоль побережья, вид палубы и такелажа яхты.

Парусное судно "Товарищ".

Спящие в кубрике парусника курсанты, открытый иллюминатор.

Курсант стоит у фальшборта.

Курсант отдыхает, сменившись с вахты.

Корабельная рында.

Курсанты забираются вверх по вантам, парусник "Товарищ" во время плавания.

Постановка курсантами парусов.

Парусник на поверхности моря.

Вид носовой части парусника (сверху).

Курсант и капитан-наставник у штурвала.

Морской пейзаж.

Курсанты драят палубу.

Курсанты моются под душем на палубе, морской пейзаж.

Вид части такелажа.


Cities and regions of Russia, Cities and countries, Fleet, Education, Various sports, Sport, Amateur performance, Life and recreation



Shooting locations:

Krasnodar region, Odessa, Vladivostok, At Sea


Summer, Autumn

Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The faces of girls walking in the park.

The boat goes through the water area of the port.

Sailboat "Comrade" at the pier.

Cadets with girls are walking down the street of the city.

Cadets dance with girls at a disco.

Graduates with their wives and girls in a cafe after graduation.

Interview of the wives of graduates of the maritime school (synchronously).

A cadet with a girl during a date.

View of the bay in Vladivostok.

Panorama of the cargo port.

Persons of the captains of cargo ships participating in the meeting on the delivery of goods to the Arctic ports of the Far North.

One of the captains speaks from the podium.

Panorama of the cargo port.

Cargo raft to the side of the container ship.

View of the bow deck of a cargo ship going through one of the northern seas (from above).

The captain is walking through the corridors of the ship with a map in his hands.

The captain gives instructions to the navigator to plot a course through the ice fields.

Panorama of the sea on one of the Arctic routes, view of the bow deck of a container ship (from above).

Navigator and helmsman on the bridge.

Ice outside the ship.

The face of one of the crew members.

Broken ice at the side of the ship.

Cargo ship "Cola" overcomes the ice jam.

The helmsman's face.

Internal view of the engine room.

The container ship "Cola" goes through the ice.

Arctic landscape.

The icebreaker "Siberia" goes through the ice, paving the way for a caravan of ships, the captain gives orders by radio.

Icebreaker "Siberia" and container ship "Cola" go through the ice (from above).

The plane flies around an icebreaker and a container ship, Arctic landscapes.

Specialists at the control panel on board the "Siberia".

Interview of a graduate of the maritime school about the first voyage on a nuclear icebreaker (synchronously).

Arctic seascape, view of the bow of the container ship (panorama).

Ships near the Arctic coast, mountains on the shore.

Interview of a sailor about his service in the Arctic (synchronously and behind the scenes), rocks near the coastline, the steering pen of a ship standing in dry dock.

Ships at the berths.

The captain of the training and production vessel on the bridge.

View of the front part of the ship's deck.

Second-year cadets of the Odessa Higher Marine Engineering School in the control room during the internship.

Cadets during a class in the classroom of the training engine room.

Cadets during practice in the engine room.



Shooting locations:

Vladivostok, Arctic, At Sea


Summer, Autumn, Winter

Reel №4

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The pilot descends from the training vessel after leaving the port of Odessa.

Announcement of a training boat alarm.

Actions of cadets on the announcement of the training boat alarm, cadets run up the ladders.

Launching boats into the water.

Cadets in the boat.

Cadets during a lesson on the elimination of a hole.

Lesson on a life raft, cadets jump into the water and climb on the raft.

View of the main building of the Leningrad Higher Naval Engineering School in Strelna in winter, cadets walk along the path.

Cadets climb the stairs to the foyer of the school.

A lesson in one of the laboratories.

Cadets in the classroom during class.

View of a working ship's car.

Cadets during a practical lesson on the study of the material part of marine engines.

The teacher conducts a lesson in one of the classrooms.

Classes on special simulators.

Cadets during a foreign language class in the language laboratory.

Lesson on the study of navigation systems and instruments.

Cadets study automated computing systems.

A lesson in radio communication and the study of Morse code, a type of radio communication class, the faces of cadets.

The educational process on the simulators of the school.

Cadets in class at the computer center.

Cadets during classes on various simulators.


Training in navigation and mooring on a simulator-a smaller copy of the vessel.

Panorama of a part of the water area of the cargo port.

Cadets climb the ladder of the container ship "Ivan Kotlyarevsky" for sea practice in long-distance navigation.

One of the officers greets the cadets on deck.

Lifting the anchor.

The container ship departs from the pier.

The container ship's exit from the port, a panorama of a part of the port.

Type of deck superstructure.

Foam breakers behind the stern of the ship.

Navigation equipment of the vessel, the radar antenna rotates.

Waves overboard of the vessel (from above).


Fleet, Cities and regions of Russia, Geography and nature, Education



Shooting locations:

Odessa, Leningrad region, At Sea


Winter, Autumn

Reel №5

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

A flying seagull.

Baking bread in the galley.

Cooking, cooks make dumplings.

Type of compartment for eating.

Trainee cadets during lunch.

Waves overboard the ship.

The mechanic monitors the work of the ship's machines, the internal view of the engine room.

Internal views of the ship's premises.


Cadets during the performance of various functions on the bridge.

One of the cadets plots a course on the map.

The faces of the trainee cadets and their mentor.

The cadet plots the course of the vessel under the guidance of the navigator.

Containers with cargo on the deck of the vessel (from above).

Seagulls on the nok.

Navigator at the radar, a panorama of the ship's navigation equipment (below).

Navigator at work.

The cadet plots the course of the vessel.

A ship on a parallel course.

Panorama of a container ship.

Types of container ship deck (top).

Landscape on the Japanese coast.

Cadets during a walk around the city.

A cadet with a girl walks in the park.

Panorama of the container ship "Ivan Kotlyarevsky".

Panorama of the bay.

Cargo ship on the Vladivostok roadstead.

The state flag of the USSR on the topmast of one of the ships.


Cranes in the port.

Ship's radar screen.

Interview of the ship's captain about the sailor's return home (synchronously).

Port cranes, vessels under loading and unloading.

View of the passenger liner "Maxim Gorky".

Relatives and family members of sailors on the pier waiting for the crew to go ashore, parents holding children in their arms.

"Maxim Gorky" at the pier.

The girls' faces.

The cargo ship Kemerovo enters the port.

People with flowers in their hands greet the sailors who have returned home.

The faces of the greeters, the ship at sea.

A flying seagull.

Waves overboard, seascape.

Sea surf.

Cars and containers with cargo at the berth of the seaport, a ship at the berth (panorama).

Panoramas and views of parts of the cargo port territory, working processes in the port.

Cargo ship "Tikhon Kiselyov" under unloading.

Loading containers onto the ship using a crane beam.

The underground tunnel of the cargo port.

Passing tugs.

The vessel "Alexey Kosygin" during the voyage.

Navigator at work.

Applicants of one of the maritime schools study the lists of examination groups.

The sailboat "Comrade" during the voyage.

The cadets of the naval school are standing at the side, exchanging impressions.

One of the vessels during the voyage.



Geografiya i priroda

Morskoe delo




Shooting locations:

At Sea, Vladivostok


Winter, Summer

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