On Guard for Peace. 30 years of the Soviet Army (1948)

Movie №48577, 8 parts, Duration: 1:08:45
R. Grigorjev, Fideleva M.
Others authors:
zvuk V. Kotov, muz. of-e. A. Rojtman, D. Shtiljman


The film tells about the history of the Red Army, its formation during the Civil War, its heroic victory in the Great Patriotic War battles.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Soviet soldiers with the banner go on the liberation of the city.

A soldier carries a girl in his arms.

Advertise aircraft and naval infantry units of the Soviet Army, the barrel of heavy artillery with icons destroyed targets.

Bearers in the Victory Parade on Red Square on June 24, 1945.

Young soldiers bring the military oath, put their signatures under the text of the oath, those soldiers standing in formation.

Waving the red flag.

Game footage of the uprising of the x / films "Battleship" Potemkin "", "The Return of Maxim", "October".

Newsreel 1917 year: the presentation of the Pavlovsky regiment banner Revolutionary workers Putilov.

Game footage of the storming of the Winter Palace's / movie "October".

Painting "Lenin proclaims Soviet power".

Text "Decree on Peace".

Game footage German offensive of x / movie "Alexander Parkhomenko" and Lenin's speech at the meeting of the x / movie "The man with the gun."

The text of the decree on the establishment of the Red Army with Lenin's signature.

Newsreel of 1918-1919: the parade of the Red Army in Petrograd.

The landing of American and Japanese invaders in Arkhangelsk and Vladivostok in 1918.

Meeting of the Japanese military in Vladivostok.

The American and British infantry marches through the streets of Russian cities.

Those British and French guards standing at their posts at their consulates.

The French and British ships in Odessa and Archangel.

Parade of German troops in Kiev German troops marching through the streets of Kiev.

The German troops are fighting in Ukraine, the atrocities of the German occupiers.

Pictures shot by the Germans in Ukraine residents.

Newsreel 1919: VI Lenin It stands on Red Square at the memorial meeting on the day of the funeral Sverdlov YM March 19, 1918.

Panorama rally.

Lenin of the truck shakes hands with parade participants Vsevobuch troops in Moscow May 25, 1919.

Part of the Red Army are on Sverdlov Square in May 1920 before sending to the Polish front.

The painting, depicting Lenin and Stalin was a direct line.

Newsreel: IV Stalin and GK Ordzhonikidze in the Kremlin on 12 Congress of the RCP (b) in April 1923.

Map of the Civil War, a picture of Stalin and Voroshilov in Tsaritsyno.

Game footage of x / films dedicated to the defense of Tsaritsyn in 1918.

Poster "to the protection of the Red Urals!" Caricature of Kolchak.

Newsreel 1919-1920 years, alternating with paintings depicting Stalin's activities during the period of the Civil War: the team of red armored combat takes place according to the schedule, the Red Army soldiers run along the train.

Type armored train.

Gunners on the gun site.

Armored artillery opens fire.

Game footage defense of Petrograd.

Red cavalry attacked Denikin's troops in the south of Russia.

Budyonny, KE Voroshilov S.M.i during the parade part 1 Cavalry, face the Red Army.

Attack of the Red cavalry.

Rally in liberated from Donbass white on the occasion sent to Moscow the first echelon with coal, sending the train.


Lenin Vladimir Ilyich [841] - a state and political figure Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich [842] - a state and political figure Grigory Ordzhonikidze - state and political figure Kliment Voroshilov - statesman and political leader

military leader Budyonny Semyon Mikhailovich - commander


1917 03/19/1918 05/25/1919 1920 1923 06/24/1945

Shooting locations:

Moscow [820] Petrograd [959] Arkhangelsk region [768] Vladivostok [951] Russia [1] Ukraine [229]


Summer [824] Spring [825] Autumn [826]

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Newsreel of 1920: the Red cavalry is fighting.

Frunze M. V. speaks to the Red Army.

Voroshilov K. E. together with other commanders watches the crossing of the river of cavalry units.

Ordzhonikidze G. K. welcomes the troops during the fighting in the Caucasus.

Parade of Red Army units.

Kirov S. M. stands at the car in Astrakhan.

Landing of a Red Army unit from a steamship on the Volga, the face of Molotov V. M.

Kalinin M. I. at the railway station speaks to the peasants and Red Army soldiers during a trip to the Tver province in 1918.

Distribution of literature from the cars of the propaganda train, Red Army soldiers read newspapers, look at posters.

Game shots from the x / films "Chapaev", "Shchors", "Kotovsky", "Alexander Parkhomenko".

Map of the territories of Soviet Russia liberated from the White Guards (animation).

Newsreel of 1918-1920: Red Army troops on the streets of liberated Kazan, Rostov-on-Don, Kiev.

Red Army units enter Baku.

The funeral of the remains of 26 Baku commissars on the square in Baku in September 1920.

People stand with portraits of commissars, relatives at the coffins with the bodies of the dead, the coffin is lowered into the grave.

Bridges, communication lines, and buildings destroyed during the fighting of the Civil War.

People on the pier meet volunteers who have arrived at one of the construction sites.

View of construction sites and new industrial enterprises.

View of the Dnieper dam, the take-off of the stratostat "Osoaviakhim-1" in 1934.

Papanin I. D. in the polar camp at the North Pole.

Meeting of the crew of Chkalov V. P., Baidukov G. F. and Belyakov A.V. in the United States in 1937, the face of Chkalov.

Stalin I. V. at the airfield during a meeting of the Chkalov crew.

Stalin greets the pilots.

Chkalov rides through Moscow in an open car, a view of the Moscow street during the passage of the pilots (from above).

The border guard bypasses the coastline, watches the sea through binoculars.

Marching Japanese troops, the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931.

Wehrmacht parades in Germany.

Soviet sentry on duty.

The text of the oath to Lenin from the" Short Biography " of Stalin.

Types of buildings of military academies in Moscow.

The parade of troops on Red Square in the 1930s.

Voroshilov K. E..

Molotov V. M., Kalinin M. I. greet the troops from the rostrum of the mausoleum.

Students of military academies are in the ranks.

The visit of Stalin, Ordzhonikidze and Voroshilov to the cruiser Chervona Ukraina in 1929, Stalin speaks to the Red Navy, leaves a memorable entry in the book of honored guests.

Stalin, Kirov and Voroshilov visit the ships of the newly created Northern Fleet in 1933.

The crew of one of the ships in formation on the deck, Stalin speaks to the Red Navy.

New trucks, planes, designed for the Red Army.

People watch the flights of planes at the aviation festival in Tushino.

Kaganovich L. M., Voroshilov and Stalin, Andreev A. A., Khrushchev N. S. and aircraft designer Yakovlev A. S. among the pilots and parachutists at the Tushino airfield.

Planes fly over Red Square.

The landing of a parachute landing during the maneuvers of the 1930s.

Tanks on maneuvers of military districts, Voroshilov over the map.

Tanks and other equipment on parade on Red Square, military attaches watch the parade.

The positions of the Soviet troops in the area of Lake Khasan in 1938.

The Red Army soldier stands at the flag at the occupied height.

View of the Khalkhin-Gol river in 1939.

A Red Army soldier stacks captured Japanese helmets, the corpses of Japanese soldiers in the trenches.

The Japanese funeral team removes the corpses of their soldiers from the location of the Soviet troops, the traffic controller gives a permission signal to Japanese trucks with corpses.

Tankmen brothers Mikheevs during a rally in their native village, view of the rally.

Mikheev-the father speaks at the rally.

Abyssinian village is burning, an Abyssinian with a child in his arms in 1935-1936.

An Italian plane is flying, people are hiding in shelters.

German planes over Madrid during the Spanish Civil War, people running to bomb shelters, victims of Nazi bombing.

German soldiers march through the streets of Vienna in 1938.

Chamberlain N. and Daladier E. after arriving in Munich.

Articles in the Soviet press directed against the Munich Agreements.

Signing of the Munich Agreements.

German troops enter Prague, people's faces, views of Prague streets.

Burning buildings in one of the cities of Europe.

Paris residents on the streets listen to the message about the surrender of France in 1940.

German troops are on the Champs-Elysees.

Fragments of the text of the plan "Barbarossa", a map of the actions of the Wehrmacht according to the plan "Barbarossa" (animation).


Mikhail Frunze - commander Kliment Voroshilov - statesman and political leader

military leader Grigory Ordzhonikidze - state and political figure Sergei Kirov Myronovych - state and political figure Vyacheslav Molotov - state and political figure Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin - state and political figure Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich [842] - a state and political figure Kaganovich Lazar - state and political figure Andrei Andreev - state and political figure Nikita Khrushchev [882] - a state and political figure Valery Chkalov - test pilot Bajdukov George Filippovich - test pilot

captain Alexander Belyakov - pilot-navigator Yakovlev Alexander - aircraft Neville Chamberlain - British statesman and politician Edouard Daladier - French statesman and politician


1918-1920 1929 1931 1933 1934 1935-1936 1937 1937-1940

Shooting locations:

Moscow [820] Astrakhan region [769] Kiev [933] Baku [948] Ukraine [229] USA [851] Germany [84] Arctic [941] USSR [863] Mongolia [147] Western Europe [911] Paris [850] Prague [879] Munich [872] Ethiopia [71]


Summer [824] Autumn [826] Spring [825]

Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Border post on the state border of the USSR, the border guard on duty.

The surviving wall gates Lieutenant Vetchinkina KF, who took the June 22, 1941 fight against the Nazi troops, a memorial plaque on the wall.

Major Vetchinkin talking on the outpost with young guards, fighting shows places with the Germans in 1941.

Newsreel 1941: the flying German planes drop bombs, burning kind of Soviet airfield (above), the German infantry attacks.

People in a burning village.

German soldiers burst into the house, the corpses of civilians.

It moves the German armor, the German soldiers on the streets.

German infantry goes on the road.

A. Hitler considers the card fighting.

View of the New York (top) view of one of the streets.

Types of the Moscow Kremlin.

IV Stalin coming out of the car, up the stairs.

People on the streets listening to Stalin's radio address to the Soviet people July 3, 1941, portraits of members of the National Defense Commission, headed by Stalin.

Meetings at the Moscow plant in June 1941, a speaker.

Poster "The Motherland Calls!".

Family tank crews Mironov, Boyko.

Mikheev Sr. escorted to the front of his younger sons (1943 frames).

Highlander from the Caucasus says goodbye to his mother, horsemen galloping through the village.

Recruits and FLS in service on the streets of Moscow, are girls-medical orderlies.

Workers of Leningrad passed the banner of military unit, leaving the front.

Division of the Red Army is on the streets of Leningrad.

Infantry, tanks and armored vehicles were moving to forward positions, fly planes.

The soldiers waved goodbye from cars leaving echelon.

Political worker stands in front of the soldiers of the Red Army soldiers applauded.

Deliveries bombs reindeer, engineers lay mines under enemy fire.

German offensive.

A soldier throws a grenade out of the trench, burning German tanks.

The calculation of the anti-gun fires on the German tanks, burning tanks.

The machine-gunners are firing, the bodies of German soldiers.

Artillery firing at the enemy anti-aircraft gunners to repel the attacks of German planes, the dying and falling to the ground planes.

Dogfight, Pokryshkin AI and Kozhedub IN in the cockpit.

Submarine periscope above the water surface.

Submariner watching through the periscope for the purpose of burning the German ship.

Kovpak SA at a meeting of the guerrilla commanders.

Guerrillas detachment Ignatov brothers undermine railroad tracks, explosions and the collapse of the German trains.

Partisans blow up bridges.

Those marching German soldiers, German soldiers' cemeteries types.

Types of Odessa streets during the fighting for the city in 1941.

Ships of the Black Sea Fleet and the artillery firing at the enemy.

Anti-aircraft gunners are firing a machine gun on the German transport aircraft, the wing of the dying to the ground plane.

View Count's Quay and Monument Nakhimov in the battle for Sevastopol in 1941-1942.

Flying German bombers.

Panorama of Sevastopol, pounding the city with heavy artillery and German warships.

Black Sea Fleet ships are returned fire, tanks and infantry go to the counter.

Coastal battery fires, sailors fighting in the positions.

Presentation of party tickets sailors of the Black Sea.

The defenders of Sevastopol on the positions.

Voluntary defense observation post on the roof of one of the houses of Leningrad, view of the city center (top).

View of one of the city streets.

Artillery firing at the advancing enemy.

Burn Badaevsky food warehouses.

Tanks on the streets of Leningrad in the winter.

Zhdanov AA holds a meeting.

Artillery firing at the enemy, German soldiers digging.

Person German sniper.

Cruiser "Aurora" at the snow-covered embankment types Leningrad streets in the first winter of the siege.

The workers of the Kirov plant in the shop for repair of tanks.

A column of trucks with food moves through Lake Ladoga on the "road of life", are regulators.


Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich [842] - a state and political figure Andrey Zhdanov - state and political figure Adolf Hitler - a German statesman and political figure Pokryshkin Alexander - a fighter pilot Kozhedub Ivan Nikitivich - fighter pilot Sidor Kovpak Artemyevitch - state and public figure

the captain


06.1941-07.1941 1942 1943

Shooting locations:

USSR [863] Germany [84] Moscow [820] Odessa [960] Crimea [981] Leningrad [848] Leningrad region [785] New York [856] At Sea [14]


Summer [824] Autumn [826] Winter [823]

Reel №4

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Newsreel 1941: the view of the passing trains from the station (above).

Women with children in the car going to the evacuation.

Evacuation of agricultural machinery under its own power.

It takes a train from the factory equipment.

The composition of the equipment is in Central Asia.

Construction of new buildings in the rear of the evacuated factories, equipment installation.

The streets of Moscow, covered with barricades and anti-tank facilities.

Stalin delivers a speech on November 7, 1941 in front of the troops on Red Square, the troops on parade.

View editorial board of the building of "Truth", a meeting of military correspondents.

Message of the heroism of 28 Panfilov.

Overgrown Dubosekovo trenches in the area, a monument to the heroes of Panfilov.

People stand near the monument to the fence.

Newsreel 1941: AS Shcherbakov in the hospital presents awards to the heroes of the defense of Moscow.

Tank column moving through the streets of Moscow, passes ski battalion.

NA Bulganin the military on the frontline.

Home artillery barrage, exploding shells in the location of German troops.

Attack Soviet tanks and aircraft, bombing of German positions.

Part of the Red Army in the counteroffensive at Moscow, cavalry and infantry attack supported by tanks.

German soldiers surrendering, moving column of German prisoners.

Broken German military equipment.

Presenting the Guards banners of the Red Army.

Artillery moves through the Borodino field by one of the monuments in 1812.

Panorama burning Stalingrad summer of 1942.

Map of the German offensive in the summer of 1942 (animation).

Chuikov VI give orders to subordinates during the battle for Stalingrad.

The fighting in the streets of Stalingrad in the autumn-winter of 1942.

Soviet soldiers firing from destroyed buildings, working sniper, Red Army soldiers are wounded comrade.

The Red Army has been fighting in the Caucasus in the summer and autumn of 1942.

Marines under enemy fire landed on the beach and take positions.

Soldiers and commanders are buried comrade.

Collective farmer Holovaty F. hands to pilot a plane built on their own savings.

Sending in troops and tanks, aircraft, built on folk remedies.

Women work at the bench.

Women have a medical instructor first aid to the injured, carry them out of the fire.

The work of women in industry, mines in the collective farms during the war.

Harvesting corn and cotton to the Central Asian republics.

Women in the village knit mittens for the soldiers, the soldiers on the front lines dismantled sent warm clothes.

People in the rear write letters to relatives on the front.

Sergeant Antipin parses the letters sent to him.

Persons miner in the mine, in a trench sniper Surkov, D. Turner Bosygo for the machine.

Types of industrial, domestic kinds of shops, the production process in the shops.

Panorama workshop for the production of artillery ammunition, the workers on the shop floor.

Assembling aircraft and tanks on the factory floor.

SV Ilyushin Aircraft in the design office in 1943-1944 year.

The aircraft Lavochkin SA, Yakovlev AS at work.

New tanks out of the shop of the plant.

Tanks on the site of the finished products, new aircraft at the factory airfield.

Echelon with artillery goes to the front.

Face driver of the locomotive, the tanks on the platforms, fireman throwing coal into the furnace of a steam locomotive.

Tanks are put forward to combat positions.


Alexander Shcherbakov - state and political figure Nikolai Bulganin - state and political figure Chuikov Vasily Ivanovich - commander Ilyushin Sergey Vladimirovich - aircraft Lavochkin Semyon - aircraft Yakovlev Alexander - aircraft


1941 07/11/1941 1942-1944

Shooting locations:

Moscow [820] Moscow region [788] Stalingrad [947] Ural [920] USSR [863]


Summer [824] Autumn [826] Winter [823]

Reel №5

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Newsreel 1942: Stalin's political commissar reading appeal to the soldiers and commanders of the Red Army in November 1942.

Connection troops of the Stalingrad and South-Western fronts, the soldiers run toward each other, embrace.

Surrounded by Nazi troops at Stalingrad (animation).

Newsreel 1942-1943 years: Soviet planes bombed encircled in Stalingrad German group.

Artillery firing at the enemy.

Commander Don Front KK Rokossovsky He is watching the progress of the battle.

Infantry and tanks are on the attack, artillery fires burning plane crashes.

Tank with a red flag on the streets of Stalingrad.

The German troops in Stalingrad surrendering, artillery gun barrel shroud.

It moves a column of German prisoners.

Residents of cities in Europe, the underground in France and Poland, Yugoslav partisans listen to radio reports of the defeat of Nazi troops at Stalingrad.

It takes a unit of the Red Army.

Types of Kiev and Minsk streets in the days of the occupation of 1941-1944.

Checking documents in the streets of Minsk.

Panorama of the Rouen.

Red Army Soldiers in the trenches in the hours of rest, sleep, smoking, reading letters from home.

Soviet troops go to the West.

Map the front line in 1943 (animation).

House in Rzhev, where Stalin stayed IV in August 1943 during a trip to the Kalinin Front, a plaque on the wall of the house.

House in Gzhatsk, where Stalin stayed home interiors.

Newsreel 1943: Soviet generals and officers in command and staff exercises on the layout area.

Pilot Pokryshkin AI conducts theoretical activity air battle, the generals develop a plan of operation on the layout area.

German troops are advancing on the Kursk Bulge in July 1943.

Soviet artillery fire on the enemy, those officers who gave the command.

A general view of the field with the attacking Soviet tanks, fly planes.

Damaged and burning the German armor.

Contused German gunner sits in an inverted blast guns.

Soviet troops are in Eagle 5 August 1943, residents of the city to welcome them, give flowers.

People set up at the gate house of salvation in the days of the occupation flag.

Maj visiting fellow.

Fireworks over Moscow, people watching fireworks on the city streets.

View column of German prisoners.

Persons of German soldiers in the trenches.

Forcing the Dnieper by the Red Army.

Soviet tanks in the suburbs of Kiev November 6, 1943.

Kiev residents meet and embrace NS Khrushchev, Khrushchev is talking to them.

Tanks, infantry and air force in the attack, the type of transport node (at the top), bomb explosions.

German signalmen in the trenches, the retreat of the German troops.

Soviet motorcyclists pursue the enemy along the railroad tracks, the infantry on the march.

Job printing field a military newspaper, the soldiers read the newspaper.

Officer-political worker conducts political information.

Filling the fuel tank trucks and sending them to the front.

Work front bakery.

The doctors and nurses caring for the wounded in the hospital train car.

Echelon with replenishment and military equipment goes to the front, the girls throw flowers to the mound.

The commander of the self-propelled artillery Kosmodem'yanskii AA during the battle.

Attack Soviet tanks and infantry, medical orderly bandaging the wounded.

Bullet-riddled party ticket.

Infantry way through the bolt, the gunners roll over bumps gun.

Flying Soviet planes.

German signalers are hiding in the cracks.

Artillery officer gives the command to open fire, artillery firing at the enemy.

Soviet ground attack aircraft to attack ground targets, air combat, falling aircraft with a torn wing.

German aircraft burns on the ground.

Tanks are attacking through the field.


Nikita Khrushchev [882] - a state and political figure Konstantin Rokossovsky - commander Pokryshkin Alexander - a fighter pilot


11.1942 07.1943 08/05/1943 06/11/1943

Shooting locations:

Stalingrad [947] Western Europe [911] France [77] Yugoslavia [247] Minsk [972] Kiev [933] Orel region [795] Ukraine [229] USSR [863]


Winter [823] Spring [825] Summer [824] Autumn [826]

Reel №6

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Map offensive of the Red Army in 1944 and ten "Stalin strikes" (animation).

Newsreel 1944: meeting soldiers and officers parts shutting encirclement.

Broken German armored vehicles.

View of the battlefield (top), the remnants of the defeated German 8th Army during the Battle of the Korsun-Cherkassy Pocket.

Soviet troops enter liberated Sevastopol in May 1944, the bodies of German soldiers and the remains of military equipment on the Black Sea.

Those sailors.

Panorama of Sevastopol, warships anchored in the bay of Sevastopol.

Remains of the Finnish defense and anti-tank facilities in Karelia, captured by the Red Army.

View Broken German technology to the roads of Belarus (top).

View of the liberation of Minsk (top).

Truck with Soviet soldiers passes by the reconstructed border post.

Road sign with the words "Germany".

On the way, moving column of German prisoners.

German prisoners of war are the streets of Moscow, Muscovites face.

Panorama shows samples of captured weapons, the German planes, tanks, guns at the fairgrounds.

Soviet troops on the streets of Lviv, the city residents welcomed them.

German soldiers near Chisinau with arms raised go to surrender, moving column of German prisoners of war.

Soviet tanks and infantry on the streets of liberated cities in the Baltic countries, people greeted them with flowers.

Soviet troops overcome the Carpathians, gunners wheeled cannon, tanks on the mountain road.

Soviet troops enter the territory of Norway after the German defeat in the Pechenga district.

Driving restored in 1944, the Soviet state border, fireworks over Moscow.

Newsreel, 1944: Polish city residents greeted the Red Army.

Soviet tanks are on the streets of Bucharest, people welcome the Red Army.

Residents of Sofia welcome Soviet soldiers.

Soviet troops are on the streets of Belgrade.

Residents of one of the cities of Hungary welcomes passing of the Red Army.

Soviet troops in Vienna.

People come out of the underground shelters in Norway and welcome the soldiers of the Red Army.

Soviet soldiers and officers among the inhabitants of the liberated European cities.

The graves of Soviet soldiers in the cities of Europe, an elderly woman with a child laying flowers on the grave Mostrakova M. Yugoslavia.

Monuments to Soviet soldiers in the cities of Europe.

Newsreel of 1944-1945: Red Army begins in East Prussia, defeated German technology.

Marshal Vasilevsky AM among officers and generals.

Soviet artillery fire on the enemy during the storming of Berlin.

The fighting in the streets of Berlin, the Reichstag fire and assault.

Planting the Banner of victory on the roof of the Reichstag, Soviet soldiers were jubilant.

The commandant of Berlin, General Weidling, together with subordinates surrenders.

White flags in the windows of buildings in Berlin.

The interiors of premises occupied the Reich Chancellery, Hitler's globe in the office, the wreckage of Nazi symbols.

Inscriptions made by Soviet soldiers on the walls and columns of the Reichstag.

Soviet soldiers celebrate the end of the fighting in Berlin, former prisoners of concentration camps, returning home to greet them.

Soviet tanks on the streets of liberated Prague.

Marshal Konev IS answers the greeting of Prague residents.

Alexandrov ensemble concert at the stadium, the audience applauded.


Alexander Vasilevsky - commander Konev Ivan Stepanovich - commander Helmuth Weidling - German military commander



Shooting locations:

Ukraine [229] Lviv [924] Crimea [981] Republic of Karelia [746] Minsk [972] Kishinev [953] Norway [165] Bucharest [867] Belgrade [975] Moscow [820] Berlin [821] Prague [879] Hungary [100] Poland [177]


Winter [823] Spring [825]

Reel №7

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Newsreel 1945: Soviet troops move through Hinggan and the roads of Manchuria in August 1945.

Flying Soviet bombers landing ship sails.

Jet boats Pacific Fleet firing at the enemy, amphibious assault.

Artillery firing point-blank range, Soviet soldiers set the moisture at the height occupied by them.

View of Port Arthur (top).

Captured soldiers of the Kwantung Army, sitting by the roadside, surrendered captured Japanese officers.

Residents of cities liberated Manchuria and Korea welcomed the Soviet troops.

Panorama of the coast of the Kuril Islands.

Hoisting the red flag over the Port Arthur.

View of Red Square during the Victory Parade June 24, 1945 (top).

Soldiers captured throw fascist banners at the foot of the mausoleum.

IV Stalin on the platform of the mausoleum.

Captured flags are at the foot of the mausoleum.

VM Molotov, Malenkov, GM, LP Beria, Mikoyan, AI, Shkiryatov MF, AA Andreev, Kaganovich LM, NA Voznesensky, Shvernik H .M., NS Khrushchev, Budyonny SM, KE Voroshilov, Zhdanov AA, NA Bulganin on the platform of the mausoleum.

Soviet commanders on the side of the podium of the mausoleum, among them - NN Voronov, KA Vershinin Marshals Vasilevsky, AM, IS Konev, Govorov LM, KA Meretskov in the parade at the head of combined regiments of fronts.

GK Zhukov, Rokossovsky KK on the platform of the mausoleum.

Those Marshals Rodion Malinovsky and FI Tolbukhin General Vatutin NF at the command post.

General Chernyakhovsky ID over the map of hostilities.

The attacking infantry.

Participants in the Victory Day parade on Red Square ranks.

The deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in the boardroom, among them - IS Konev Stalin, Zhdanov, Molotov, Mikoyan, Kalinin MI applauds after the adoption of the law on demobilization from 23 June 1945.

Demobilized Red Army soldiers hand over their arms and say goodbye to the regimental banner.

At the train station, a military band played, demobilized soldiers in cars waving goodbye, the train goes.

Meeting Warriors victorious at the station, the soldiers kissed and hugged relatives.

Native to the village greet soldiers returning home.

Returning soldiers inhabitants of the republics of Central Asia.

Soviet troops from Czechoslovakia leaving people escorted the soldiers sitting in the back of a truck, the girls give them flowers.

Interior view of the barracks in the years 1946-1947.

Nominal Alexander Matrosov bunk in the barracks.

The foreman conducts a conversation with the young soldiers, he tells about the feat Matrosov.

Bugler military camp in the summer sends a signal to the rise, the soldiers ran out of the tent.

The crew of the warship is built on the deck.

Morning exercises in the army and navy, the view of the deck of the ship at the time of charging (at the top).

Bugler signals.

Cadets Military School during an exercise in the summer camps.

Lesson for marksmanship, Lieutenant Nemtsov shows subordinates rate and accuracy, punched rostovaja target.

Calculation of Coastal Defence is a combat training shooting from heavy weapons.

Tankers brothers Mikheeva during target practice, the tanks are firing on the range.

Inspection targets after the shooting.

Tank crews take their places.

Tanks at the landfill overcome various obstacles, those tankers.

Flamethrower tank hits the target.

The infantry attack imaginary enemy in the desert, the squad leader gives the command, the soldiers take positions.

Small unit returns to the exercises, the soldiers face.

The exercises in the mountainous terrain, overcome through the gorge suspension bridge.

Gunners roll cannon uphill, crossing through the gorge of calculating machine gun with the help of ropes.

Bombers produce precision bombing.

View of the polygon (top), infantry and tanks during exercises.


Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich [842] - a state and political figure Vyacheslav Molotov - state and political figure Georgy Malenkov Maksimilianovich - state and political figure Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria - a state and political figure Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan - state and political figure Shkiryatov Matvey Fedorovich - state and political figure Andrei Andreev - state and political figure Kaganovich Lazar - state and political figure Ascension Nikolai - state and political figure Shvernik Nikolai Mikhailovich - state and political figure Nikita Khrushchev [882] - a state and political figure Andrey Zhdanov - state and political figure Nikolai Bulganin - state and political figure Kliment Voroshilov - statesman and political leader

military leader Budyonny Semyon Mikhailovich - commander Georgy Zhukov - commander Konstantin Rokossovsky - commander Alexander Vasilevsky - commander Konev Ivan Stepanovich - commander Meretskov Cyril Afanasievich - commander Rodion Malinovsky - commander Nikolai Fedorovich Vatutin - commander Fedor Tolbukhin - commander Ivan Danilovich Chernyakhovsky - commander Leonid Govorov - commander Nikolai Voronov - commander Vershinin Konstantin Andreyevich - commander Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin - state and political figure


06/24/1945 08.1945 1946-1947

Shooting locations:

China [46] Korea [117] Moscow [820] USSR [863] Prague [879]


Summer [824] Autumn [826]

Reel №8

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Officers of the Naval Fleet of the USSR over the map.

Warship out of the bay.

The teachings of the Navy.

Types of warships.

Ship artillery firing, warships in combat training campaign.

The hike is a submarine of the Northern Fleet submarine officer in the compartments.

Charging torpedo.

The deputy commander for political activity carries a crew.

Sailors learn the lesson biography of Stalin.

Subdivision divers sent to the teachings.

For divers wear gear and helmet.

The descent of divers under the water off the dock.

Floats rowboat, Nakhimov on Rowing classes.

Classes in one of the Suvorov schools, students face at their desks.

Students gunners during training on tactics and combat work with guns.

Students of the Military Academy.

Frunze between classes, portraits of Soviet military-academy graduates on the walls of the corridors.

Graduates of the Academy in the hall listening to the speaker from the podium NA Bulganin

The officers in the room and Bulganin, IS Konev, Govorov LA applauding on the podium.

Students of the Academy in the reading room prepared for classes.

Pokryshkin AI of notes.

The officers, political instructors during classes in the Military-Political Academy.


The officers in the audience listening to the teacher.

Soldiers of one of the units of the Soviet army to hear about ways to combat regiment, faces of soldiers and sergeants.

Chuikov VI talking with the soldiers in the barracks.

The soldiers reading letters from the participants of the Great Patriotic War.

Kantariya MV working in the garden at home, tangerine harvests.

Former scout Cherkasov working in the mine.

The face of the hero of Stalingrad YF Pavlov, Pavlov during the nomination deputy to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Blast furnace Chausov among the ruins of "Zaporizhstal".

View of the restored plant "Zaporizhstal".

Soldiers write the answers the participants of the war.

Equestrian border detail on patrol.

Sailor-hour on duty.

The parade on Red Square, move infantry, artillery, tanks.

Warships in the campaign.

The submarines of the Northern Fleet before going to sea.

Flying airplanes.

IV Stalin on the platform of the mausoleum.


Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich [842] - a state and political figure Nikolai Bulganin - state and political figure Konev Ivan Stepanovich - commander Leonid Govorov - commander Pokryshkin Alexander - a fighter pilot Chuikov Vasily Ivanovich - commander



Shooting locations:

USSR [863] Moscow


Summer [824] Autumn [826]

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