30 years of Soviet cinema (1950)

Movie №48595, 9 parts, Duration: 1:17:49
V. Bojkov, S. Gurov
Camera operators:
M. Oshurkov


Fragments of documentary and feature films made in the studios of the Russian Federation and the Federal Republic in the period from 1919 to 1949.
Soviet filmmakers on the set and in the halls of the studios.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Footage of feature films: Taking Smolny workers of Petrograd in 1917 Newsreel 1919-1920 .: Vladimir Lenin in the Kremlin courtyard.

The decree on the nationalization of film and photographic, signed by Lenin on August 27 the year 19199.

Note Lenin - outline the newsreels.

The first Soviet cameramen: Novitsky, Yermolov, Guibert, Levitsky, Slavinskiy, Lemberg, Thyssen, sent to the front during the Civil War.

The mandate of the operator E.K.Tisse signed by Voroshilov and SM Budenny.

Newsreel of the Civil War of 1918-1921 .: On the Theatre Square are soldiers.

Stalin and GK Ordzhonikidze, Voroshilov and Budyonny to the soldiers of the First Cavalry Army.

Frunze passes down the line of soldiers. S.M.Kirov, Molotov among workers.

Kalinin among the peasants.

Field equipment in agitation trains during the Civil War.

Soldiers are on the liberation of the city.

Lenin at the parade on Red Square, Lenin stands on Red Square, Lenin Bonch-in the courtyard of the Kremlin, Lenin Hills.

Newsreel of the mechanization of peat - "Gidroneft."

Excerpts of the first Soviet feature film "Red Devils", "collegiate registrar" (I.M.Moskvin), "His call."

Newsreel 20-ies .: The Moscow period of post-war construction - Komsomolskaya Square, Red Gate, Gorky Street (Tver).

Newsreel 1924 .: Stalin speaks at the XIII Congress of the Party.

Manuscript F.Dzerzhinskogo - an appeal to the workers of the cinema.

Newsreel 1926 .: The film director Sergei Eisenstein at the microphone.

Footage of the film "Battleship Potemkin."


Cinematography, History of Cinema



Chronicle Topics

MovieCulture and Arts

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Stills V.Pudovkina "Mother" (the novel by Maxim Gorky).

Newsreel 20-x-30-ies .: The work on the construction site, the first farmers in tractors, construction of the canal, Stalin in the day of his 50th birthday, several members of the government: K.Voroshilov, V.Kuybyshev, S. Kirov, in .



Stalin on the White Sea-Baltic Canal.

Molotov on Magnitogorsk.

A Gorky and S.M.Kirov present during the descent of the steamer.

Construction of the Dnieper.

Gorky with his granddaughter.

Projectionist at the first sound movie camera.

The inventors of the Soviet sound film Shorin and Tager.

Footage of the first Soviet sound films "Counter", "Arsen", "Chapaev".

Artist B.Babochkin grimiruetsya before shooting the film "Chapaev".

Directed Vasiliev brothers.

Greeting Stalin in connection with the 15th anniversary of the movie.

Posters revolutionary film "Vyborg Side," "Baltic Deputy", "The Great Citizen" and others.

Still from the film "Baltic Deputy", "Shchors", "The Return of Maxim."


The history of the Soviet cinema


1920s 1930s

Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Still from the film "Lenin in October" (as Lenin Artist Schukin), "The Great Glow" (as Stalin actor Gelovani), "The Great Citizen".

Newsreel 30-ies .: Dneproges, the first Soviet cars and tractors, Fergana Canal.

Stalin and Ordzhonikidze, the awarding of the Georgian delegation in the Kremlin.

Stalin with the girl at the reception of the Mongolian delegation at the Kremlin.

Molotov, and Stalin put K.Voroshilov Mongolian costumes. in the presidium of Stalin, Molotov, L. Kaganovich, A. Mikoyan.

Applauds Stalin.

Operator V.S.Eshurin in Abyssinia.

Operators of P ..

Carmen B.Makaseev in Spain.

M.Troyanovsky operator at the North Pole.

Operator S.Kogan in a balloon.

Chelyuskinites meeting in Moscow (1934).

The operator removes the meeting.

Still from the film "Volga-Volga", "Alexander Nevsky", "Minin and Pozharsky" Peter "," Suvorov "Kutuzov".


The history of the Soviet cinema



Reel №4

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Newsreel, 1941 .: Moscow.

The parade on Red Square on November 7, 1941. Stalin speaks from the rostrum of the Mausoleum (synchronously) The streets of Moscow are the troops leaving for the front.

Removes operator V.V.Dobronitsky.

Newsreel 1941-1945,.: The operator removes the boat.

The cameraman takes V.Orlyankin fighting at Stalingrad.

The operator removes L.Mazruho battle with the aircraft.

Posters war movies.

Stills from the film "Alexander Parkhomenko," "Kotovsky", "Secretary of the Communist", "Two Soldiers."

Operators V.Eshurin, M.Poselsky, R. Carmen, B, Cher, Stoyanovskii, Sushchinskii shoot fighting.

Plaque dead in the House to film a movie.

Operator M.Suhova on shooting a partisan.

Footage capture of Berlin by Soviet troops.

I.V.Panov operator removes the inscription on the Reichstag.

Victory Day parade on Red Square on June 24, 1945. Stalin on the mausoleum.

Footage of the film "The Vow" (synchronous).

The return of demobilized soldiers from the front.


The history of the Soviet cinema, Frontline cameramen



Reel №5

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Newsreel 1945-1950 gg .: Sevastopol.

Reconstruction of destroyed cities.

The operator removes R.Halushakov recovery plant.

Restoration of the Dnieper.

Resolution of the CPSU Central Committee on the movie in the newspaper "Culture and Life".

Footage of the film "Admiral Nakhimov", "Young Guard", "Rural Teacher", "The Story of a Real Man", "Academician Pavlov."

Posters of movies.

Stills from "third strike", "Meeting on the Elbe", "court of honor", "Russian question".


The history of the Soviet cinema, Post-war reconstruction of the national economy



Chronicle Topics

MovieCulture and Arts

Reel №6

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Views of Moscow.

Stalin Prize winner Iofis, Sveshnikov, Levkoev, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR lapwing, a chemical engineer Bogomolov of the work on the improvement of the color film.

The inventor of sound film professor Tager working to improve the technology of sound recording.

Film processing shop in the film studio.

Production of processing machines.

Production of equipment for recording and audio dubbing.

The winner of the Stalin Prize engineer Muromtsev, improved amplifying devices la cinemas.

The work of the copier.

Assembling the equipment.

Map cinemafication country.

Projectionist floats on the taiga river.

Karelian-Finnish loggers watching a new movie.

Rural Ya.

Zabarilo projectionist at work.

At one of the farms in Armenia arrives field equipment.

In one of the cinemas of Kamchatka demonstrates a new film.

Movie Theaters in Yerevan, Almaty, Stalin, Stalingrad, Sverdlovsk, Magnitogorsk, Leningrad.

Meeting with film director G.V.Aleksandrovym viewers and film actors and L.Orlovoy B.Chirkovym first cinema in Moscow.

Posters Soviet films in foreign languages.

Cinema abroad, where Soviet films are shown.

Premiums received at film festivals Soviet filmmakers.


The history of the Soviet cinema

Chronicle Topics

MovieCulture and Arts

Reel №7

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Writers and screenwriter, working on screenplays.

Leonid Leonov and A.Surkov discussion of scenarios in the Union of Soviet Writers.

Chaired B.L.Gorbatov.

Present writers M.N.Smirnova and P.V.Rozhkov.

His new script reads N. Pogodin.

Composer Shostakovich performs music for the new movie.

He listened to artists T.Makarova, M.Bernes, M. Zharov, L.Suharevskaya, B.Tenin, T.Pelttser, G.Martinson composers T. Khrennikov, Yu.

Shoporin, N.Kryukov, Aram Khachaturian.

Artist N.Cherkasov elected a deputy to the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, at his desk.

Gerasimov Film director actors reading the script of his new performances, listen to artists L.Suharevskaya, O.Zhizneva, T.Makarova.

On a bench near St.

Isaac's Cathedral in Leningrad sit actor and director, People's Artist of the USSR and the young actor V.R.Gardin A.F.Borisov.

Directed I.N.Perestiani with the performers young scouts in the movie "Red Devils".

The building of the Institute of Cinematography.

Classes are acting faculty of the institute.

Professor L.V.Kuleshov watching the game art students of the faculty.

With senior students of VGIK class holds decorative artist, People's Artist of the RSFSR S.Kozlovsky.

The operator, a professor A.A.Levitsky conducts classes with students of the Faculty of carrier.

Operators documentary film B.Nebylitsky Kiselev, V.Mikosha, M.Oshurkov, E.D.Lozovsky, L.T.Kotlyarenko, E.P.Yatsun and A.M.Zenyakin on the set.

Installation room studio of popular films.

Professor Lebedev first applied microphotography, at work.


Lapse recording.

The reserve Mosnauchfilm Utochkin operator and director A.Zguridi observe the behavior of animals.

Painter-director of the Moscow studio of animated films I.Vano.

Artists studio at work.

Shooting shop.

Operator mulitiplikatsionnyh film Warriors of the work.


The history of the Soviet cinema

Reel №8

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Yerevan, shooting the film "The Girl of Ararat Valley.

The director Amo Bek-Nazarov.


Directed Sanishvili discusses with the creators of the story "Spring in Saken" the film adaptation of the work plan.


Artist Mirza Aga Aliyev grimiruetsya to shoot the film "Fires of Baku".

Directed I.Heyfits, A.Zarhi on the set of one of the episodes.


Directed I.Savchenko filming "Taras Shevchenko".

A scene from the film.


Directed G.Kozintsev operator A.Moskvin E.Eney and artist studio "thumbnail" sketches discuss the movie "Belinsky."

Artist N.Cherkasov grimiruetsya for filming "Alexander Popov."

Working time of shooting the movie "Mussorgsky".

The director of the film G.L.Roshal.

A scene from the movie "Mussorgsky".

Working time of shooting the film "The Great Power."

Directed by film F.Ermler at work.

An excerpt from the film.

Artist B.A.Babochkin as professor Lavrov.

Film studios "Mosfilm".

The General Meeting of the studio to discuss the plan for new productions.

Discussion of the construction of a large Mosfilm.

We plan director Dovzhenko film studio.

Present directors G. Alexandrov, M. Chiaureli, I.Pyrev artists studio.

Lighter "Mosfilm" Kuznetsov L.V.Kosmatov operator at work in the film "Michurin".

The director at the Dovzhenko film cameras.

In the role of the actor Belov Michurin, Michurin wife - actress Vasiliev.

Work currently filming "Zhukovsky".

Directed V.Pudovkin, Vasilyev operator A.D.Golovnya at work.

In the role of Zhukovsky Jurowski actor, in the role of Professor Chaplygin Artist Belokurov.


The history of the Soviet cinema

Reel №9

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Working time of shooting the film "Secret Mission".

Directed M.Romm, artist and actor Kuzmina Fenin at work.

Rehearsal for one of the episodes.

Working time of shooting the film "The one country."

Directed M.Kalatozov operator M.Magidson at work.

Starred actress L.Skopina.

Stills from the film "The Fall of Berlin".

Working time of shooting the film.

The film's director M. Chiaureli, actor B.Andreev operator Pavlov during filming.

The director and actor I.Pyrev Volodin at the shooting of the film "Kuban Cossacks".

Removes operator Pavlov.

A scene from the film.

In the role of chairmen of collective farms and M.Ladynina S.Lukyanov.

Footage showing the labor feats of the Soviet people, the transformation of nature, updating of land.

Delegates to the peace conference held on the square in Budapest.

Belyaev director and cameramen at work.

The meeting on Mount Devic.

The celebration in Beijing of the proclamation of the PRC.


In the government platform, Mao Zedong and other members of the Chinese government.

Soviet film crew at work.

The Kremlin, Moscow.

Okhotny Ryad.

The demonstration in Red Square.

Stalin welcomed the demonstrators from the podium of the Mausoleum.


The history of the Soviet cinema

Shooting locations:

Moscow [820] China [46] Berlin [821] Budapest [865]

Chronicle Topics

MovieCulture and Arts

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