"Koneisto - 20" (1984)

Documentary №48708, 2 parts, duration: 0:14:33
Production: Centrnauchfilm (CNF)
Director:B. Golovnya


Promotional film about the activities of the Soviet-Finnish joint stock company "Koneysto" founded in 1964.

Reel №1

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The film tells about the activities of the Soviet-Finnish joint stock commercial company "Koneysto."

Types of

Helsinki, the building company "Koneysto" production processes in the shops of technical and commercial center "Koneysto" work the contractor's technical center views in the city of

Hanko, Tampere, seaport; movement of freight and passenger trains.

Key words

Economic ties.
Maritime transport.

Locations: Finland [76]

Seasons: Winter [823]

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Signing the contract.

Men in the sauna.

X-ray spectrometer.

High-speed rotary metal processing.


Baking rye bread under a Soviet license.

Soviet cyclotron in the service of Finnish science.

Shipyard in Kotka.


Streets of Helsinki.

The building of JSC "Koneisto".

General Director of JSC "Koneisto" (synchronously).

Locations: Finland [76]

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