On the seas and oceans № 49 (1983)

Newsreel №54974, 1 part, duration: 0:09:08
Producer: Centrnauchfilm (CNF)
Director:Berman V., Boldireva L., Gnesin M., Eljnickaya G.
Camera operators:Demin V., Kuznecov I., Filimonov P., Chukovskij E.
Text authors:Marjyamov Yu.
Other authors:Berman V., Eljnickaya G., Kemarskaya G., Chervonobab N.


1. "50 years in the Arctic." 2. "Not a minute of downtime." 3. "For safety '. 4. "I ask the pilot!"

Reel №1

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1. 50 years in the Arctic.

Animation: Rotating Globe (view from the window) on the globe marked by the Northern Sea Route.

December 16, 1982, the Column Hall of the House of Unions, the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Northern Sea Route.

The view from the room to the podium.

In the aisle are the banners.

People with banners go up on stage.

On the podium GA Aliev.

View of the hall.


On the podium T.B.Guzhenko.

The audience of the first series.

Model steamer-icebreaker "Siberians" in the background of a rotating globe.


Fragment of speech T.B.Guzhenko.

Chronicle of August 1977, the year: nuclear ice-breaker "Arctic" on the way to the North Pole.

The crew in the cockpit.

Icebreaker in ice.

View from the icebreaker.

Icebreaker suited to the pole.

Panorama of the polar ice caps.

The Soviet flag.

At the flag stand crew members and correspondents.

Laying a bouquet of daisies at the base of the flagpole.

Arctic icebreakers (Aerial photo).

View of the port.

Port cranes.

The meeting participants on the podium.


2. Not a minute of downtime.

Odessa, Marine cargo port, ships at berth mechanized complex for bulk cargo unloading.

The simultaneous unloading of two vessels.

Unloading of raw sugar.

Sugar on the conveyor.

View of the dock.

Storage bins.

Loading of raw sugar into the hopper.

Railway carriages.

Clearing hold.

Port cranes unload the grain.

View of the warehouse.

Cargo ships at berth.

3. For safety.

Moscow, Exhibition Center, the exhibition devoted to health and safety.

People in the pavilion.

The participants of the All-Union seminar on labor protection.

Alternation: information booths, exhibits.

Automated system of accounting and analysis of the causes and prevention of accidents in the Navy.

She fills the table.

Alternation: operators enter data into the computer memory, data analysis on the monitors.

People in the pavilion.

Captain Sorokin shares his experience with colleagues.

Model ship "Stakhanovets Petrash."

Information stand.

People visiting the exhibits.

4. I ask the pilot!

Cargo ships on the way to Leningrad seaport.

Mark the approach of the fairway.

Partial discharge vessel with the help of cranes.

The pilot climbs on board.

Animation: the calculation of the route to pass through the channel, the movement of the ship.

Waves beat against the side of the ship.

Cargo ship entering the port.

Works Coast Guard radar "Thunder."

Operator communication with the pilot.

Sea view from the ship.

The pilot and the crew in the cockpit.

Views of the port.


Aliev GA - State, party and political activist. Guzhenko TB - Statesman, minister of Navy of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor.

Calendar: 12/16/1982 08.1977 08/17/1977

Locations: Moscow [820] Odessa [960] Leningrad [848] Arctic [941]

Seasons: Summer [824] Winter [823]

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