The Fairy Tale about "Konyok-Gorbunok" (1961)

Movie №5498, 9 parts, Duration: 1:22:25
Tulubeva Z.
Radunskiy A.
Schedrin R.


The ballet film "Konyok-Gorbunok" ["The Hunchback Horse"] performed by the State Academic Bolshoi Theatre.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The old man - CU.

The eldest son - CU.

PNRM. with a mirror on the middle son - CU.

Shoes, lifted Ivan, the youngest son - CU.

Gabriel with a balalaika - MS.

Brothers dancing with the girls - MS.

Ivan climbs on the stove - MS.

Brothers dancing with the girls - MS.

Ivan jumped from the oven - MS.

Ivan dancing - CU., MS.

The brothers stopped Ivan - CU.

Brothers reproached Ivan - MS.

Gabriel Ivan hit on the forehead - CU.

Laughing girl - CU.

Frustrated Ivan - CU.

Brothers dancing with the girls - MS.

Ivan smiles - CU.

Daniel runs away with the girl, PNRM. Ivan - MS.

Girl peeping through the window - CU.

Ivan is a pipe - CU.

Guys look out the window - MS.

Ivan invites children into the house - MS.

Guys sit - CU.

Ivan plays a pipe and dancing - MS.

Looking girl - CU.

Ivan dancing - MS.

Laugh guys - CU.

Ivan dancing - MS.

The girls clap - CU.

Ivan dances, invites girls - MS.

Rise girls - CU., PNRM.

Ivan's leg lifts guy - MS.

Ivan is dancing with the guys, the guys break up brothers - LS.

Brothers accused Ivan - MS.

Offended by Ivan, PNRM. the newcomer old man with ears - MS.

Surprised Brothers - MS.

The old man - MS.

Ivan looks, looks Daniel, Gabriel looks - CU.

The old man, PNRM. the brothers - MS.

Daniel with the old man - MS.

The old man throws ears - CU., PNRM.

Ivan raises ears, Daniel pushes him - MS.

The old man and his sons go to the shop - MS.

The old man and his sons go to the bench, Daniel pushes Ivan - MS.

An old man sits - MS.

The brothers think how to catch a thief - MS.

Ivan thinks - CU.

The old man thinks with his sons, John shows how to catch a thief - MS.

Gabriel - CU.

Daniel - CU.

Ivan shows how to catch a thief, the brothers are going to watch - MS.

Ivan gets on the stove - CU.

Ivan shows shish brothers - CU.

Scared Gabriel - CU.

Ivan shows shish - MS.

Brothers bowing to his father - MS.

Ivan on the stove, asking to watch - MS.

The old man told him to sleep - MS.

Offended by Ivan - MS.

An old man lies down on the bench - MS.

Ivan puts malahay and gets off the stove - MS.

Ivan goes on the prowl - MS.

Animation: lighted star - LS.

Ivan sitting, sleeping brothers - MS.

Sleeping brothers - CU., PNRM. (Top).

Ivan eats - MS.

Animation: lighted star - LS.

Ivan says star - MS.

Animation: lighted star - LS.

Ivan says star - CU., PNRM. (Top).

Animation: clouds - MS.

Lightning - MS.

Lightning, clouds - MS.

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Ivan is on the ground, rises to his feet - MS.

Sleeping brothers - LS. (Top).

Ivan dresses - MS.

Roll on the field brothers - LS., PNRM. (Top).

Appears mare - LS.

Ivan looks - MS.

Layout: village - LS. (Top).

Ivan runs - LS.

Tail mare, mare by Ivan - CU.

Ivan on mare down to earth - MS.

Layout: approaching land - LS.

There are horses - MS.

Ivan looks at the horses - LS.

Horses are - MS.

Appears Humpbacked Horse - MS.

Ivan looks - MS.

Dancing horse - MS., PNRM., LS.

Ivan watching skate - MS., PNRM.

Skate dancing - LS., PNRM.

Ivan grabs skate - MS.

Animation: stars, fly the Firebird - LS.

Looking horse - MS.

Ivan looks - MS.

Ivan and watching skate - LS., PNRM.

Animation: flying firebird - LS.

Ivan looks - CU.

Animation: Firebird fly, separated pen - MS.

Ivan catches a feather of the Firebird - LS., PNRM.

Stolen brothers - LS., PNRM.

Daniel pulls a thorn from his foot - MS.

Brothers saw horses - LS.

Brothers baptized - MS.

Horses - MS.

Brothers confer - LS., PNRM., MS.

Brothers seize horses - LS., PNRM., MS.

Ivan dancing with a feather - LS., PNRM., MS.

Looking horse - MS.

Ivan says the loss of horses - LS., PNRM.

Ivan looks - CU.

Hitching post - MS.

Weeping willow - LS., PNRM.

Legs Skate - MS.

Skate close to Ivan-LS., PNRM.

Skate - MS.

Animation: flying horse with Ivan - different.

Animation: smiling month - CU.

Animation: flying horse with Ivan - MS.

Smiling horse - CU.

Legs Skate - CU.

Animation: flying horse with Ivan - LS.

Ivan looks - CU.

Animation: flying horse with Ivan, close to the capital city - LS.

Layout: capital city - LS. (Top).

Bazaar - LS.

The people in the market - MS., PNRM., CU.

Pass the old - LS.

Bazaar - LS.

Roma plays the violin - LS.

Watching people - LS.

Starts dancing gypsy - MS.

Gypsy dance - LS.

Gypsy goes - LS., PNRM.

Gypsy dances - CU., LS., PNRM.

Gypsy dance - LS., MS., PNRM. (With collisions).

Gypsy dances - CU., LS., PNRM.

Gypsy - CU., PNRM.

Gypsy dance - LS., PNRM.

Gypsy dances - CU., PNRM.

Gypsy dance - LS., CU.

Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Market, there is the most beautiful woman - LS.

First beauty - CU.

People look and turns - LS.

Two beautiful, beautiful third - CU.

The people in the market place - LS.

Depart beauties dance begins quadrille - LS., PNRM.

PNRM. dancing with the feet on the guy - MS.

Boys and girls are dancing a quadrille - LS.

Beauty dancing with a guy - MS.

Dancing boys and girls - MS.

Beauty and the guy dancing - MS.

The people in the market - LS.

The people made way with horses appear brothers - LS.

PNRM. with Daniel on the horses - MS.

The people in the market - LS., PNRM.

Fanfaristy - LS.

People watch - LS.

People give it back - LS.

People watch - MS.

People watching, there equerry - LS.

Passes groom and Court King - LS.

Pass legs groom - CU.

Passes groom, followed by the court of King, the people watching - LS.

King held court - LS.

People watch - MS.

The court held, followed by the king in a wheelchair - LS.

King - CU.

People laugh at the king - MS.

King in a wheelchair sneezes - LS.

People laughing and squats - MS.

King wipes the nose - CU.

Passes king groom carries loop - MS.

King - CU.

The king turns around and pulls the train - MS.

King pulls the train, groom falls, falls and the king - LS.

People squatting, laughs - LS.

Are brothers with horses - MS.

The people made way out brothers with horses - LS.

The king inspecting horses - MS.

Brothers come with horses - LS.

King Brothers show horses - LS.

The king inspecting horses - CU.

The king asked the brothers to sell horses - LS.

Brothers confirm that their horses - LS.

Ivan shames brothers for cheating - LS.

Groom helps the king to stand on the bench - LS.

King - CU.

Brothers apologize to Ivan - CU.

King - CU.

Ivan brothers bob their heads - LS., MS.

The king looks - CU.

Ivan fighting off the court - LS.

The king pointed to the crown - CU.

Ivan reaches out king - LS.

Ivan - CU.

Tsar Ivan and agree to sell horses - LS.

Ivan reaches out - MS.

Tsar Ivan shakes his hand - LS.

Tsar Ivan pours into the cap silver - LS.

The king gives Ivan a coin - MS.

Ivan runs - LS.

Ivan whistles - MS.

Ivan whistles resort horses - MS.

Ivan shows shish - MS.

The king thinks - LS.

King groom removes his hat and puts it on Ivan - LS.

Ivan considering cap - LS.

Dancing horses, the court entourage leaves - LS. (Top).

King rides in a carriage - LS.

Passing King - CU.

Horses run - CU.

Dancing horse, the people watching - LS.

Horse runs - MS.

The people turned away and waving his arms, the crowd crawls groom - MS.

Groom threatens Ivan - LS.

PNRM. with his feet on the impending groom - MS.

Ivan on the throne - MS.

Servants bring different dishes on trays, groom feeding king - MS.

Watch the boyars - MS.

Boyars baptized - CU.

Ivan stretches - MS.

The king makes boyars gesture that they would sit - CU.

Boyars sit - LS.

Hand groom feeding cake king - CU.

Groom cake bites - CU.

The king makes boyars gesture - MS.

Boyars remove their pots and put on their food - MS.

King back scratching - MS.

Boyar eat porridge - CU.

Another lord is herring - CU.

Third lord eating chicken - CU.

Boyars eat - MS., PNRM.

King yawns - CU.

Boyars stand - LS.

Boyars run - MS.

Groom removes boots - MS.

Boyars are yawning king - MS.

Boyars are king - MS.

Boyars stripped the king - MS., CU., PNRM.

King put to bed - LS.

Reel №4

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

In stable runs groom - MS.

Groom is - MS.

Shadow over the sleeping groom Ivan - CU.

Equerry pulls feather from Ivan - MS.

Groom with a pen - CU., MS.

Groom runs away with a pen - MS.

Runs into the royal equerry Svetlitsa - MS.

King looks - CU.

Feather of the Firebird - CU.

King Rises - MS.

The king looked at the pen - LS., CU.

The king and groom dance - MS.

Groom with a pen - CU.

The king takes a pen - CU.

King with a pen - MS.

Frescoes of the Firebird on the wall - LS.

The king and groom dance - MS. (Back).

Portrait on the wall of the king, virgins and the Firebird - MS.

PNRM. king with a fresco of the Firebird - LS.

King, PNRM. to groom, both trembling - CU.

Frescoes of the Firebird flash - LS.

Equerry to the king and looks at the mural - CU. (Back).

Fresco Firebird flashes - MS.

The king and groom close blanket - LS.

Murals, appears dancing bird - LS.

Surprised by the king and groom close blanket - CU.

Murals, dancing bird - MS.

Dancing bird - MS.

The king and groom hiding behind the chair - MS.

Dancing birds Svetlitsa - MS.

Murals, dance three birds - LS.

Birds on the floor - MS.

The king and groom - MS., CU.

Equerry to the king and caught dancing birds - MS.

King - CU.

Equerry to the king and catch birds - MS.

Equerry to the king - CU.

Equerry to the king and catch birds - MS.

Birds on the floor, the king and equerry to jump - MS., NPL.

Portrait of Tsarevna and nfp living fairy Tsarevna.

Watch the king and groom - CU.

Tsarevna, NPL at the portrait the Tsarevna - MS.

Equerry blinks - CU.

Portrait of Tsar Maiden - MS.

King in hysterics - LS. (Back).

King, PNRM. the boyars - MS.

The king shouted at the boyars - MS.

Fall boyars - CU.

The king laughs at the boyars - MS.

Ivan lead - CU.

Portrait of Tsar Maiden - MS.

Equerry - CU.

The king ordered the palace to deliver Ivan Tsarevna and Ivan begs the king and the boyars, resorts skate - MS.

Animation: layout - LS.

Animation: flight to Silver Mountain - MS. (With motion).

Animation: Ivan and horse flies - MS.

Animation: flight to Silver Mountain - MS.

Animation: Ivan and horse fall - MS.

Leaves Tsarevna on a boat - LS.

Tsarevna goes boat, ran to the birds, the harp - MS.

Tsarevna plays the harp - LS., MS.

Ivan and skate peep - CU.

Dancing Tsarevna - MS.

Birds dance Great Waltz - LS.

Reel №5

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Dance trio - LS.

Dancing another triple - MS.

Six dancing - LS.

Six dances, there Tsarevna - LS.

Dancing Tsarevna - LS.

Dancing swans Great Waltz - LS. (Top).

Great Waltz, there Tsarevna - LS.

Cost Tsarevna - LS.

Dancing swans - MS., LS.

Dancing Tsarevna - LS., PNRM., MS.

Peep Ivan and skate - MS.

Dancing Tsarevna - LS., PNRM.

Swans go - MS., PNRM.

Tsarevna gets into the pose - MS.

Tsarevna in the pose - CU.

Ivan stands with Humpbacked Horse - MS.

Dancing swans - MS., PNRM.

Ivan runs - MS., PNRM.

Humpbacked Horse displays Tsarevna - MS.

Ivan takes Tsarevna her braid - LS.

Ivan holds Tsarevna her braid - MS.

Humpbacked Horse - LS.

Tsarevna met with Ivan, Ivan begins to play a pipe - MS.

Tsarevna dancing - LS., PNRM.

Ivan with a pipe - MS.

Ivan plays the pipe, Tsarevna dancing - LS., MS., PNRM.

Dancing with Ivan Tsarevna - MS., PNRM.

Ivan and Tsarevna dancing - LS., PNRM.

Are Ivan and Tsarevna - CU.

Humpbacked Horse - CU.

Dancing and Ivan Tsarevna - MS., LS., PNRM.

Ivan and Tsarevna - CU.

Legs Skate - CU.

Ivan takes hands Tsarevna - CU.

Skate catches veil - LS.

Skate throws a veil over the Tsarevna - CU.

Reel №6

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The king was sitting in a high chair - LS.

Groom asks the king to come down - LS.

The king begs Tsarevna down to it - LS.

The king begs Tsarevna down to it, the boyars are advised - LS.

Nobles asked the king to come down, PNRM. the king - LS. (Bottom-up).

The king goes down - LS.

King runs - MS., PNRM.

The king is going through - LS., MS.

King throws a stick boyars - LS.

King on the throne crying - MS.

Groom thinks - MS., PNRM.

Run out buffoons - LS.

The king turns - CU.

Clowns dancing - LS., CU.

King crying - CU.

Groom looks - CU.

Clowns dancing - LS., MS.

Boyar laughs - CU.

Boyars laugh - MS.

Other nobles - MS.

Boyars look - CU.

Groom's eyes narrowed - CU.

King crying - CU.

Clowns dancing - LS., MS.

Groom looks - CU.

Clowns dancing - MS., PNRM.

Boyars laugh - MS.

PNRM. with dancing clown feet - MS.

Clowns dancing - LS., MS.

Clowns dancing, nobles look - LS. (Top).

Dancing musicians - MS.

King crying - MS.

Face jester - CU.

Person of another buffoon - CU.

Buffoons go, the king begs Tsarevna down to it - MS.

The king asked the Tsarevna down to it - CU.

Flames - LS.

The king and the court to the window - LS.

The king looks through a telescope - LS., PNRM.

The king sits on the throne, his boyars primp - LS., PNRM.

Boyar rubs crown king - MS.

Served the king crown - MS.

The king wears a crown - CU.

King runs to the window, turns and falls - LS., PNRM.

The king sits on the throne - CU.

Ivan brings Tsarevna - LS., PNRM.

Ivan puts on a bench Tsarevna - MS.

The king sits on the throne and looks - MS.

Ivan shows the king for Tsarevna - MS.

Ivan declines Tsar Maiden cover - CU.

Humpbacked Horse - CU.

Tsarevna opens his eyes - CU.

Humpbacked Horse laugh - CU.

Tsarevna looks - CU.

Looks king from his throne - CU.

Ivan comes to the Tsarevna - LS.

Suitable king - LS.

Tsarevna rises - LS.

Tsarevna suited to Ivan - MS.

Tsarevna asks the king to let her go at will - MS., PNRM.

Groom looks - CU.

Tsarevna clung to Ivan - LS.

King assigns Tsarevna from Ivan - MS.

Ivan mimics King - MS.

Ivan starts to play a pipe - MS.

Ivan is a pipe - CU.

Tsarevna dancing - LS., PNRM.

Boyars smile - MS.

Tsarevna dancing - MS.

Boyar watching, stroking his beard - CU.

Tsarevna dancing - LS., PNRM.

Tsarevna hooked up to Ivan - MS.

The king looks - CU.

Dance Ivan and Tsarevna - LS.

Ivan dancing - LS., PNRM.

The king sits on a bench and falls - LS.

Groom looks - CU.

Dancing and Ivan Tsarevna - LS., PNRM.

Boyars and look at each other - MS.

Look at each other nobles - MS.

Dancing Tsarevna - LS., PNRM.

Dance Tsarevna and Ivan - MS., PNRM.

Reel №7

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Ivan dancing in Svetlitsa - LS.

Dancing king - LS.

Dancing king and Tsarevna, then Ivan, the king is ill - MS., PNRM.

Go boyars - LS., PNRM., MS.

The king wears the ring and gets into the hands of the Tsarevna - MS.

Tsarevna resets ring - LS.

Tsarevna - CU.

Dancing Tsarevna - MS.

Groom comes to the king - MS., PNRM.

Ivan comes to the king - LS., PNRM.

Skate - CU.

Tsarevna declines crescent head - CU.

Tsarevna gives Crescent Ivan - MS.

Underwater Kingdom - LS.

Disclosed anemones - LS. (Via the aquarium).

Underwater world, there are John and skate - LS. (Via the aquarium).

Medusa - LS. (Via the aquarium).

Underwater Kingdom - LS.

Looking horse - MS.

Ivan passes Vodyanitse Crescent - MS., PNRM.

Vodyanitsa shows Ivan underwater kingdom, Vodyanitsa dancing with corals - LS., PNRM.

Ivan looks - CU.

Vodyanitsa dancing with corals - LS., PNRM.

Vodyanitsa and Coral - CU.

Vodyanitsa dancing with corals - MS., PNRM.

Vodyanitsa - MS.

Disclosed actinium - LS.

Dancing Vodyanitsa - MS., PNRM.

Vodyanitsa dancing and Corals - LS., PNRM., MS.

Corals are Vodyanitsu - CU., LS., PNRM.

Coral dancing - MS.

Corals are dancing - LS., PNRM.

Vodyanitsa dancing with corals - MS., LS., PNRM.

Vodyanitsa - MS.

Vodyanitsa dancing - LS., PNRM.

Vodyanitsa - MS.

Vodyanitsa dancing with corals - LS., PNRM., MS.

Vodyanitsa - MS.

Vodyanitsa dancing with corals - LS., MS.

Dance fish - LS., PNRM.

Ivan looks - CU.

Dancing seahorses - LS., PNRM.

Ivan goes - LS.

Smiling Horse - CU.

Ivan dancing - LS., PNRM.

Dancing jellyfish - LS., PNRM.

Reel №8

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Seabed, corals and dancing princess - LS., PNRM.

Run goldfish - LS.

Dancing goldfish - LS.

Underwater Kingdom, dancing sea princess, run out and fight ruff with carp - LS.

Falling ruff and carp - LS.

Medusa - LS.

By jellyfish runs ruff - MS.

Ruff runs to actin - LS.

Sea Princess ershu orders from the ocean floor to get the chest with a ring - LS.

Ruff on the ocean floor - LS.

Ruff floats on the ocean floor - PNRM.

Hands take out the trunk - MS.

Ruff swims back - LS., PNRM.

Ruff brings and puts chest, takes his horse - LS., PNRM.

Underwater Kingdom - LS.

Multrabota: PNRM. with the underwater kingdom in Stolgrad - LS.

King enters with him equerry - LS., PNRM.

Is king - MS ..


The king is coming to the Tsarevna - LS.

King - MS.

The king asked the Tsarevna to marry him and become queen - MS., PNRM.

The king grabbed the side - MS., PNRM.

Tsarevna dancing - LS., PNRM.

Ivan and Tsarevna are embracing - LS.

Tsar Ivan drives away from the Tsarevna - LS., PNRM.

Humpbacked Horse holds chest - MS.

Ivan opens the trunk - MS.

Ring - MS.

Ivan gives the king the ring - CU.

Signet - CU.

King wipes the ring on the sleeve - CU.

The king wears a finger ring with the Tsarevna - LS.

The king falls and beating the floor, raising his courtiers - LS., PNRM.

Tsarevna asks the king to bathe in the boiler - LS., PNRM.

The king puts his finger into the pot - LS., PNRM.

Stables offers king to send a dip in boiling water for Ivan - MS.

The person speaking groom - CU.

Groom goes for Ivan - LS.

Ivan groom leads the king ordered Ivan to swim in the boiler - LS.

The king comes and looks - LS., PNRM.

Ivan bowed - LS., PNRM.

Humpbacked Horse conjures a boiler - LS.

Ivan bowed, suitable for the boiler and jumps - LS., PNRM.

Skate at the boiler conjures - LS.

Court look in the pot - LS. (Top).

Skate at the boiler conjures from the boiler appears Prince Ivan - LS.

Prince Ivan - CU.

Prince Ivan jumps out of the boiler and bows - LS., PNRM.

Prince Ivan is coming to the Tsarevna - MS.

The king decides to jump into the pot - LS., PNRM.

The king of the cross - CU.

Groom looks - CU.

The king jumped into the pot - LS.

Steam coming from the boiler - LS.

Reel №9

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The variation of the Tsarevna - MS., LS.

Ivan and Skate - MS.

The variation of the Tsarevna, PNRM. Ivan the Horse - MS.

Legs Skate - CU.

Variation Ivan - MS.

Ivan - CU.

Variation Ivan - LS.

Tsarevna the Horse - MS.

Variation Ivan - MS.

Ivan bows - MS.

Ivan runs - MS.

Ivan is Tsarevna - MS.

Converges dance - LS.

Round Dance - MS.

Dance, Horse gives flowers Ivan - MS., Departure.


Peeping from behind the curtain Skate - MS.

Movie №0

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

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