XXVII Moscow International Film Festival - 2 (2005)

Footage №55371, 18 footages, Duration: 6:35:50

Scene №1 Party for participants and VIP-guests of the festival

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Concert hall "Pushkin" (cinema "Russia").

Party for participants and VIP-guests of the festival.

Girls in theatrical costumes.

Celebrities and guests enter the room, photographed against the backdrop press Walla.

Get-together on the terrace, the people at the tables.

Among other journalist Sergei Sholokhov, writer Vladimir Sorokin, director Alexey Uchitel and Vadim Abdrashitov, actor Leonid Yarmolnik, actor Yevgeny Mironov with his mother Tamara Mironova and actress Alena Babenko.

French actress Annie Girardot arm with the satellite goes around the room, sits down at the table across from writer Dunya Smirnova.

Festival President Nikita Mikhalkov talks to Alexei Uchitel.

Mikhalkov welcomes Girardeau, kissing the hand.

Sunset actors Elena Liadov and Alexander Yatsenko, playwrights Elena Gremina and Michael intoxication.

Gallerist Olga Sviblova photographed at a news Walla.

Journalists, photographers.

Director Alexey Uchitel on the stage talking about the film "Dreaming of Space" (synchronous).

The guests applauded, Master with flowers.

Play jazz musicians.

Members and guests of the festival talk, drink wine.

Natalia Vodianova talks at the table.

Film critic Andrew Plakhov in the hall.

Interview with Annie Girardot (synchronously).

Interview with "Channel One" with Natalia Vodianova (synchronously).


A.Zhirardo N.Vodyanova A.Uchitel S.Sholohov Sorokin V.Abdrashitov L.Yarmolnik E.Mironov T.Mironova A.Babenko E.Lyadova A. Yatsenko E.Gremina M.Ugarov O.Sviblova A.Plahov Nikita Mikhalkov



Shooting locations:


Scene №2 Annie Girardot speaks to reporters at the airport

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Sheremetyevo airport lounge.

Greeted with flowers.

French actress Annie Girardot out of the lift arm with the satellite.

Girardot comes to journalists, photographers.

Girardot said the purpose of his visit hectares Festival and a special screening of the film "Hidden" by Michael Haneke (synchronously).

Girardot is on the lobby of the airport, accompanied by guards and journalists.

Annie Girardot sits in the car leaves.

Machines parked in front of the airport.





Scene №3 Interview with Ulrich Seidl Austrian director

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Business center.

Interview with a member of the jury, the Austrian director Ulrich Seidl.

Seidl said about their expectations from the work at the festival, a combination of art and documentary style feature film,

music in the movie, about his films (synchronously).

Ulrich Seidl goes through the corridors of the business center, goes up and down the stairs.

Seidl puts autograph on the folder name of the jury.





Shooting locations:


Scene №4 Preparations for the opening of the festival and an interview with Nikita Mikhalkov

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Concert hall "Pushkin" (cinema "Russia").

Preparations for the opening of the festival.

On the ground, stretched out on the steps of blue and white cloth.

Designers and workers collect billboards, decorate the space.

Festival signs, posters, banners.

Preparations for the opening of the cinema, rehearsal for light and sound.

Chairman of the festival Nikita Mikhalkov directs preparation, communicates with the group.

Posters in the lobby of the festival, interviews with N.S.Mihalkovym.

Mikhalkov said about the revival of the festival, its long-term activity and prospects of the struggle for a stable government funding, the principles of interaction with world stars, the European producers on their busy creative graphics, film market of the festival (synchronously).

Mikhalkov leaves autograph on the glass.


Nikita Mikhalkov



Shooting locations:


Scene №5 Star of European cinema at a party in a cafe

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Party in the cafe, guests at the tables.

French actress Annie Girardot comes to the cafe under the arm with the satellite.

Participants of the festival, members of the jury, critics communicate.

Chairman of the jury, screenwriter Valentin Chernykh.

Member of the jury, the composer Nicola Povani photographed with Claire Denis.

Directed by Robert Gedigyan (France) and film critic Peter Shepotinnik.

Café enter Sam Klebanov and Cannes laureates, brothers Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne.

Interview with French cinematographer (synchronously).

Interview with Robert Gedigyanom (synchronously).

Interview with Ingeborga Dapkunayte (synchronously).

Vacationers in the cafe.


A.Zhirardo V.Chernov N.Povani K.Deni R.Gedigyan P.Shepotinnik Zh.Dardenn L.Dardenn I.Dapkunayte



Shooting locations:


Scene №6 Interview with film critic Cyril Razlogov

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Prize statuettes Moscow Film Festival "Saint George" (large, details).

Employee of the organizing committee gets figurines from the safe, is along the corridor.

Interview with the head of the selection committee, a film critic Cyril Razlogov the principles of selection of paintings in different programs of the festival, the competition world festivals for pictures, the pictures do not come to the festival, on the work of the jury and comic episodes of competitive paintings on the budget and the artistic value of the favorite tunes from the film (synchronously).





Shooting locations:


Scene №7 Interview with the Chairman of the jury Valentin Chernykh

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Interview with the Chairman of the jury, screenwriter Valentin Chernykh.

Black says about hard work, about the unreliability of the main prize, the habit of watching movies at home, the lack of a nomination for the screenplay, on both large and small budgets in a movie about your favorite tunes (synchronously).

Valentin Chernykh in the organizing committee of the festival, talks to film critic Catherine Tarhanova.

Black speaks to reporters in the press center of the festival, said by telephone.


V.Chernov E.Tarhanova



Shooting locations:


Scene №8 Interview with writer Marina Potapova and director Sergei Lobanov

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Playground, swing.

Interview with the creators of the film "Dust", writer Marina Potapova and director Sergei Lobanov.

Potapov and Loban talk about your favorite movies on the video filming of the pilot, on the minimum cost of the film "Dust" of Peter Mamonov, freedom of creativity and unwillingness to fit in a large film production, according to critics of the film (synchronously).

Pigeons, children playground in the courtyard.


M.Potapova S.Loban



Shooting locations:


Scene №9 Members and guests of the festival front of a cinema "Pushkin"

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Area in front of the cinema "Pushkin".

Members and guests of the festival out of the car, go on the "red carpet".

Yegor Konchalovsky, Natalia Belokhvostikova, Vladimir Naumov, Olga Kabo, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, P.Astahov, Lydia Fedoseyev-Shukshin Domogarov Alexander, Michael Efremov, Natalia and Ekaterina Arinbasarova Dvigubskaya, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Stepan Mikhalkov and Anastasia Vertinskaya, Irina Alferov and Sergei Martynov, Tatiana and Nadia Mikhalkov, Amalia Mordvinova, Yuli Gusman, Svetlana Bondarchuk, Igor Ugolnikov, Yuri Nikolaev, Alexei Uchitel, Ksenia Sobchak, Sam Klebanov, Sergey Soloviev, Alexander and Catherine Strizhenovy, A.Pushkov, Oksana Fandera, Sergei Solovyov, Elena Korenev and others.

Interview about the role of music in film with Dmitry Astrakhan, Vera Glagoleva, Boris Khmelnitsky, Olga Kabo, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Yuli Gusman, Vladimir Naumov (synchronously).


E.Konchalovsky N.Belohvostikova V. Naumov O.Kabo Vladimir Zhirinovsky P.Astahov L.Fedoseeva-Shukshina A.Domogarov M.Efremov N.Arinbasarova E.Dvigubskaya L. Gurchenko S. Mikhalkov A. Vertinsky I.Alferova Sergei Martynov T.Mihalkova N.Mikhalkov A.Mordvinova S. Bondarchuk I.Ugolnikov Yu.Nikolaev A.Uchitel K.Sobchak S.Klebanov A.Strizhenov A.Pushkov O.Fandera S. Solovyev E.Koreneva D.Astrahan V.Glagoleva B.Khmel'nickogo O.Kabo L. Gurchenko Yu.Gusman V. Naumov



Shooting locations:


Scene №10 Interview with film critic Peter Shepotinnik

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House of Cinema.

Directed by Sergei Loban and writer Marina Potapova go up the stairs with the employee of the organizing committee of the festival.

Interview with film critic and a member of the selection committee Peter Shepotinnik.

Shepotinnik talk about the film, designed for a mass audience, and about the festival as a creative laboratory for the low-budget movie, the movie "Dust" Lobanov and Potapova, a strong competitive program (synchronously).


P.Shepotinnik S.Loban M.Potapova



Shooting locations:


Scene №11 Interview with foreign journalists working at the festival

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Press Center Festival.

Interview with a journalist from Japan about the work at the Moscow Film Festival, about cinematic tastes Japanese wished success of the festival (in Russian and Japanese, synchronously).

Interview with a journalist from Pakistan Hin Zahid Ali about work at the Moscow festival, compares it with the Bombay film festival, poor knowledge in Pakistan Russian cinema, underdeveloped Pakistani cinema, the impression of the opening ceremony, a Russian and Indian films, the festival wants to succeed (in Russian and Urdu, synchronously).



Shooting locations:


Scene №12 Interview with director Giuseppe Piccioni and actress Sandra Ceccarelli

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Press Center Festival.

Press conference by Italian director Giuseppe Piccioni and actress Sandra Ceccarelli.

Piccioni Ceccarelli and talks about his film "I wish life" (in Italian, with simultaneous translation).

At the table, the film critic Cyril Razlogov, journalists in the hall.

Interview with Sandra Ceccarelli the absence of biographical parallels with the heroine of the film, about Greta Garbo in the film "The Lady of the Camellias", the essence of beauty in the movie (in Italian, with simultaneous translation).

Interview with Giuseppe Piccioni on the need for a movie director to be able to make choices about directing as usual work, about the influence of cinema on the public, the work on the script and autobiographical moments in the history (synchronously).


D.Pichchoni S.Chekkarelli K.Razlogov



Shooting locations:


Scene №13 Screening of the film "Pig and shepherd" in the House of Cinema

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State Central Museum of Cinema.

Retrospective 1941-1945, under the XXVII Moscow International Film Festival.

In the hallway, the museum's director Naum Kleiman communicates with producer Alexander Kotelevskaya.

Spectators, young film critics in the theater.

Foreword Kotelevskaya and film critic, first deputy general director Vladimir Dmitriev Gosfilmofond before the film (synchronously).

The screen saver Moscow International Film Festival, film footage Ivan Pyreva "Pig and the shepherd."

Posters Soviet war films on the walls in the corridor of the museum.

Visitors view the posters, photos of actors.

Historical posters for the films "Pig and shepherd", "Dream", "How the Steel Was Tempered", "Masha", "Two Soldiers," "Ivan the Terrible".

Photos military cameramen.


N.I.Kleyman A.F.Kotelevsky V.Yu.Dmitriev



Shooting locations:


Scene №14 Interview with film critic Eugenia Tirdatovoy

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Cinema "Pushkin" hall.

Interview with film critic Eugenia Tirdatovoy a new program under the Young Cinema Festival.

Tirdatova says the Australian film "One moonlit night," about the Czech film "Parallel Worlds" Peter Wenceslas film "Lai" Katarzyna Adamik (USA), the movie "On the move" Philip Jankowski, a program directory (synchronously).





Shooting locations:


Scene №15 Interview with film critic Vladimir Dmitriev-archivist

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XXVII Moscow International Film Festival.

Cinema "Pushkin" hall.

Interview with film critic, first deputy general director Gosfilmofond VY Dmitriev on alternative program within the framework of the festival.

Vladimir Dmitriev says about his work in the selection committee of the festival, a powerful Hollywood industry and oppose the national cinema, about American blockbusters and European hits, the film "Quo Vadis" Jerzy Kawalerowicz about Japanese films "Fish in the water" and "Spirited Away" the Hungarian film "Chocho or long live May 1!", an Austrian film "Come, Sweet Death", the South Korean film "Hi, Dharma" (synchronous).





Shooting locations:


Scene №16 Interview with young European directors Aku Louhimies and Ruben Östlund

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Room in the organizing committee of the festival.

Interview with young European directors, participants of the competition program.

Finnish film director and screenwriter Aku Louhimies talks about his film "Permafrost" (in Finnish and English, synchronous).

Swedish director and screenwriter Ruben Östlund talks about his film "The Guitar Mongoloid" (in yangliyskom language synchronously).

Festival cafe, people at the tables.

Estlund talks to young filmmakers.


A.Louhimies R.Estlund



Shooting locations:


Scene №17 Porter with a birthday cake XXV-th Moscow International Film Festival

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Shooting advertising story about XXV Moscow International Film Festival.

Shopping center.

Porter with a cake festival goes to the elevator, escalator, down the hall is a shopping center.

Output port of the shopping center, puts the cake on the balustrade at the fountain, smokes.

Porter Cake crossing the road descends into the underpass.

Symbolism XXV-th festival on the cake.

Ports of call in the cinema hall, watching a movie.

Output port of the cinema, lighting candles on the cake.

Carries the cake by the tables in the cafe.

Porter Cake dodging imaginary blows.



Shooting locations:


Scene №18 Interview with Vladimir Naumov, N. Mikhalkov, dinner for participants of the festival

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Area in front of the cinema "Pushkin".

Interview with director Vladimir Naumov music in film (synchronously).

Interview with the President of the Moscow Film Festival Nikita Mikhalkov about the festival as a creative work and celebration, of master classes, financial problems Festival of dubbing, subtitling and translation of films, music and silence in the movie, working with composer Eduard Artemyev (synchronously).

Festival outdoor cafe.

Dinner for the participants of the festival.

Among the guests Andrei Malakhov, Korenev Elena, Elena Zakharova, Igor Petrenko, Olga and Dmitry Drozdov Singers, Arkady Yining, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Ville Haapasalo, Sam Klebanov.

Dishes on the tables, waiters.

Video sketch: evening, summer rain, the tents in the rain, waiters, walking, benches, lights.


Nikita Mikhalkov V. Naumov A.Malahov E.Koreneva E.Zaharova I.Petrenko O.Drozdova D.Pevtsov A.Inin Vladimir Zhirinovsky V.Haapasalo S.Klebanov



Shooting locations:


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