Aeroflot Today (1969)

Movie №55699, 5 parts, Duration: 0:49:25
Studio -
Lukjyanov A.
Camera operators:
Riklin V., Chernishov S.
Ostroumov G., Lukjyanov A.
Denisov E.
Kolichev Yu.


A review of the Civil Aviation of the USSR.

Reel №1

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In the sky flying aircraft.

Chronicle of 1923: Over the racecourse flying aircraft, riders go on the field.

Plane over the city.

Airplane over the bay, on the water sailing yachts.

The landing of the aircraft.

Aircraft on the field, among the crowd of spectators, adults and children.

The plane begins to run.

People watch the takeoff.

The plane comes in to land.

Aircraft on the field, the pilot climbs on the wing.


Start of the first flight on the route Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod.

Animation: reducing distances to scale speeds, routing grid of the country.

At Domodedovo plane lands.

Drifting snow on the runway.

View of the airport building.

Cleaning snow and ice.

Pilot D.I.Kuharenko crew.

Pages documents on the route Moscow - Khabarovsk.

The crew passes preflight.


Luggage on a conveyor belt.

The motor works.

Past the airport building airplane rides.

View of the control room manager, recording equipment.

The plane was taxiing on the runway.


Tu-114 taking off. D.I.Kuharenko at the helm.


Second pilot.

View from the bow of the cabin.

On-board radio operator.


Powered autopilot.

View of the clouds.

A fragment of an interview with D.I.Kuharenko.

The passenger cabin.

Chronicle tests Tu-154:

Stopping the engine in flight (shooting from the window).

The aircraft in the sky.


The plane in a wind tunnel.

It includes equipment operator.

Starting impellers.

Work aircraft engines.

Aircraft in the air.

The passengers in the cabin.

Cook collects lunch on a tray.

Flight attendant with a tray.

Passengers dine.

Flight attendants poured tea.

Future train stewardesses serving table.

English lesson in the language classroom.

Pilots in the classroom.

Training on simulators in the gym.

Jumping on a trampoline.

Tests on the centrifuge.



Shooting locations:

Moscow [820]


Winter [823]

Reel №2

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Leningrad Higher Aviation School (now St.

Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation).

Pilots in the classroom on the aerodynamics.

The study of the device engine.

The mechanism of the chassis.

Simulation flight simulator under the command of the computer.

Screen locator.

Animation: reduction of aircraft by radio signals.

Cabin crew.

View of the runway at night.

Landing plane airplane rides to the airport terminal.

Examination of the aircraft technical Brigade, preventative work.

Planes in the hangar.

IL-62 out of the hangar in tow.

Take-off TU-134. The landing of Tu-104. Aircraft maneuvering in the parking lot.

Passengers descend the ladder.

People go from the plane to the airport terminal.

Climbing stairs.

People in airport lounges.

View of the building outside the airport.

Sheremetyevo Airport, the aircraft maneuvers.

Airport name, flags on the flagpole.

People in the gallery.

Disembarkation of passengers.

Tape luggage.

People dismantled suitcases.

People in the airport premises.

From the airport, the car drives off.

The streets of Moscow.

Panorama of Red Square.

Spasskaya (Frolov), and Senate tower of the Moscow Kremlin.

The area in front of the City Air Terminal.

Passengers in the halls of the terminal from various stalls and shops, people visiting the shop windows and shop.

Sellers of flowers.

Ceiling fan of the aircraft.

People visiting the exhibition models of passenger aircraft.

People in the waiting room.

Registration for flights.

Attendant at work.

Recording equipment.

Computer operator.

General view of the hall of the terminal.

From the train station the bus drives off.

Helicopter takes off.

View of the city from a helicopter.

Bus rides through the streets.

The passengers of the bus.

View of the road from the cabin.

Woman with child at the window.

Road sign at the airport.

Airbus on the tarmac.


Shooting locations:

Moscow [820] Leningrad [848]


Summer [824]

Reel №3

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Leningrad airport.

Nevsky Avenue.

View of the Winter Palace from the water.

View of the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Rostral column at the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Monument to Peter I. The plane flies over the airfield.

Kiev Borispol Airport.

People in airport lounges.

Visitors to the cafe.

Boarding transport to the aircraft.

Mourners waving from the gallery.

The bus leaves from the building in the foreground blooming tulips.


Airport Sochi.

Passengers are delivered to the aircraft.

Plane takes off.

View from the bow of the cabin.

Fly by helicopter Kizhi.

Samarkand, view of the Registan Square.

Sher Dor.

View of the snowy expanses of Yamal.

Plane over the peninsula.

Men with puppies in his arms.

Sleeping people.

The pilot checks the course on the map.

Women with children.

Landing An-2. Cargo AN-12. AN-24 landed.

Aircraft at the airport building.

Disembarkation of passengers.

The locator.

The wing of the aircraft.

Rise during a snowfall.

The shadow of an airplane in the snow.

The plane lands on the snow, chassis fitted with skis.

Members of a scientific expedition strengthen housing.

Sled dogs.

Unloading helicopter.

The plane takes off.

Polar waving flies the aircraft.

Planes at the airport in Dushanbe.

The airport building.

Disembarkation of passengers.

Pilot M.M.Rybalko talks about the road Dushanbe - Khorog.

Alternation: airplane over the mountains, the passengers.

Mountain view from the air.

The pilot at the controls.

Plane over the mountains.

Landing in Khorog.

Yak-40 in the sky.

Yak-40 landing.

The aircraft parking stands.

The tail part of the machine.

The Commission examines the aircraft involved E.V.Loginov and Yakovlev.

Yak-40 on the runway.

The plane takes off, retractable landing gear.

Yak-40 in the air. "Air Taxi" B-30. B-30 in the field.

The passenger cabin.

Maneuvers on the field.

Run and take off.

B-30 in the sky.

AN-22 "Antaeus" in the clouds.

Landing of the An-22. Unloading aircraft.

Road construction equipment near the "Antaeus."


EF Loginov - Marshal

1st Soviet Minister of Civil Aviation of the USSR

a military inspector-adviser of the Group of Inspectors General of the Ministry of Defense. AS Yakovlev - Colonel-General


aircraft designer

academician of the USSR

twice Hero of Socialist Labor.

Shooting locations:

Leningrad [848] Moscow [820] Kiev [933] Sochi [971] Republic of Karelia [746] Samarkand [906] Salekhard [919] Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug [819] Tajikistan [215]


Summer [824]

Reel №4

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Handling of sheep.

The plane takes off.

Sheep on the plane.

Mountain view from airplane.

The pilot at the controls.

The view from the cockpit.

The plane takes place on the field.

Sheep jumping out of a plane and flee to the pasture.

To the plane ride trucks.

Boxes of fruit on the conveyor.

The cargo compartment rises bulldozer.

Used pipes.

Single-engine plane on the snow off the cargo plane.

View of the tundra from the cockpit.


Helicopters with loads on the suspension.

Panorama pipeline under construction.

The helicopter landed near the tower.

Work on the rig.

Construction of the pipeline.

Panorama of the taiga, the shadow of the helicopter on the ground.

Cargo helicopter takes off.

The mounting structure.

Helicopters with loads on the suspension.

Helicopter with cargo on aerial platforms.

Landing a helicopter.

The truck drives off the platform, the helicopter flies.

Trucks enter into the helicopter.

It closes the cargo bay.

Flying cargo helicopter.

Pollination of crops from the air by helicopter K-26. The radio operator sends a telegram.

Medical helicopter landing on a mountain pasture.

From the helicopter take out equipment.

The surgeon makes an operation.

Doctors examine the person.

View detailed medical station from the air.

The pilot in the cockpit.

View of the taiga, smoke rising up.

Forest fire.

Paratroopers landed in the woods.

Descent of firefighters and equipment from the helicopter on the ropes.

Fire fighting.

Helicopter over the forest.

Firefighters unpacked cargo.

Connection to a fire hydrant.

Extinguishing fire from the air.

Sea View.

The pilot at the controls.

Radio operator talks with the fishermen.

Fishing vessels at sea.

People pull the network.

The catch is unloaded on the deck.


Aerial photographs.

Animation: the construction of facilities.

Aerial photographs of glaciers, and mineral deposits.


A fragment of an interview with E.F.Loginovym.

Animation: the sky flying aircraft, civil aviation routes in the country and in the world.

A layer of clouds.


EF Loginov - Marshal

1st Soviet Minister of Civil Aviation of the USSR

a military inspector-adviser of the Group of Inspectors General of the Ministry of Defense.

Shooting locations:

Tyumen region [809] Magadan region [787] Tajikistan [215]


Summer [824] Winter [823]

Reel №5

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The crew of the Hero of Socialist Labor Witkowski in the cockpit of IL-62.

The aircraft in the sky.

Chronicle 1937: The first nonstop transcontinental flight of the USSR - the United States.

ANT-25 in the air.

People welcome the airplane on the field.

Honorary meeting of Soviet pilots.

Valery Chkalov, G.F.Baydukov, Alexander Belyakov accept congratulations.

The solemn procession through the streets.

Americans greeted the Soviet crew.

Press photographers are shooting from the top of the ladder.

The operator with the camera.

People gathered outside the fence.

Aircraft on the field.

Americans with the flag of the Soviet Union.

The crew down the ladder.

View from the plane to the airport building, on the roof of pandemonium.

Interview with Vice-President of "Pan Am" ("Pan American World Airways").

Dissolve: articles in magazines and newspapers, the streets of New York.

Photo in the magazine "Life".

American skyscrapers.

The transport stream.

The building of the airline "Pan American World Airways".

Flags of foreign powers.

Sculpture E.V.Vucheticha "Swords into Plowshares" in front of the United Nations.

Foreign flags in front of the UN building.

Police regulates traffic in the center of Paris.

People walk past the "Aeroflot".

The streets of Paris.

The transport stream near the Eiffel Tower.

View of the tower from below.

General representative of "Air France" for relations with the countries of Eastern Europe, gives an interview in front of the company.

The traffic controller transmits signals to the aircraft.

The plane with the engine running.

Loader takes away luggage.

The building of Le Bourget airport.

People in airport lounges.

Flight schedule.


Soviet aircraft maneuvers in the field.

The plane takes off and takes a running start.

Aircraft deployed at the airport of Budapest, it is snowing.

The airport building.

Passengers descend the stairs and go into the bus.

A fragment of an interview with the Director General of the Hungarian airline Malev ("Malev Hungarian Airlines").

The building of "Aeroflot" in Budapest.

City streets.

Freedom Monument.

Panorama of the city from the opposite bank.

View of the bridge over the Danube.

Panorama of Havana.

Along the way palm trees.

The streets of Havana, the capital's residents.

View of the airport control tower at dawn.

The plane prepares for takeoff.

Take-off TU-114.

The cockpit.

View from the window of an airplane wing.

Night lights of Tokyo.


The streets of Tokyo in the afternoon.

The building of "Aeroflot".

A fragment of an interview with the president of the airline "Japan Airlines".

View of the airport, the crew gathered on the airfield.

There is a landing of passengers.

The plane was taxiing on the runway.

Tu-154 takes place on the field.

Take-off TU-154.

Aircraft in the air.

Animation: Toy model airplane on a background of clouds.


VP Chkalov - Test pilot

Hero of the Soviet Union. Bajdukov GF - Test pilot


Hero of the Soviet Union. Belyakov AV - Navigator

Lieutenant General Aviation

Hero of the Soviet Union

the teacher of the Air Force Academy named after NE Zhukovsky

head of the military department of MIPT.



Shooting locations:

New York [856] Paris [850] Budapest [865] Tokyo [866] Havana [912]


Summer [824] Autumn [826]

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