A Great Battle on the River of Volga (1962)

Movie №5632, 8 parts, Duration: 1:12:31 Black-white
Slavinskaya M.
Text authors:
Surkov A.
Smirnitskiy U.
Makarov E.
Khmara L.


The film tells the story of the Battle of Stalingrad during the Great Patriotic War.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Types of Volga.

Reeds on the banks of the Volga.

Fragments of shells on the beach sand.

Rusty fragments of mortar, burrowing into the sand.

Breaking through a soldier's helmet.

The vegetation on the banks of the Volga.

A branch of a blossoming apple tree.

The monument to the defenders of Stalingrad on Mamayev Hill.

Commemorative inscription on the granite slab.

Monuments to Soviet soldiers on the Volga River.

People at the monument on the Mamayev Hill.

The inscription on the monument.

People laid flowers at the monument.

Those women.

People collect a handful of earth on Mamayev Hill.

Members of the expedition in Antarctica, brought a handful of earth from Mamayev Kurgan.

The old man sits at the foot of the monument.

Newsreel, 1942: Panorama of the burning Stalingrad.

Smoke from the fire rises into the sky.

Map of the line of the front in the summer of 1942.

Newsreel 1942: Flying airplanes.

Fighting in the Arctic.

Map of the Siege of Leningrad.

Newsreel, 1942: View of Peter and Paul Fortress in the besieged Leningrad.

Anti-aircraft guns on the Neva River and on city streets.

German officer looking into the telescope.

German gunners firing at Leningrad.

The fighting Soviet troops on the Leningrad front.

Artillery duel.

Map of the North-Western Front.

Newsreel 1942: Soviet troops were fighting in the Lake Ilmen.

Map the front line near Moscow.

Newsreel, 1942: view of Red Square and part of the Moscow Kremlin.

People on the streets of Moscow in 1942.

Reliance on anti-aircraft position.

Transportation barrage balloons through the city streets.

Barrage balloons in the air.

Soviet artillery fire on the enemy, protecting the approaches to Moscow.

Infantry and tanks go on the attack.

Map occupied Belarus.

Newsreel, 1942: Nazi invaders in Minsk.

German soldiers break into the house.

German patrols on the streets of Minsk.

Map occupied Ukraine.

Newsreel 1942: German troops moving on the roads of Ukraine.

Echelon food sent to Germany.

German soldiers discharged from the wagon boxes with chicken eggs.

Map occupied Crimea.

Newsreel, 1942: view of the Sevastopol Bay.

Combat ship is at berth.

Soviet bombers soar.

Shore batteries were firing at the enemy.

Tanks go on the attack.

Commanders at the observation post.

Sailors take to the bayonet charge.

Attacks Marines.

Map of hostilities on the Soviet-German front in the summer of 1942.

Newsreel 1942: German motorized columns moving on the roads.

Moving German tanks and self-propelled.

Ride German motorcyclists.



Shooting locations:

Moscow Murmansk region Leningrad Leningrad region Minsk Ukraine Crimea


Spring Summer

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Newsreel 1942: German troops advancing on Stalingrad.

There is a German infantry.

Persons passing soldiers.

German tank column moving.

Soviet gunners shelling German troops.

Fighting in the South-West direction.

Attacking German tanks and aircraft.

Soviet gunners firing at the enemy.

Burning a German tank.

Soviet tanks firing position changes.

German planes in the sky.

Burning wheat.

People leave a burning village.

Crying woman with a child in her arms.

Shepherds driven collective herd.

Evacuation of agricultural machinery.

Refugees are on the road.

View convoy of refugees.

Soviet troops are defensive battles.

Artillery promoted to the position and opens fire.

Tanks go on the attack in the Don steppe.

Flying German aircraft.

View from the top area.

German troops come ashore Don.

German troops begin crossing on one of the sites of the Don.

German soldiers ashore after crossing the Don.

German armor and infantry moving across the steppe.

The Soviet commander signals the missile tank units.

Rocket in the sky.

Soviet tanks and infantry in the Kuban go to the counter.

Soviet infantry attacks.

Flying Soviet bombers.

German planes dropped bombs.

Soviet aircraft bombed the enemy.

Wounded Soviet officer commanding the mortar battery.

Flyers Party and government bodies with an appeal to the people of Stalingrad.

Newsreel 1942: residents of Stalingrad build fortifications.

Sappers build concrete fortifications.

Construction of wood-earth emplacements.

Gates factory "Red October".

The workers in the factory shop.

Tanks come out of the gates of Stalingrad Tractor Plant.

Map of the German advance on Stalingrad.

Newsreel 1942: fighting on the approaches to Stalingrad.

German troops occupied positions at the railway line.

German officers watched Stalingrad with binoculars.

Soldiers Stalingrad battalion of the national militia to put forward battle positions.

Small unit is on the street.

Residents of Stalingrad tankers escorted into battle.

Soviet troops are in position at Stalingrad.



Shooting locations:

Stalingrad USSR



Reel №3

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Newsreel 1942: German bombers before departure.

German bombers in flight.

Panorama of the Stalingrad (above).

View of the central square of Stalingrad.

Anti-aircraft gunners watching the sky through binoculars.

Calculation of anti-aircraft gun ready to fire.

Trucks on the streets.

Sailor Volga flotilla watching the sky through binoculars.

Flying the Italian aircraft.

Calculations antiaircraft guns begin to fire.

Take off Soviet fighters.

Baranov pilot in the cockpit.

Air battle.

Padded German plane loses wing.

Flying German aircraft.

Soviet anti-aircraft gunners firing.

Drop burning aircraft.

The wreckage of German plane on the ground.

German bombers in flight.

Falling bombs.

Explodes building.

Joinery in the broken wall.

Firefighters extinguish a burning house.

Relocation of the victim on a stretcher.

Firefighters extinguish a burning house.

Dive German bombers.

Soviet anti-aircraft firing payment.

Burning a German plane.

German aircraft burns to the ground.

German planes continued to bomb the city.

Bombings in the streets of Stalingrad.

Crumbling wall of the building.

Burning truck.

View of the ruined city block.

Sculptural group group of children dancing in the square, around the burning building.

Anti-aircraft gunners firing.

Drop burning aircraft.

Bomber dives.

Anti-aircraft gunners firing.

Burning oil spill.

Anti-aircraft gunners firing, falling burning aircraft.

View the explosion on the banks of the Volga.

Type part of Stalingrad after the air raid (on top).

Burning Stalingrad neighborhoods at night.

Panorama burning Stalingrad.

View of one of the destroyed streets of Stalingrad.

Musician from the ruins of the house makes the double bass.

People pass through the area past the ruined houses.

People are moving through the ruins, leaving the city.

The tug pulling a barge with the troops and automotive technology.

Soviet soldiers disembark from a barge on the Volga River.

Soviet troops come to the aid of Stalingrad.

The troops are on the streets to combat positions.

German troops advancing on Stalingrad.

German soldiers at a busy railway station.

The German troops were fighting in the streets of Stalingrad.

Soviet soldiers raised a counterattack.

Street fighting in Stalingrad.

Solid German self-propelled gun.

A. Hitler greets one of the generals at his residence.

The text of the notice of the taking of Stalingrad.

German medal for the taking of Stalingrad.

Soviet and foreign newspaper reports about the fighting in Stalingrad.

Newsreel 1942: Soviet artillery firing at the enemy.

Infantry and tanks go on the attack.

The fighting in the North Caucasus.

Street fighting in Krasnodar.

German troops in the streets of Krasnodar.

Burning building.

Burning oil fields of Maikop.

German soldier on a background of fire.

Alpine huntsman uphill.

Alpine huntsmen are fighting in the mountains.

Soviet troops were firing at the enemy in the Caucasus Mountains.

View of Mount Elbrus.

View of the burning Stalingrad.

Street fighting in Stalingrad.

Soviet engineers lay mines on the street.


Adolf Hitler - a German statesman and political figure



Shooting locations:

Stalingrad Krasnodar region


Summer Autumn

Reel №4

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Newsreel 1942: Soviet troops 62nd Army led street fighting in Stalingrad.

Map defensive lines of the 62nd Army at Stalingrad.

Newsreel, 1942: Staff of the dugout 62nd Army on the Volga River.

Commander of the Army, General Chuikov VI holds a meeting with the officers.

The commander of one part of the report to the commander of the 13th Guards Division General Rodimtsev AI combat situation on the site.

Signalers in the dugout on the phone.

Mortar firing at the enemy.

General Rodimtsev at the command post receives a report from the slave.

Rodimtsev spoke field telephone.

Street fighting in Stalingrad.

Soviet soldiers fighting in the ruined buildings.

A. Chekhov Sniper out of hiding firing at the enemy.

Drop a German who tried to cross the street.

Chekhov reload the rifle.

Gunners firing a gun positions on the street.

Anti-tank riflemen take a position in a ruined building.

The soldiers are firing through the windows.

Street fighting, removal of combat and bandaging the wounded.

Crossing the wounded to the other side of the Volga.

Boats Volga Flotilla on the Volga.

View "Lyudnikov island."

Photo Colonel Lyudnikov during a meeting with the officers.

Map of the Soviet defense near the plant "Barricades".

The text of one of the reports Lyudnikov the headquarters of the 62nd Army.

Newsreel 1942: fighting boats go across the Volga.

Soviet artillery calculations positions in Stalingrad.

Signalers pave the link.

Infantry attacks with the support of the building flamethrowers.

Funeral gunner Starodubtseva comrades swear to fight to the death.

Body Starodubtseva.

Infantry firing at the enemy.

Portraits Lieutenant Afanasyev, Sergeant YF Pavlov and soldiers who defended "Pavlov's House".

Newsreel, 1942: street fighting in Stalingrad.

Portrait of sniper Zayzeva V. Portrait of a pilot Ephraim.

Portraits of Red Vashchenko and Serdyukov.

Portrait sailors Panikakko M. Kaplunov I. Text combat leaflet with the story of the heroism of the signalman Putilova M.

Portrait of Captain Ruben Ibarruri.

Portraits of women heroines of the Battle of Stalingrad: O. Kovaleva, G. Queen, Kachuevskoy N. Newsreel 1942: Soviet soldiers fighting leaflets read.

Presentation of party tickets to the men with guns firing position.

Infantry attacks an enemy through the ruins.

Warships of the Volga flotilla were firing at the enemy.

The landing on the bank of the Volga.

Sailor sends signals using his cap.

Marines ashore.

The sailors of the Volga flotilla go on the attack.


Vasily Chuikov - commander Rodimtsev Alexander Ilyich - commander



Shooting locations:




Reel №5

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Newsreel of 1942: German troops are fighting in the street near the factory "Red October".

Soviet soldiers take up a position at the destroyed wall.

Soviet soldiers are moving forward.

Soldiers are fighting among the ruins of Stalingrad.

The machine gunner changes the disk of the machine gun.

The submachine gunner is firing.

German soldiers watch from behind cover.

Street fighting in Stalingrad.

Panorama of a part of the destroyed city block.

German planes are flying.

Bombs explode on the positions of the Soviet troops.

A German bomber is diving.

View of a part of the destroyed quarter.

Sentry on duty at the gate of the Stalingrad power plant.

Internal view of the engine room of the power plant.

A power plant worker hides in a special bomb shelter.

The entrance to the bomb shelter.

View of a part of the power plant equipment.

General view of the damaged power plant building.

Repair of tanks in the southern part of Stalingrad.

Tankman on the tank tower.

View of the shop one of the factories in the rear.

Workers for the manufacture of submachine guns.

Production of artillery barrels.

Elderly workers at the machine tools.

Teenage workers at work on the machines.

Women and girls sew soldiers ' underwear.

Women working in factory workshops and coal mines.

The face of a miner's girl.

The girl at the helm of the ship.

The girl driver looks out of the cab of the locomotive.

A girl drives a tractor.

The combine harvester girl climbs onto the car.

Cleaning of bread by a combine harvester in the rear.

Loading bags of grain to be sent to the front.

Types of rear industrial enterprises.

Internal views of steelmaking and rolling shops.

Assembly of tanks at the tank factory.

Internal view of the aircraft assembly shop.

The faces of the workers of the aircraft factory.

Assembly of new aircraft at the aircraft factory.

Shipment of ready-made artillery pieces.

New tanks are leaving the shop.

Tanks on railway platforms are sent to the front.

Anti-aircraft guns on railway platforms.

Tanks are moving to the front line.

Passing horse artillery and infantry on trucks.

Map of the combat situation on the Stalingrad front by November 1942.

Newsreel of 1942: view of the Moscow Kremlin.

Views of the Red Square part.

Map of the operation to encircle the German troops at Stalingrad.

Newsreel of 1942: a signalman at a radio station.

The faces of the soldiers.

Commander of the Stalingrad Front Eremenko A. I. presents awards to soldiers and officers who distinguished themselves in battle.

The faces of the soldiers.

Eremenko presents the award to the girl-saninstructor.

The soldiers are standing in formation.

Soviet soldiers in defensive positions before the start of the offensive.

A soldier shaves a friend.

A soldier makes lamps from shell casings.

A soldier repairs a wall clock.

Soldiers rest under the wall of a destroyed building.

Sleeping machine gunner.

Soldiers drink tea from the samovar.

Soldiers cook food on the fire, have lunch.


Eremenko Andrei Ivanovich - commander



Shooting locations:

Stalingrad Moscow USSR Ural



Reel №6

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Newsreel of 1942: loading of military equipment and ammunition on ships for crossing the Volga.

Explosions on the shore.

Trucks with infantry and ammunition are coming ashore under fire.

The truck pulls into the ferry.

The officer directs the loading.

The barge with ammunition departs from the shore.

Self-propelled barge departs from the shore.

Tanks and artillery are moving to the front line.

The cavalry unit follows the front line.

The infantry moves to the front line.

Scouts are watching the enemy.

The officers at the observation post monitor the enemy positions.

Panorama of the front edge of the Soviet defense.

Artillery begins firing at German troops before the start of the offensive at Stalingrad on November 19, 1942.

A salvo of rocket-propelled mortars.

Shell bursts on German positions.

Soviet planes are flying.

Falling bombs.

The pilot in the cockpit.

View of enemy territory (from above).

Tanks and infantry are going to attack.

Attack tanks with infantry on the armor.

Infantry and cavalry attack.

The infantry attacks the destroyed factory and railway station.

Soviet planes are flying.

Tanks and infantry in the steppe go on the attack.

Meeting of the advanced units of the South-Western and Stalingrad fronts in the area of the village of Sovetsky.

Map of the encirclement of the German troops at Stalingrad and the further offensive of the Soviet troops.

Newsreel of November 1942: German planes are flying.

A Soviet anti-aircraft battery is firing at enemy aircraft.

A burning German plane crashes.

Anti-aircraft artillery is firing.


Street view in Stalingrad.

Soviet mortar men are moving to a position on the street of the city.

Street fighting in Stalingrad, attacking Soviet troops.

Map with a plan for the encirclement and destruction of the German group at Stalingrad.

Newsreel of January 1943: Marshal of Artillery Voronov N. N. and General Rokossovsky K. K. during a meeting.

Soviet parliamentarians signal with a white flag.

The bugler gives the signal.

The parliamentarians come out of the trench.


Rokossovsky Konstantin - commander Nikolai Voronov - commander



Shooting locations:



Autumn Winter

Reel №7

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Newsreel January 1943: Soviet generals at the observation post.

Heavy artillery is preparing to open fire.

General KK Rokossovsky at the observation points.

Soviet artillery opened fire on the enemy.

Flying Soviet bombers.

Falling bombs.

Rocket launchers firing.

Soviet aircraft in the air.

Volley rocket launchers.

Artillery firing.

The infantry in the offensive.

Soviet soldiers are going to attack.

The corpses of German soldiers.

Burning German military equipment.

Gunners firing point-blank range.

The infantry advanced through the ruins.

The machine-gunners firing.

The infantry advancing through the ruins.

HOT fascist banners with swastikas.

German soldiers with arms raised and a white flag out of the building.

German and Romanian soldiers surrendering.

Soldiers Stalingrad and Don Fronts greeting each other in Stalingrad.

Soldiers with the red flag go up the stairs of the ruined building.

Soldiers enhance the red flag on the balcony of the building.

Soldiers and officers greet each other with a victory.

Artillery calculation makes a shot.

Gunner gun barrel shroud.

Red flag flying in the turret of a tank.

Soldiers stroking a cat.

Broken German cars in the streets of Stalingrad.

Red flag over Stalingrad.

The column of German prisoners are on a city street.

Kind column of German prisoners.

German soldiers in parade formation in Germany in the 1930s.

Those prisoners of the Germans.

Awarding of the German soldiers after the entry into Paris in 1940.

German soldiers' cemetery in the Stalingrad area.

Parade of German troops in the late 1930s.

German prisoners leading to the rear.

There is a column of prisoners of war.

Captured German officer is accompanied by Soviet officers.

Surrendering German officers and generals.

The commander of the German 6th Army, General-Field Marshal von Paulus after the surrender.

Paulus during the first interrogation.

A column of German prisoners moving to the rear.

Go German prisoners.

Broken German military equipment.

Type of Soviet troops captured German airfield (above).

View of the railway at Stalingrad (above).

View of the ruined Stalingrad (above).

Panorama rally in honor of the liberation of Stalingrad.

Those officers and political workers.

The infantry units are on the streets of Stalingrad.

Soviet soldiers on the roof of the roof of the Reichstag with a red banner in May 1945.

Soldiers and officers salute fired up.

White flags hung in the windows of buildings in Berlin.

Soviet troops in the streets of Berlin defeated.

Soldiers and officers on the streets of Berlin, celebrating the victory.

Soviet tank near the wall of the Reichstag.

View of the damaged building of the Reichstag.

Inscriptions made by Soviet soldiers on the walls of the Reichstag.


Rokossovsky Konstantin - commander Friedrich von Paulus - German commander


1930s 1940 01.1943 05.1945

Shooting locations:

Stalingrad Berlin Paris


Winter Spring Summer

Reel №8

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Newsreel 1943: types of destroyed neighborhoods of Stalingrad (above).

Types of Volgograd.

Monument to Lenin on the one of the squares of Volgograd.

Types of new streets and avenues of Volgograd.

Types areas of Volgograd.

People are on the streets of the city.

Monument to the tanks, the defenders of Stalingrad.

Entrance to the Volgograd Tractor Plant.

Tractors finished products at the site of the plant.

New tractor on platforms exported from the territory of the plant.

The ship, sailing along the Volga.

People on the deck of the ship.

The ship passes through the Volga-Don gateway.

Types of Volga hydroelectric.

View of the embankment of the Volga.

People on the streets of Volgograd.

People laying wreaths at the monument to the defenders of Stalingrad.

Wreaths at the foot of the monument.

People's faces.

View of the monument.

Roses growing at the monument.

The appeal of US President Roosevelt to the defenders of Stalingrad.

Newsreel 1943: presentation of the defenders of Stalingrad sword from the King of Great Britain, takes a sword and hand SM Budyonny

Presentation combat shield the emperor of Abyssinia.

View shield.

The coat of arms of the English city of Coventry, presented to the defenders of Stalingrad.

Commemorative medal of the defense of Port Said.

Tank on the pedestal on the banks of the Volga.

Members of the French delegation to lay flowers at the monument to the defenders of Stalingrad.

Representatives of North Korea at the monument to the defenders of Stalingrad.

The members of the delegation of Yugoslavia Tito IB laying wreaths at the monument.

The Indian delegation lays a wreath at the monument.

Person J. Nehru.

Map of the Volga.

One of the monuments to the defenders of Stalingrad.

Statue of the worker.

Panorama of the city of Volgograd.


Budyonny Semyon Mikhailovich - commander



Shooting locations:

Stalingrad Moscow



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