In the name of man (1954)

Movie №59298, 6 parts, Duration: 0:58:21
Studio Lennauchfilm (LNF)
A.A. Chiginskij, L.G. Klochkov
Camera operators:
A.A. Klimov
P.K. Isakov, A.K. Yugov
Sound mixer:
G.G. Gudkov
B.V. Saveljev



Scientific research and works of Academician I. P. Pavlov and his followers; creation of the science of higher nervous activity and the physiological school.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Neva Bay, view of St.

Isaac's Cathedral.

A shady street, a woman goes to the entrance.

In the courtyard, a woman in a white coat walks a dog, leads it into the building.

On the door is a sign: "Pavlov Ivan Petrovich", the door to the scientist's office opens.

Newsreel of the 1930 - 1935.

Academician Pavlov speaks with colleagues.

Animated video, a mock-up of the human brain.

The layout of the brain in the section.

The cerebral cortex, the nerve endings.

A mock-up of a person with blood vessels and nerve endings.

A rotating mock-up of the brain.

Open books, scientific and religious works of scientists in different languages.

Herzen's revolutionary edition of The Bell, hand flipping through the pages.

The book portraits of A. I. Herzen, Belinsky, V. G., Koroleva N. A., Chernyshevskogo N. G..

Portrait of the scientist A.M. Sechenov and his scientific work on the reflexes of the brain.

Newsreel of the 1930 - 1935.

Performance of I. P. Pavlov in front of colleagues.

A woman in a white coat feeds a dog, the animal is standing on a table, the body is fixed with special veterinary equipment.

The dog eats from a bowl.

For studies of the work of the salivary glands of the dog, the ducts are brought out and the saliva is collected in a vessel, (fistula).

An animated video, a mock-up of a dog, the work of the innate salivary reflex.

A dog with a fistula for salivation.

The dog is standing on the table, fixed by veterinary equipment.

The lab assistant brings a bowl of food.

The dog revives, salivation increases in the fistula.

The lab assistant grinds crackers in a bowl, the crunch of food activates the salivary glands of the dog.

View from the office to the door of the laboratory, where experiments are conducted on the dog.

The scientist leaves the lab, locks the door, and sits down at his desk.

The scientist can observe the experimental animal and conduct experiments.

The dog is in the laboratory, standing on a table, fixed with special equipment.

The hand squeezes the rubber bulb, which triggers the metronome in the lab.

The work of the metronome.

The dog is revived by the sound of the metronome, food is given to it, and salivation increases in the fistula.

The hand squeezes the rubber bulb, which triggers the metronome again.

The dog revives at the sound of the metronome, but does not find food reinforcement.

In the fistula, salivation increases.

Animated video with a model of a dog, the reaction of its brain to external stimuli and the work of the conditioned reflex.

A dog with a fistula.

The hand squeezes the rubber bag, the metronome starts working.

The dog perks up, starts looking for food, but doesn't find it.

The work of the fistula becomes less active.

For the new experiment, the scientists took a dog with puppies.

The lab assistant takes the puppies in her arms and moves them away from their mother.

The scientist takes a bottle of clove oil, lubricates the dog's nipples.

A woman's hand puts the puppies to the mother for feeding.

The puppies are eagerly reaching for their nipples.

The scientist takes a bottle of peppermint oil and lubricates the dog's nipples.

A female hand puts puppies to the female's stomach.

The puppies crawl away from their mother.

The scientist's hand greases a piece of gauze wrapped on a ruler with clove oil.

One of the puppies begins to actively crawl behind the ruler on the smell of clove oil.

The mother dog watches the puppy.

The puppy reaches for the ruler.

The mother dog is lying on the table, three of her puppies are moving in the distance, and the fourth is crawling behind the ruler to the smell of clove oil.

A forest clearing, illuminated by the sun.

From the depths of the forest, a calf runs out, begins to pinch the leaves.

Then a lynx jumps out of the forest and disappears.

A fox looks out from behind a bush.

The calf is wary.

A jackdaw croaks on a branch.

A fox jumps out from behind a bush.

The calf runs away.

A fox follows the calf into the depths of the forest.


Scientist, brain, scientific experiment, Pavlov's dog


Pavlov I.P.

russkij uchenij


vivisektor Gercen A.I.

russkij publicist-revolyucioner

pisatelj Belinskij V.G.

russkij kritik


filosof Dobrolyubov N.A.

russkij literaturnij kritik


publicist Chernishevskij N.G.


pisatelj Sechenov I.M.

russkij uchyonij-estestvoispitatelj


Shooting locations:

Leningrad [848] Leningrad region [785]



Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Forest clearing.

A hedgehog runs along the path.

An owl sits on a tree branch.

Raccoon dogs - raccoons-are selected from the burrow one after the other.

The raccoon sneaks up on the hedgehog, who curls up in a ball.

The raccoon tries to bite the hedgehog, but it is prevented by needles.

On the branch of a tree, a crossbite.

The raccoon looks around, licks its lips.

Raccoon comes to the forest pond, sniffs.

An owl is sitting on a tree.

The raccoon manages to catch the fish out of the water, with the prey it leaves.

The raccoon gives the fish to her cubs.

A baby raccoon with a fish in his teeth wants to hide, but his brothers and sisters catch up with him.

Koltushi village, on the square monument to Academician Pavlov I. P.

Scenic view of the lake Koltushi.

Pavlov Research Institute, surrounded by trees.

Facade of the Institute building.

Memorial plaque to Academician Pavlov.

In the courtyard of the institute there is a bust of the scientist.

Academician Pavlov's office, shelves with devices for conducting scientific research.

The white mouse runs through a special maze created to study conditioned reflexes in rodents.

Facade of the Institute building.

In the laboratory, there is an aquarium with a fish, a laboratory assistant works with it, she starts the compressor and observes the reaction of the fish to air bubbles.

In another laboratory, there is an aquarium with a turtle, whose behavior is monitored by a laboratory assistant.

The turtle reacts to the turn on of the light spinner and crawls for food reinforcement.

Birch alley.

A long corridor, along one wall there are cages with dogs.

Panorama of cages where dogs with different types of temperament are kept.

A student of Academician Pavlov, Professor Kupalov P. S. conducts research.

In a closed room, the dog jumps on the table and finds a feeder with food.

The dog licks the light bulb and moves to the mat.

The scientist squeezes a rubber bag in his hand and starts the metronome.

The metronome works.

The dog reacts to the sound of the metronome, jumps on the table, where he receives a portion of food.

The dog eats the treat, runs to the light bulb, licks it, returns to the mat, reacts to the work of the metronome, and again jumps on the table, to the feeder.

The dog eats.

A monkey in a cage, holding on to the bars with a paw.

The monkey climbs up the cage, followed by the second monkey.

Monkeys play with each other, swing on swings, crawl on the horizontal bar, cling to the bars.

A lab technician in a white lab coat goes to the cage, opens the bolt.

The monkeys jump into the lab technician's arms, wrap their arms around his neck, and he carries them away.

A lab technician walks monkeys in the park, they hold his hands.

A little girl rides out of the bushes on a tricycle and, seeing the animals, throws the bike and runs away.

The girl looks out from behind the bushes, smiling.

The monkey is sitting on a bicycle and trying to figure out how to set it in motion.

The second monkey is watching.

A monkey is sitting on a bicycle.

The second monkey helps the woman to carry the stroller with the child, the child wakes up, the monkey retreats and sits on the bench.

The woman takes the child out of the stroller, sits on a bench, and the monkey immediately climbs into the stroller and begins to throw things out of it.

A monkey in a stroller finds a teddy bear.

The mother holds the baby in the air so that he can see the monkey.

The monkey is lying in a wheelchair.

A laboratory assistant goes to the stroller, leads the second animal by the hand, and takes a monkey out of the stroller.

The lab assistant leads the monkeys to the river.

On a small pier, a boy brushes his teeth.

One of the monkeys sits down next to him, watching his movements intently.

The boy rinses his hands in the river, and the monkey begins to repeat after him.

The monkey puts his paws in the water, splashes.

The monkey stirs the tooth powder in the box with a brush, tastes the powder.

The boy washes his face, and the monkey follows his movements.

The boy smiles.

Two monkeys are squatting, one trying to brush their teeth, the other stirring the water in a glass with a brush.

On the pier, a lab technician watches the monkeys, and a boy wipes his face with a towel.


Scientific experiment, laboratory, experimental animals, Pavlov's dog


Pavlov I.P.

russkij uchenij


vivisektor. P. S. Kupalov

sovetskij fiziolog

uchenik Pavlova.

Shooting locations:

Leningrad region [785]


Summer [824]

Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The lab assistant at the table is monitoring.

The monkey is sitting in a cage.

A beep sounds, the monkey pulls the lever and gets a treat.

The monkey eats berries.

The lab assistant shows the monkey how to talk on the phone.

The monkey picks up the phone, puts it to his ear.

The lab technician watches the monkey as it puts the phone back on the hook.

The monkey is on the phone, the metronome is working.

The monkey picks up the phone, puts it to his ear, and puts it on the hook.

The monkey is scratching, the lab assistant is watching the animal, the metronome is working.

The lab assistant wipes the monkey's nose with a handkerchief.

The monkey takes a handkerchief and wipes himself.

The monkey slobbers on his handkerchief and wipes his nose again.

A country house surrounded by bushes and trees.

The mansion of the Academician Pavlov Institute is surrounded by greenery.

The branches of the trees shake in the wind.

From an open window, you can see one of the laboratories, and a woman is working at a table.

On the table is a vase with a bouquet of shrub branches.

The silkworm eats a leaf of a shrub.

A leaf of a shrub shakes in the wind, and a silkworm moves inside it.

The silkworm is wrapped in a thread.

Silkworm in a cocoon.

The silkworm brings out the thread.

A silkworm stirs on the glass top of the table.

Devices for research.

The lab assistant puts the glass with the silkworm in a special safe.

The thermometer shows a temperature of +39 degrees.

Safe deposit.

Inside the safe, the silkworm draws a thread.

The lab assistant opens the safe, takes out a glass with a silkworm.

The thermometer shows a temperature of +18 degrees.

The lab assistant puts the silkworm back on the glass in the safe.

The silkworm brings out the thread.

The laboratory assistant puts the silkworm on a clean glass, and from another one collects the thread that was bred by the silkworm.

The laboratory assistant writes down the research data in the journal.

The lab assistant goes to the table by the window, sits down to work.

The table is equipped with instruments for research, and the window offers a view of the garden.

The beekeeper walks around the apiary.

Bees swarm inside the hive.

Bees on the hive.

A bee on a dahlia flower.

A bee on a daisy.

A bee on jasmine flowers.

Clover flowers flutter in the wind.

Glade of blooming clover.

Panorama of the summer meadow.

The laboratory of the institute, two laboratory assistants work at different tables, one pours liquid from one flask into another.

The laboratory assistant puts the petals of a clover flower in a flask with liquid, closes the stopper, and takes the flask away.

Bees in the hive, the laboratory assistant gives the bees a special feeding.

Bees on the honeycomb.

A beehive with bees.

Apiary on the edge of a flowering meadow.

The clover flowers shake in the wind.

A bee on a clover flower.


The wall clock shows four o'clock in the morning, the light bulb turns on.

A rooster is crowing in the chicken coop.

Chickens run out of the coop on the lawn.

Chickens and roosters run in a special enclosure made of a chain-link net.

View of the chicken coop, chickens running around on the lawn.

View of the chicken coop through the grid.

In the chicken coop, the lab technicians, the woman takes the egg out of the hen box, hands it to the man, who makes notes in the log, then the woman takes the hen out of the box.

It's noon on the clock.

Chickens near the chicken coop.

Chickens run in the door of the chicken coop.

The hens are roosting.

The woman comes out of the chicken coop, closes the door with a lock.

The coop is dim, the chickens are falling asleep.

The clock is 16: 00.

In the chicken coop, the rooster crow, the hens come to life.

The lights in the chicken coop are turned on (daytime running lights), and the chickens are moving on their perch.

A woman opens a chicken coop.

Chickens run around the lawn, the poultry woman pours food into the feeders.

The chickens are feeding.

It's getting dark outside, and the chickens are playing on the lawn.

Boxes for hens.

Chickens near the chicken coop, the lawn is lit by lanterns.

Chickens peek out of the holes in the hen boxes.

There are two eggs in the box.

Chickens run in the door of the chicken coop.

Newspaper pages, articles by Academician Pavlov.

Photo of Academician Pavlov on the newspaper page.

Newsreel of the 1930 - 1935.

Speech by Academician Pavlov.


Experimental animals, insects, research, scientific experiment


I.P. Pavlov


russkij uchenij


Shooting locations:

Leningrad region [785]


Summer [824]

Reel №4

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Hospital ward, psychiatrist, Professor Fedorov S. N. examines the patient in a state of stupor, he is watched by colleagues.

The professor walks past the round table to another patient.

The patient freezes in a pose with his hand raised up, he is surrounded by doctors.

Professor Fedorov talks about the examination of patients with catatonic syndrome (stupor).

The professors listen attentively to their colleagues.

The professor reports on the research done by I. P. Pavlov.

A dog with a fistula.

The light bulb lights up.

The doorbell vibrates.

The dog reacts to stimuli, and salivation increases in the fistula.

The scientist works at the control panel.

In the laboratory, the dog is fixed on the table with special equipment, there is a loud rattle sound, the dog begins to worry very much.

The dog tries to free itself from the ropes that hold it.

The sound of the rattle stops, and the dog hangs limply on the rope loops.

The light bulb lights up.

The doorbell vibrates.

The dog does not react to stimuli, it is completely exhausted.

No saliva is released into the fistula.

The dog is immobilized.

Professor Fedorov reports to colleagues about the research.

The faces of young women doctors.

The face of Professor Fedorov.

A woman doctor passes through the hospital corridor, she goes into the room where there is a sleep therapy session.

The doctor talks to the nurse, the patients are sleeping in the beds, the doctor walks around the room, leans over one of the patients.

The young man is fast asleep.

The doctor moves to another bed with the patient.

The doctor measures the pulse of a man.

The nurse approaches the man, gently lifts his head, gives him a drink of medicine.

The man lies with his eyes open.

Animated video about the work of cells in the human cerebral cortex.

The man falls asleep.

Panorama of the hospital ward.

Monkey with a towel.

The scientist watches the monkey, tries to take the towel away from it, the monkey grabs the towel.

The monkey grins.

The monkey sits clutching a towel, the scientist begins to scratch the top of her head.

The monkey falls asleep.

The scientist repeats the experiment, scratching the monkey's head to the sound of the working metronome.

The monkey falls asleep.

The monkey plays with a towel, the metronome starts working, the monkey falls asleep.

Lecture by Professor F. P. Mayorov, a student of Academician Pavlov.

The professor tells the students about the effect of hypnosis on the human brain.

A woman is invited to the audience to conduct experiments.

The woman sits in a chair in the center of the audience.

Professor Majorov is interested in the well-being of a woman.

The woman gives permission to conduct research.

The students are watching with interest.

Professor Majorov puts a woman into a hypnotic dream.

The woman listens attentively to the professor, closes her eyes, and falls asleep.

The professor raises first the left, then the right hands of the woman up, they are fixed in this position.

The professor draws up the index fingers on the hands of the sleeping woman, the fingers are fixed in this position.

The professor convinces the sleeping woman that she is holding a bouquet of roses.

The woman begins to smile, sniffing the scent of imaginary flowers.

Students watch the hypnosis session with interest.

The professor tells the woman that he is cutting onions.

The woman winces, opens her eyes.

The woman's eyes water, and she blinks frequently.

The students watch the session with curiosity.

The professor is leaning over the chair in which the woman is sitting.

The professor goes to the table with the instruments, the woman has encephalograph sensors on her head.

The metronome starts working, and the sleeping woman starts blinking her eyes.

The professor, using a special device, directs a stream of air into the eyes of a sleeping woman.

The woman reacts to the stimulus with frequent blinking.

The system keeps a record of the work of the woman's brain.

The professor suggests to the sleeper that she no longer hears the sound of the metronome.

The woman stops blinking.

The professor suggests to the sleeper that the air stream no longer hits the eyes.

Faces of female students.

The woman does not react to the air stream.

The professor convinces the sleeper that the sound of the metronome has resumed and the jet of air hits her eyes again.

The woman starts blinking her eyes.

Students follow the session.

The professor's assistant disconnects the encephalograph sensors from the woman's head.

Professor Majorov makes the woman wake up.

The woman comes to herself, smiles.

Pavlov's student, academician K. M. Bykov, speaks to the students.

Bykov talks about his experiments on animals and humans.

Students listen to the lecturer.

Professor Bykov invites students to get acquainted with scientific experiments.


Psychiatry, hospital ward, experimental animals, Pavlov's dog, hypnosis


S.N. Fedorov


nejrohirurg. F. P. Majorov



uchenik Pavlova. K.M. Bikov


uchenik Pavlova.

Shooting locations:

Leningrad [848] Leningrad region [785]


Summer [824]

Reel №5

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The dog is standing on the table, its body is fixed with special veterinary equipment.

Animated video (animation), the internal organs of the dog.

The stomach of the dog after the operation, the ureter is brought out, the urine flows into the fistulas.

Gastric fistula on the dog's stomach.

The dog is standing on the table, fixed with special equipment.

A measuring cup with an analysis and a sign: "Norm".

Medical devices for research.

A vessel with a measuring scale from which water flows.

The body of the dog is fixed, on the stomach of the fistula.

Fistulas for measuring kidney function in a dog.

Liquid drips into the measuring cup.

Two measuring cups with a urine test, with signs: "Norm" and "Action of water".

The dog is fixed.

The doorbell.

Fistulas on the dog's stomach, increased kidney function.

Three measuring cups with tests, with signs: "Norm", "Action of water", "Call-conditional stimulus".

Speech by Professor K. M. Bykov on the scientific research done.

Medical students listen to the professor's report.

Sea surf, sea view.

Palm trees and other southern trees and shrubs.

There's a monkey on a palm tree.

A cluster of monkeys.

A female monkey with a cub.

Monkey nursery.

A monkey climbs a tree.

A few monkeys in a tree.

The monkey clings to a branch and moves along it to the tree trunk.

Monkeys jump from branch to branch.

The monkeys slide down the tree trunk.

Monkeys run through the forest.

The monkeys run down the hill.

The monkeys are met by a cattery worker who feeds them.

The monkeys get a treat.

A picturesque view of the city of Sukhumi.

View of the mansion of the research laboratory in Sukhumi.

The doctor listens with a phonendoscope to a male monkey named Zeus.

The doctor measures the blood pressure of the monkey with a tonometer.

The doctor and his assistant examine Zeus.

The doctor is sitting at a table, making notes in a journal, and the window offers a view of the Sukhumi coast.

Log entries.

Doctors work in the laboratory.

Male monkey Zeus with a blood pressure monitor.

Two monkeys are sitting on the ground.

Monkey nursery.

Male monkey Zeus runs around the cage.

In the next cage is another baboon from the nursery.

Zeus is very nervous.

Another baboon is tossing around in a cage.

Zeus snarls, clutching at the bars of the cage.

The doctor measures Zeus ' blood pressure again.

The doctor writes down the research in a journal.

Doctors examine the condition of the monkey's cardiovascular system.

View of the laboratory mansion.

View of the mansion in Leningrad, the clinic of Professor Myasnikov A. L.

Doctor's office, a female doctor listens to a male patient with a phonendoscope.

Hand with a phonendoscope.

Blood pressure monitor.

A female doctor measures the patient's blood pressure.

A man is lying on a hospital bed, doctors come into the room.

Professor Myasnikov sits down by the bedside.

Looks at the medical history, talks to the patient.

Professor Myasnikov makes a report on hypertension at a meeting of doctors.

Professor Myasnikov.

Doctors listen to the professor's speech, make notes in their journals.

Professor Myasnikov.

Hospital ward, women doctors measure the blood pressure of the patients.

A man is in bed, a metronome is working on the bedside table, the doctor gives the patient an intravenous injection.

A syringe.

Blood pressure monitor.

The metronome works, the doctor depicts that he makes an intravenous infusion to the patient with an empty syringe.

Blood pressure monitor.

The doctor's hand records the observations in a log.

A man in a hospital bed.

A female doctor measures a man's blood pressure.

The face of a nurse in a gauze bandage.

Two nurses in the infant ward, one passing a gauze swab to the other.

The nurse rubs the baby's face in the cradle.

A baby's frowning face.

The baby's hands grasp the index fingers of the hand, (grasping reflex).

The baby is pulled by the handles from the cradle.

The mother is breastfeeding the baby.

The nurse takes the baby out of the cradle, sits down with him on a chair in a feeding position.

The baby's sucking reflex is triggered.

The child in the crib is on his knees, watching the rattle.

The child in the crib is lying on his back, pulling the handles for the rattle.

The baby in the crib turns his head, reacting to the sound of the toy with a whistle.

The nurse is leaning over the crib, showing the child a toy.

Children in the game room.

The doctor gives the boy a bell.

The boy learns to ring the bell on his own.

The doctor teaches the boy to say words.

The boy is holding a bell.

A doctor with another boy at a table in the game room, she shows him a book, offers to take it, the child takes the book in his hands.

The doctor deals with the older girl, suggests that she take the book, open it, close it, and return it back.

The girl performs all the actions correctly.


Laboratory, hospital ward, Maternity ward, baby, monkey nursery, Pavlov's dog


K.M. Bikov



uchenik Pavlova A.L. Myasnikov

russkij akademik


Shooting locations:

Leningrad region [785] Leningrad [848] Sukhumi


Summer [824]

Reel №6

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Part 6.

A woman doctor at a table with a one-year-old girl, she asks the girl to take a book with drawings from her.

The girl performs the action.

The doctor takes the book from the girl, puts it aside, the girl pulls the handles.

The doctor again asks the girl to pick up the book.

The girl, not seeing the book with drawings in front of her, is distracted by other toys.

A doctor at a table with a two-year-old girl, she asks to take a book with drawings from her.

The girl fulfills the doctor's request, the doctor puts the book aside.

The doctor again asks the girl to take the book.

The girl, not finding a book with drawings, picks up other books lying on the table and passes them to the doctor.

To the school building, past the statues of pioneers, students go with their parents.

School porch.

School class, teacher at the blackboard.

Children at their desks bend over their notebooks.

The girl writes in the script with a fountain pen.

With a pen and ink, the child's hand prints the capital letter "a".

With a pen and ink, a child's hand prints the phrase "Winter is good".

The girl is intently writing letters.

The girl reads aloud a story from a textbook.

The tutorial page.

The girl is reading.

The tutorial page.

A student at the blackboard writes down the solution of equations with chalk.

Panorama of a scientific laboratory, a teenage boy sitting on a couch, a laboratory assistant gets up from the table, approaches him.

The laboratory assistant puts a towel on the teenager's lap, prepares him for the study.

Sensors for measuring the work of the salivary system.

The sensors are placed in the oral cavity of a teenager.

A laboratory assistant puts an encephalograph helmet on the teenager's head.

The teenager lies down on the couch.

A laboratory assistant puts candied cranberries in a special tank over the teenager's face.

The lab assistant says the word: "Good."

The stopwatch is running.

The teenager opens his mouth, and berries pour out of the tank.

A device for measuring the work of the salivary system, (saliva drips from the capsule).

The work of the encephalograph, (diagram).

The lab assistant says the word "Bad" twice.

The face of a teenager.

The device for measuring the work of the salivary system slows down (saliva is not released from the capsule).

The work of the system slows down.

The lab assistant records the data, the teenager is lying on the couch.

The face of a teenager.

The laboratory assistant says the phrase: "A pioneer helps a friend."

The device for measuring the work of the salivary system comes into action.

The laboratory assistant says the phrase: "My friend is seriously ill."

The device for measuring the salivary system slows down.

The boy's face.

The lab assistant is at work.

The lab assistant says the number eighteen out loud twice.

The hand of the laboratory assistant presses a button on the measuring device.

Candied cranberries fall into the teenager's mouth.

The lab assistant says the number fourteen twice aloud.

The teenager's face remains calm.

The device for measuring the work of the salivary system stops.

The lab assistant says the task aloud twice for example: "Ninety divided by five."

The teenager's face is tense, but suddenly a man's voice says the number eighteen, the teenager opens his mouth and receives a portion of candied cranberries.

The device for measuring the work of the salivary system is activated, (saliva drips quickly from the capsule).

The laboratory assistant clearly says out loud the task for example: "Eighty-four divided by six," repeats the example.

The teenager looks in front of him, a man's voice says the number fourteen, the teenager remains calm.

The device for measuring the work of the salivary system stops.

The lab assistant says something to the teenager, he doesn't move.

The face of a teenager.

Panorama of the laboratory where the research takes place.

A teenager at a desk leafs through a book.

The textbook "Russian literature".

Textbooks on various subjects.

Bookshelves in the library.


Open books published in the past centuries.

An open book with an Old Slavonic font and an illustration.

The title page of the book "Complete Works" by A. N. Radishchev, with a portrait of the author.

An open book by A. N. Radishchev on the page with the title of the story "Journey from St.

Petersburg to Moscow".

Panorama of open books by different authors.

Reading room of the library.

Lenin is full of visitors.

Panorama of the reading room, young people sitting at tables, reading and writing.

Speech by Professor K. M. Bykov with a report on the research of Academician Pavlov.

Students listen to the lecturer's speech.

The faces of the students.

Professor Bykov.

Panorama of the assembly hall, filled with people, behind the rostrum Professor Bykov.

Professor Bykov.

Panorama of the assembly hall with a view of the stage and the podium from behind the scenes.

Professor Bykov.

Side view of the grandstand and the assembly hall.

Panorama of the assembly hall with a view of the stage and the podium.

Newsreel 1935 Speech by Academician Pavlov I. P. at the 15th International Physiological Congress.

The audience leaves the auditorium.

Monument to I. P. Pavlov

People rush about their business past the monument to the scientist.

Students and passers-by on the background of the MSU building.


Children, school, school textbooks, scientific research, laboratory, conditioned reflex, library


I.P. Pavlov


russkij uchenij

fiziolog K.M. Bikov


uchenik Pavlova A.N. Radischev

russkij prozaik

poet i filosov

Shooting locations:

Leningrad Leningrad region Moscow



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