Russian ballet without Russia (1990)

Movie №60115, 3 parts, Duration: 0:30:09
Studio Sankt-Peterburgskaya studiya dokumentaljnih filjmov
Kinostudiya «Troickij most»
Kogan P.
Camera operators:
Mihaljchenko V.
Karakoz E.
Sound mixer:
Litvyakov S.


A film about the history, the drama and glory of Russian ballet abroad.
The core of the film - interview with Russian ballerina Natalia Makarova, Nina Vyrubova, Griebenow Irina, Irina Vasilyeva, Olga Vershinina-Debutyl, theatre artists Dmitry Bushena and Alexander Vassiliev.

Reel №1

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Reel №2

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Reel №3

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Movie №1

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Petersburg, winter, it's snowing, the building of the Mariinsky Theater is in the frame.

Scene, a ballerina dances in a long white robe, then a dancer joins her.

Panorama of the studio of the artist Dmitry Dmitrievich Bushen.

Close-up - notes on a piece of paper, a hand with a magnifying glass.

Says Bouchin D. D. France, Paris, the streets of the city.

Says Bushen D. D. Photo of ballerina Anna Pavlova.

Says Bushen D. D. Different photos of Pavlova.

Says Bushen D. D. Different photos of Pavlova.

Chronicle of 1910-1920 - Anna Pavlova dances ("The Dying Swan" by Saint-Saens).

In the frame - art critic, fashion historian Vasiliev A. A. Says an elderly ballerina Irina Grzhebina.

Says Vasiliev.

In the room is an elderly ballerina Nina Alexandrovna Tikhonova.

The courtyard of Tikhonova's house.

Tikhonova is in the room, communicating with the niece of the dancer Vaclav Nijinsky - Irina.

Photos of ballerina Olga Spesivtseva.

Says Tikhonova.

Photos of ballerina Olga Preobrazhenskaya.

Says Tikhonova.

Photos of the dancer Vaclav Nijinsky.

Tikhonova and Irina Nijinskaya share their memories.

Photos of Nijinsky.

Says Irina Nijinskaya.

Paintings - V. Nijinsky is depicted ("Afternoon rest of the faun").

Paris, city streets - removed from traffic.

Panorama of the room, paintings, photographs, Alexander Vasiliev is sitting at the table in the next room.

Close-up photos of a ballerina and a dancer, an elderly woman.

Vasiliev examines the photos.

Large - in the hands of Vasiliev photos of ballerinas.

In the frame are elderly ballerinas Olga Vershinina-Debazil and Irina Balina.

Photos of Debazil and Balina in their youth.

Photo of Colonel V. G. Voskresensky, founder of the Russian Ballet Company in Monte Carlo.

Debazil and Balina share their memories.

Panorama of the New Year tree, framed picture, garland.

Says the artist Bushen D. D. Says the elderly ballerina Nina Vyrubova.

Photos of Sergey Lifar and Nina Vyrubova.

Says Vyrubova.

Ballerina, teacher Irina Grzhebina in the rehearsal class, leads the class.

Says Grzhebina.

Paris, the streets of the city. (removed from traffic).

The building of the Grand Opera Theater.

Says French ballerina Yvette Chauvire.

Streets of Paris (removed from traffic).

Says Bushen D. D. St.

Petersburg, Kryukov Canal, St.

Nicholas Cathedral.

Palace Square, Alexander Column.

Says Bushen D. D.Panorama on the desktop in Bushen's office - letters, photos, documents, etc.

Scene - a ballerina and a dancer are dancing.


Ballet, ballerina


Bushen D. D. - francuzskij i rossijskij teatraljnij hudozhnik





grafik Vasiljev A. A. - rossijskij iskusstvoved

istorik modi

dizajner Tihonova N. A. - artistka baleta

pedagog i horeograf Virubova N. V. - francuzskaya (russkogo proishozhdeniya) artistka baleta

pedagog Shovire I. - francuzskaya balerina

prima Grand Opera v Parizhe



Shooting locations:

St. Petersburg [814] Paris [850]


Winter [823]

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