Always Together (1965)

Movie №6048, 2 parts, Duration: 0:17:45 Black-white
Pumpyanskaya S.
Shragin V.
Khmara L.


About the joint struggle of the Soviet and Czech people against the fascist Germany.


Views of Prague: streets, squares, monuments of architecture, the public streets. Newsreel of the Great Patriotic War: fighting Soviet troops - infantry, artillery, tanks on the territory of Czechoslovakia in 1945. Residents of Slovakia, the Czech Republic met with Soviet troops. Production processes at the Volgograd Tractor Plant. Sending tractors and combines in Czechoslovakia. Kind of a tram depot in the USSR. Ships, built in Slovakia, sailing down the Volga. Construction of the railway from the border of the Soviet Union to the city of Kosice in Czechoslovakia. Meeting the Hero of the Soviet Union A. Maresyev with Czechoslovak children. Fragments of the movie "Big Road", filmed the joint Soviet-Czechoslovak filmmakers (synchronously). Speech by the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, which conducts the Dm. Kobalevsky. Czech ballerina M. Drottnerova dances on the stage of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses (synchronously). Speech in Moscow Czechoslovak figure skaters Eva and Pavel Romanov. Construction of the Druzhba pipeline that passes including the territory of Czechoslovakia.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

With icicles drip drip - CU.

Spring streams on thawed - MS., CU.

Blooming Snowdrops - CU.

Bird on a branch - MS.

Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin, taken through the blossoming trees - CU.

Multilevel Embankment Building, shot through the Kremlin wall and flowering trees - LS.

Girls on the street - CU.

Young people in the park - LS.

A child in a wheelchair - CU., PNRM.

Pigeons in Red Square - LS.

Spring in Prague, Charles Bridge - LS.

Flowering trees in the street of Prague - MS.

Prague street, taken from the balcony of the house.

People on the streets-CU., MS.

Prague Castle - CU.

Dome - LS.

Old buildings (Gothic) - MS., CU.

Square in Prague - LS.

Jan Hus monument, passersby around - LS.

Feet of passers - CU.

Young people on the street - MS.

A boy and a girl on a bike ride down the street in Prague - LS.

Newlyweds get in the car - MS.

Blooming lilacs - MS.

Tulips - CU.

Woman smelling flowers - CU.

Sailor with a bouquet of flowers in their hands - CU.

Tombstone on the grave with the NDP lost soldiers - CU.

The boy lays flowers at the grave of a warrior - CU.

Plate with the name of the deceased NDP Soviet soldier - CU.

Czechoslovakian girl presents flowers Soviet woman Matrona Feodorovna Nor - mother soldier who died on Czechoslovak soil.

MF Nor in the group of pioneers at the grave of his son Nikolai Nor - MS., CU.

Tomb NI Nor on the Czechoslovak cemetery, flowers on the grave - CU.

Newsreel 1941-1945.:

The troops of the Second Ukrainian Front, commanded by Marshal Rodion Malinowski their offensive depth enslaved by the Nazis Czechoslovakia, advancing tank and infantry, Soviet aircraft - LS., MS.

RY Malinowski and other military leaders at the headquarters working on card operations.

Slovak partisans in the rear of the German troops - go guerillas, guerrillas blew Nazi train.

Fighting Soviet troops in the Carpathians - LS., MS.

Shoot "Katyusha".

Due to an explosion - LS., CU.

Tanks and artillery in the attack - LS.

Soviet aircraft over the Czechoslovak underground - LS.

Brno - LS.

Soviet tanks in the streets of Brno.

Residents of the city of Brno released joyfully welcome Soviet soldiers - LS., MS., CU.

Russian soldier shaking hands - MS.

Soviet tankers were fighting for the liberation of Prague - LS., MS.

Bohemian rebels are street fighting for the liberation of their capital from the Nazis.

Explosions in the streets, burning buildings.

Nazis in Prague - MS., CU.

Attack armored division of the Soviet Army under General Fishing on the outskirts of Prague, Soviet tank comes out of Prague - LS., Filmed with a / t

Prague residents fleeing toward Soviet soldiers, enthusiastically greeted them.

Russian soldier holding a Girls Prague - CU.

Marshal of the Soviet Union IS Konev passes through the streets of Prague.

In the streets of liberated Prague systems are Czechoslovak soldiers who fought with the soldiers of the Soviet Army.

City residents welcome their soldiers - LS., MS.

The people and the soldiers at the monument to Jan Hus - LS.

Flying the flag of independence - MS.

People applauding in the square in Prague - LS. with a / t

Prague - LS., MS.

Industrial landscapes of modern Czechoslovakia - filmed with a / t, LS., MS.

Railway worker gives the signal for the train departure - CU.

Train "Moscow - Prague" out of the station - CU., MS.

Landscapes taken from the window of a train on the territory of Czechoslovakia - LS.

Passenger train on the way from Prague to Moscow.

Residents of Volgograd at the station welcome guests from Czechoslovakia - LS., PNRM.

Gates of the Volgograd Tractor Plant - LS., MS.

Tractor assembly factory - MS., CU.

Crawler tractor off the assembly line - PNRM.

Yard tractors ready "VTZ» - LS.

Loading tractors on flatcars for shipment to Czechoslovakia.

Train passes with tractors - LS.

Loaded on the platform combines "Rostselmash" for Czechoslovakia - LS.

It takes a train with harvesters - LS.

Lowland eastern Slavic (Czech republic), flooded spring floods - LS. removed from the aircraft.

PNRM. Walking excavator bucket (built in the USSR) draws land reclamation work in the area of ​​East Valley - CU.

Moves to "paw" walking excavator - CU.

Workers at the reclamation works - MS.

PNRM. Tractor plow plows drained area of ​​the valley - CU.

Peasants at work in the field during the spring sowing.

PNRM. Ionava chemical plant, being built in Lithuania - LS.

Plant equipment, manufactured in Czechoslovakia - LS., MS.

In the dyeing workshop of the Moscow plant "Tryokhgornaya Manufacture" work Czechoslovak presses - MS., CU.

Czech specialists, mount the machine, check their work, along with Soviet engineers - CU.

Trams by Prague car builders, in Soviet cities - LS., MS.

The river in the USSR swimming vessel built in Slovakia - LS., CU.

The construction of the railway from the Soviet border to Kosice - LS.

Powered tracklayers - CU., MS.

Soviet and Czechoslovak workers on the construction first in Czechoslovakia, broad-gauge railway.

Czechoslovak Airlines passenger plane at the airport - LS.

Czech pilots of the plane - CU.

Takeoff - LS.

Flag on the building of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna - CU.

A sign on the building of the Institute - CU.

Vice-President of the Czechoslovak Institute scholar Ivan subsided says the Institute's work (simultaneously in Czech).

Synchrotron - LS., PNRM.

Reel №2

Czech Professor Boguslaw Havránek MSU students read a lecture on Slavonic - different.

Students listen to - MS.

Czech learning Russian, learning to write.

Czech woman said in Russian, the teacher conducts a lesson in Russian (synchronously).

Thai boy with a book by Soviet writer Boris Polevoy "The Story of a Real Man» - CU.

Hero of the Soviet Union Alexei Maresyev in days in Czechoslovakia autographs Czech children.

Images from the film of the Soviet-Czechoslovak production of "Big Road", dedicated to Jaroslav Hasek and his "Good Soldier Schweik" (synchronous).

Building in Prague - LS., PNRM., LS.

Participants of the festival "Prague Spring" - Soviet composer Aram Khachaturian musicians, violinist Leonid Kogan - CU.

Dmitri Kabalevsky conducting the orchestra of the Czech Philharmonic.

In the hall listening - CU.

Czech Philharmonic Orchestra Plays - LS.

A woman applauds - CU.

In the Kremlin Palace of Congresses are young Czech dancer March Drottnerova (synchronously).

At the Luzhniki Sports Palace act Czechoslovak skaters Eva and Paul Romanovs.

Soviet and Czechoslovak ice storm climbers along the Caucasus - LS., CU.

Pilot Marina Popovich visiting Czech pilots - MS.

The air sport aircraft "A-29", built by the Czechoslovak airmen.

M. Popovich, setting a world record in the "L-29" from the ground watching the flight of "L-29".

Places fighting Soviet and Czechoslovak soldiers from Nazi invaders in Czechoslovakia - LS.

Dug guns on battlefields - CU.

The Soviet delegation, led by RJ Malinowski and former Czech soldiers at Dukla the monument to the fallen in the battle for freedom of Czechoslovakia in the 20th anniversary of the victory over the Nazis.

Laying a wreath at the monument.

PNRM. a wreath at the monument - LS.

The honor guard at the monument - LS.

Signing the document to extend for 20 years of the Treaty of friendship, mutual assistance, and postwar cooperation between the USSR and Czechoslovakia - LS.

The document is signed by Leonid Brezhnev and A. Novotny.

Meeting at the border of the USSR and Czechoslovakia construction of oil pipeline "Druzhba» - LS.

Welder welded pipe joint 2 sites coming towards the territory of the USSR and Czechoslovakia - MS., CU.

Pipeline builders applaud.

NDP on the pipes of the oil pipeline "Druzhba" in Russian and Czech.

Prague residents warm and happy welcome Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin in the streets.

Motorcyclists - members baton "Moscow - Prague" - passing through the streets of Moscow - LS., MS., CU.

From Prague to the Soviet border fleeing members relay friendship - LS., MS.

Film documents about communication Soviet and Czech women, Soviet and Czechoslovak pioneers - LS., MS., CU.

City of Prague in the spring - LS.

Moscow in the spring - LS.

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