The organization of livestock breeding. (Domestic animals) (1990)

Documentary №60872, 6 parts, duration: 0:56:30
Producer: Lennauchfilm (LNF)
Camera operators:G.Grachev
Sound mixer:V.Matyushin
Music designer:I.Minakova


The film was shot by order of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the RSFSR. The film tells about authentic breeds of strong cattle. About methods of breed improvement, breeding, embryo transplantation and artificial insemination.

Reel №1

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A woman goes to milk a cow.

Alternating frames with milking cows in a private farm.

In the village, cattle are driven out to pasture.

The herd is grazing in a meadow.

Karelian breed of cows, with a yield of 8-12 pounds per year.

Chronicle of 1900.

Milking a cow in a small bowl.

The average productivity of a cow at the beginning of the 20th century was 800-900 kg of milk per year.

The cattle were small and mongrel.

Chronicle of 1913.

Thoroughbred cow and bull producer.

There were only 525 small purebred herds in all of Russia.

In 1990, there were more than 5,000 breeding farms and farms in Russia.

Breeding cows.

Cows are walking across the field.

Breeding of animals is primarily aimed at the genetic improvement of domestic breeds, mass breeding of highly productive animals adapted to intensive use.

Millions of animals will have to be adapted by breeding to the harsh conditions of maintenance and operation in modern dairy complexes and farms.

Observation of animals on the farm with the use of video cameras.

Cows go to automatic milking.

Cows at the feeders.

Along with high productivity, cows should have a certain udder shape, the same rate of milk production, strong limbs with strong hooves and many other useful signs.

Cow udder.

Scientists measure the size of a cow and the milk yield of this particular cow.

Modern cows have to be designed, as it were, to achieve an optimal combination of useful traits in the selection process, and subsequently to achieve a repetition of these combinations in the descendants.

The efforts of the breeding service and zootechnicians-sectioners are aimed at this.

Laboratory at the breeding farm.

On the territory of the RSFSR, more than 40 breeds of cattle are bred, its livestock is 40 million heads.

Only 16 million cows.

Panorama of the breeding farm.

Filling out a card for each cow.

Each animal should be evaluated on an average of 80 indicators.

Here the computer comes to the rescue.

The selex system (selection and economics) is used.

Various computer equipment.

From a successful or unsuccessful choice of the producer, the productivity of his daughters decreases or increases from 200 to 500 kg of milk per year.

Computer center.

Memory on magnetic tape.

The economic efficiency of selex is more than 20 rubles per cow per year.

The employee makes calculations on the accounts.

Tells zootechnic breeder gosplemzavod "Petrovsky" MV Osipova.

Milking cows on the farm.

Cows on the range.

Cows in the stall.

A cow card above the stall.

The workers come to the farm.

Cows are going for a walk.


The higher the productivity of the cow, the weaker the calf.

Veterinarians monitor the animal's health.

Key words

Automation of breeding farms.


Osipova M.V., zootehnik-selekcioner

Calendar: 1900 1913


Gosplemzavod Petrovskoe

Reel №2

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Calves in a normal household are walking.

The entrance to an ordinary farm.

The road to the collective farm "The Precepts of Ilyich".

The collective farm "Precepts of Ilyich" is a specialized farm for the cultivation of repair young animals.

Calves enter the farm.

Two or three-week-old heifers are brought to the collective farm from other farms under the contract.

Step-by-step, scientifically based rearing of heifers allows animals to fully manifest their genetic potential.

Keeping and feeding heifers is close to the conditions of a modern farm.

Farm workers.

The average daily weight gain of young animals is 600-800 gr.

Open stalls.

By 16-18 months, the heifers are well developed, weigh 370-400 kg, at this time they are inseminated.

Young cows are placed in cars.

The productivity of animals raised in this way exceeds the milk yields of their peers from commodity farms by a third.

Glare on the water.

The cow drinks water.

One of the best domestic cattle breeds is Kholmogorskaya.

The herd is grazing in a meadow.

Krupno is a cow of the Kholmogorsky breed.


N.V. Sukhanov is a school teacher from the Pomor village of Lyavlya.

Narrated by N.V. Sukhanov.

A resident of a Pomeranian village takes care of her cow.

A shepherd plays a horn.

Museum of Kholmogorsky cattle.

Children listen to the teacher.

Chronicle of 1930.

Representatives of the Kholmogorsky breed.

Manual milking.

Milkmaids carry milk by boat.

Cows are coming from the pasture.

A shepherd on a horse gathers a flock.

The hills and the coast of Russia on the Pacific Ocean.

Key words

Raising calves.
Kholmogorskaya breed.


Suhanov N.V.,shkoljnij uchitelj.

Calendar: 1930

Locations: Arkhangelsk region [768] Moscow region [788]


Collective farm "Precepts of Ilyich".

Reel №3

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Shepherds are warming themselves by the fire.

Cows of the Kholmogorsky breed are walking, steam is coming from their nostrils.

Dairy complex of the Kamchatka state farm "Zarechny".

There are 3000 cows in the herd.

The herd grazes against the background of the hills.

In order to improve the milk content of the Kholmogorsky breed and its manufacturability, the Kamchatka Gosplemobedinenie began to carry out work with the use of holsteins in a number of farms.

Crossbred cows exceed the milk yields of their purebred peers.

Daisies on the field.

Collective farm "Forest glades".

The leading breeding plant for the Kholmogorsky breed.

The Holstein herd of this gosplemzavod.

Says Candidate of Sciences S.K. Okhapkin from the Russian Institute of Breeding.

The scientist draws diagrams of the growth and fall of the milk yield of the Holstein herd.

Laboratory of the Institute of Breeding.

Mass immune-genetic control over the origin of breeding animals is carried out in the laboratory.

Photos of cows of the Stadin breed.

Chronicle of 1927-28.

A herd of the Stadin breed.

Milking cows.

Professor Z.N. Pershina, chairman of the Council for the Istobenskaya breed of cattle, tells.

The best samples of this breed.

A herd of the Red Gorbatov breed is grazing on the field.

The breeder of the gosplemzavod tells.

Key words

Old breeds of cows.
Advantages and disadvantages of crossing with other breeds.


Ohapkin S.K.,kandidat nauk. Pershina Z.N.,professor.

Calendar: 1927 1928

Locations: Kamchatka Krai [760]


Dairy complex of the Kamchatka state farm "Zarechny". Collective farm "Forest glades". Russian Institute of Breeding.

Reel №4

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Continuation of the story of the breeder of the gosplemzavod on the Red Gorbatov breed.

Panorama of the nature of central Russia.

A herd is grazing on the field.

The Yaroslavka breed.

Says the chief zootechnic of the gosplemzavod of the collective farm "Gorshiha" N.N. Aksenenko.

Gosplemzavod laboratory.

With the holsteinization of the herd, there is a jump in the increase in milk yield and fat content, and then it falls.

View of the fields and gosplemzavod.

The high fat content of the milk of Yaroslavl cows became the basis of Uglichsky, Poshekhonsky and Yaroslavsky cheeses.

Panorama of the Kostroma river, in the foreground a cow of the Kostroma breed.

A shepherd with a flock.

Chronicle of 1920.


Breeder Shteiman S.I.

Chronicle of 1953.

Cows Recordist Scheme and Novice.

Milkmaids awarded orders for their work.

Says M.M. Belova, a former zootechnic of the gosplemzavod "Karavaevo".

Says V.G. Putipalova, the current zootechnician-breeder of the gosplemzavod "Karavaevo".

A record-breaking cow named Ice, with a milk yield of 12 thousand kg.

Her mother is of Kostroma breed.

A cow named Naive from a bull of the Shvidsky breed with a milk yield of 11300 kg.

Automatic milking of a cow.

Key words

Russian breeds of cows.
Fashion for breeds.
The reasons for the decrease in milk yield and fat content of milk.


Aksenenko N.N.,glavnij zootehnik. Shtejman S.I., selekcioner. Belova M.M.,zootehnik. Putipalova V.G.,zootehnik-selekcioner.

Calendar: 1920 1953

Locations: Kostroma region [782] Yaroslavl region [812]


Gosplemzavod collective farm "Gorshiha". Gosplemzavod "Karavaevo".

Reel №5

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Containers with seminal fluid in the republican seed bank of the best cattle producers.

This organization is engaged in the preservation of the gene pool of all breeds of cattle.

With the help of this bank, an inter-regional exchange of semen in the amount of 6-7 million doses is carried out.

It is believed that 75-80% of economic and useful qualities are transmitted to offspring from fathers.

Therefore, the cultivation of steers obtained from the mating of highly productive cows with outstanding producers should be given special importance.

Such bulls are grown according to a certain technology on special farms - elevators.

Strict zootechnical selection of animals is constantly conducted.

The best bulls at the age of 12-15 months are sent to breeding farms.

Workers walk the bulls.

In 1990, more than 15,000 bulls with relatively high genetic potential were identified.

500 million doses of semen have been accumulated from them.

But, unfortunately, they inseminate only 12-13 million cows and heifers a year.

Getting the seed from the bulls.

The bulls obtained from custom-made mating of cows with outstanding bulls could fully ensure the repair of livestock producers.

The method of artificial insemination will greatly speed up breeding in animal husbandry.

Ampoules with the seed of purebred bulls.

Storage of these ampoules in containers with liquid nitrogen.

The first Russian industrial and scientific association "Progress" was created in Altai.

Deputy General Director of the association I.T. Yurchenko tells.

A herd of red steppe breed grazing in a meadow.

Samples of the breed.

Laboratory of embryo transplantation.

There are laboratories of immune genetics, cyto-genetics and five breeding and dairy laboratories, breeding laboratories - wool.

The association includes a computing center that implements the Selex program.

Transplantation operations are carried out.

Various problems of embryo transplantation are being solved.

The Soviet-British company Sembrit.

Cows of the Simmental breed.

Gosplemzavod "Sychovka".

The girl is watching the cows behind the fence.

The shepherd drives the flock.

E.T. Orlov, the chief zootechnician of the gosplemzavod "Sychovka", tells.

A third of the herd is a cross between a Goshta breed.

A request for bulls to improve the Kazakh white-headed breed came from the Volgograd region.

The road to the gosplemzavod "Sychovka".

Key words

Scientific and technical work with the seed fund.
Issues of cattle livestock repair.


Yurchenko I.T., zamestitelj generaljnogo direktora objedineniya. Orlov E.T., glavnij zootehnik.

Locations: Altay region [758] Volgograd region [773]


Industrial and scientific association "Progress". Gosplemzavod "Sychovka".

Reel №6

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"Bullfinches" - breeding farm of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

A herd of cows grazing in a meadow.

Doctor of Sciences A.A. Rubenkov inspects a herd of zebu-like cattle created by him.

A.A. Rubenkov tells about his herd.

The story is accompanied by shots with animals.

Laboratory of Genetic Engineering at the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Embryo transplantation.

The effect of genetic improvement of livestock increases to 47% if 5 offspring are received from each donor cow per year.

A three-breed hybrid or "chimera".

N.G. Pavlov, a researcher at the Embryo Transplantation Center of the All-Union Institute of Animal Husbandry, tells.

Problems of transplantation, voiced by N.G. Pavlov.

Cards for cows from the center.

Cans of genetic material.

Young bulls run out for a walk.

Cooperation with foreign companies.

A specialist of a Canadian company performs embryo transplantation at the Tula collective farm named after


The director of the collective farm, V.A. Starodubtsev, talks about transplantation.

Simultaneously with the story, the work of Canadian transplantologists is shown.

Exhibition-auction of breeding animals.

M.V. Osipova, the chief zootechnician-sectionalist of the Petrovskoye State Forestry Plant, tells.

Car numbers of the regions from which buyers arrived at the auction.

The herd is returning from walking.

Key words

Genetic engineering.
Transplantation of animal embryos.


Rubenkov A.A., doktor nauk. Pavlov N.G.,nauchnij sotrudnik. Starodubcev V.A.,direktor kolhoza. Osipova M.V.,zootehnik-sekcioner.

Calendar: 1990

Locations: Tula region [808]


Breeding farm of the USSR Academy of Sciences "Bullfinches". Embryo Transplantation Center of the All-Union Institute of Animal Husbandry. Collective farm named after. Lenin. Gosplemzavod "Petrovsky".

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