Nine days and all of life (1979)

Movie №61789, 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:41 Black-white
Studio LSDF
Yurij Zanin
Camera operators:
Sergej Ivanyuhin, Yurij Lebedev
Boris Dobrodeev
Sound mixer:
Leonid Lerner
Shandor Kallosh
Others authors:
Larisa Solovcova



The fate of Dr. Lyubov Sergeyevna Soboleva, saved from the plague with the risk of his own life Mongolian child.

Reel №1

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The main prizes at the international film festivals in Krakow, Oberhausen and Tampere.

Autumn Park.

Children run among the fallen leaves.

An empty summer cafe.

The wind lifts the fallen leaves into the air.


A snowstorm sweeps across Red Square.

The monument to A.S. Pushkin, covered with snow.

People are walking down the street.

View of the city from the Volga car.

Different types of Moscow.

A performance at the Bolshoi Theater.

L.S. Soboleva's office in a Moscow apartment.

Lyubov Sergeevna examines old programs of theatrical productions.

Examines the letters and photos dear to his heart.

Albums on shelves and photos.

Chronicle of 1943:

The town of Uliaska in Mongolia.

L.S. Soboleva is in charge of the anti-plague station.

Medical workers work at the station.

A doctor in a plague suit dissects the corpse of a Mongolian marmot.

The staff of the anti-plague station.

Chronicle of 1943:

Shots from the life of Mongolia in the 40s.

The herdsman catches a horse in the herd.

A man rides a horse and other shots.

Photo of Soboleva.

A horseman rides with the news about the sick in the camp.

Photo of Soboleva in the laboratory of the anti-plague station.

Chronicle of 1943:

The car with the doctors left for the camp.

People dismantle yurts and drive cattle.

Mountain passes, members of the expedition switched to horses.

Mountain waterfall.

A field littered with the corpses of tarbagans and steppe marmots killed by the plague.

Doctors in anti-plague suits burn yurts with dead people.

Yurts are burning.

Chronicle of 1916:

The First World War, the Caucasian Front.

Artillery is firing, soldiers are in the trenches.


the plague


Lyubovj Sergeevna Soboleva




1916 1943-1945

Shooting locations:

Moscow [820] Mongolia [147]

Chronicle Topics

World War IIHistory

Reel №2

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Chronicle of 1916:

The sentry is on duty on the mountain.

The caravan transports the wounded in cradles on horseback.


Wounded in the city.

Doctors perform the operation.

Photo of L.S. Soboleva among the medical staff.

The wounded are brought to the hospital.

Photo of Soboleva.

The nurse makes bandages.

Carts are going across the river.

Burned houses in which there were victims of the plague.

Residents of Mongolia are given injections.

Children infected with the plague.

Photo by L.S. Soboleva.

Photo of a doctor in a plague suit.

Chronicle of the 1920s:


L.S. Soboleva is the head of the bacteriological laboratory.

Photo of Soboleva.

People are walking around Batumi.


A boat approaches the boat.

Photo of Soboleva.

Chronicle of the 1920s.:

A ballerina is dancing.

A crowd of spectators.

F.I. Chaliapin.

The Bolshoi Theater.

Photo of Soboleva (Reshetova) upon admission to the ballet school at the Bolshoi Theater.

Photos of relatives of Soboleva-Reshetova.

Photos of Soboleva.

A yurt in Mongolia.

Soboleva takes care of a sick boy.

Smoke over the yurt.

Photo by L.S. Soboleva.

Chronicle of 1939:


Janitors clean the streets.

People in the subway buy newspapers.

Metro station, train departs.

Chistye Prudy in Moscow.

Streets of Moscow.

A trolleybus is coming.


The plague epidemic


Lyubovj Sergeevna Soboleva



1916 1920-1929 1939 1943

Shooting locations:

Moscow [820] Mongolia [147] Caucasus

Reel №3

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Chronicle of 1939:

The car is traveling in Moscow.

Photo of Dr.



Photo of Soboleva.

Streets of Moscow.

Summer cafe.

The Black Sea coast, young people from the tower jump into the sea.

Photographer on the beach.

Photo of Soboleva on the beach.

Cafe on the beach.

People are dancing in a restaurant.


Stills from the movie.

Photo of Soboleva on vacation.

Photo of Soboleva's husband with children.

Photo of Soboleva.

Photo of Soboleva with children.

Chronicle of 1939:

Moscow, a train departs from the station.

Photo of the workers of the anti-plague station.

The locomotive is on its way.

Photo of Soboleva in the laboratory.

Photo of the staff of the Mechnikov Institute.

Photos of Soboleva.

Chronicle of 1943:



The cart brings food.

An ambulance with doctors arrives.

A Mongolian soldier inspects the steppe with binoculars.

Mongolian yurts.

Mountains of Mongolia.

Herds graze on the slopes of the mountains.

A yurt, a Mongol cooks koumiss.



Photo of a Mongolian boy.

Horse racing on the steppe.

A young Mongolian woman on horseback rode into the camp and handed the child to the man.

A Mongolian child.

Photo of a boy cured and adopted by Soboleva.

Chronicle of 1963:

The meeting of a grown-up boy with Soboleva.

The Government of Mongolia awarded Soboleva with the Order.

Photo of L.S. Soboleva reading memoirs.

Alternating photos of L.S. Soboleva as she grows up.

Photo of Soboleva's apartment in Moscow.

Shots of Mongolia.

Shots with Soboleva's Mongolian son and grandchildren.




the plague, quarantine, mobile anti-plague station


Lyubovj Sergeevna Soboleva

vrach-epidemiolog. Abram Ljvovich Berlin



1939 1943 1963

Shooting locations:

Moscow [820] Mongolia [147]

Chronicle Topics


Movie №1

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