A Tunic and A Tail Coat (1968)

Movie №6551, 7 parts, Duration: 1:07:57 Black-white
Lisakovich V.
Camera operators:
Levitan A.
Zenin S., Novogrudskiy A.
Gedravichus L.
Khmara L., Yakovlev U.


A documentary epic about the first Soviet diplomats.

Historical reference

The documentary story about George Chicherina of the first Soviet diplomats.
The film used in film-documents of the first decade after the October Revolution, the materials of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism of the CPSU Central Committee archives of the USSR Foreign Ministry, the Central Cinema and Photo Archive of the USSR, film archives of the GDR, England, France, manuscripts GV Chicherina, scratch pad, and notes by John Reed, Albert Rhys Williams, Ernest Hemingway, tell, recall the old workers of the People's Commissariat.


The film is dedicated to the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR GV Chicherin. They stand employees of the Foreign Ministry - K. J. Bowman, NN Lyubimov, Maisky and others. Assistant Chicherin - A. Nagel tells about the activities Chicherin (VO). Photos of family members Chicherin. Property father - Basil Chicherina - in the Tambov region. Chicherin riding the train. Administrative Director of the CNS VD Bonch-sits in the crew. A journalist from the United States Albert Rhys Williams is on the streets of Moscow. U.S. President T. Wilson and others at an international conference. Head of the Communist Party of Germany Clara Zetkin, speaks at a rally in Berlin. Internal view of the facilities of the hotel Metropol in Moscow. Employees of the Foreign Office for desktops - Krasin, VV Vorovsky, Karakhan, MI Litvinov and others. Employee Commissariat S. Aralov tells Chicherin (synchronously). Moments negotiations Chicherin, other leaders of the Soviet leadership with the representatives of Afghanistan, Persia, Mongolia, Turkey (frames Chronicle). Lenin speaks at a meeting of the II Congress of the Communist International July 19, 1920. An employee of the Foreign Affairs Maisky talks about the activities of diplomats in the early years of Soviet power (synchronous). British Prime Minister, Lloyd D. - Dzhbrtse, who arrived at the conference in Cannes (France) in January 1922, out of the car. Time of the meeting of the Genoa Conference in 1922, photos of conference participants. Moments of the Soviet-Germanic negotiations in Rapallo (Italy) in 1922, time of the meeting of the Lausanne Conference 1922-23 GG, photos Vorovsky killed in Lausanne. Moments funeral Vorovsky in Moscow. Photos diplomats TM Net, PL Voikov. Chicherin at the funeral of Lenin. Photos Chicherin; other employees of the Foreign Affairs, representatives of the Soviet leadership.

Reel №1

Older workers People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs: Bauman,

Umblija G., N. Lyubimov, A. Nagel, Korotkin, Ivan Maisky.

Ringing, swinging on a concrete crossbeam, bell - CU.

Newsreel 1917:

Rubble - LS. (Top).

Bombs fall - LS. (Top).

Explosion, are wounded on stretchers - LS., PNRM.

Part of a warship - CU.; Shooting guns, smoke - CU.

Overlooking the River Thames and London - LS., Departure.

Building on the bank - LS.

Big Ben on the tower - CU.

Brixton prison in London in the summer of 1917 which was signed Georgy Chicherin - LS., MS.

Prison bars - LS.

Windmill (through the bars) - LS.

Animation: a prison corridor, NFPs for the warrant of arrest Chicherin - LS.

Buildings on the square, in the attic of one of them lived Chicherin - LS., PNRM.

Documents Chicherin - LS., CU.

Photo: Russian immigrant Chicherin assistant Angela Nagel - CU., Hitting.

Photo Chicherin - CU., Hitting.

Windmill - MS.; PNRM. the clouds.

Landscape Tambov region's childhood GV Chicherin - LS.

The trees, the sun is shining through the crown - MS., PNRM.

House parents Basil Chicherin - LS.

Photo: mother and father - CU., Hitting.

Book: The genealogy of the nobles Chicherin - CU.

Photo: George with little sister - CU., Departure.

Notes - CU.

Family photos Chicherin - MS., PNRM., Departure, impact.


Russian Embassy - MS., PNRM.

Passing honorary escort accompanied King George - LS., MS.

Photo: Prime Minister of the British Empire, Lloyd George.

One of the single cells Brixton prison.

British newspapers reported on the revolution in Russia - MS., PNRM.

Newsreel 1917:

Are soldiers.

Photo VI Lenin - CU.

Newsreel 1917:

At the headquarters, in Smolny, the Red talking on the phone - MS.

Page from the scratch pad to John Reed - CU.

Sculpture of a lion in London - CU.

London, Thames - LS.

Newsreel 1917:

GV Chicherin on the train on the way to Russia - CU.

Petrograd - LS.

People with posters on Nevsky Prospect, one of the posters show "Mira!» - LS.

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Photo: newspaper page with a message about the Soviet government moved to Moscow, to the Kremlin - CU.

Newsreel 1917:

Managing Director of the Council of People's Commissars of VD Bonch-sits in the cab - CU.

To the building in the Kremlin drive up wood for iron stoves - LS.

On carts - documents of the CPC - LS. (Winter).

American journalist Albert Rhys Williams near the hotel "National", which temporarily housed the headquarters of the Bolshevik Party - MS.

VD Bonch-out of the doors on the street - MS.

Hotel "Metropol", whose walls are damaged fire, passing by tram - LS., PNRM.

Commissar for Foreign Affairs GV Chicherin with a briefcase in "Metropolis", which houses Commissariat - MS. (Winter).

Along the street are men - LS.

Photo: Church of St.

Paraskeva in Okhotny - LS.

Photo: people on the street read ad - MS., Departure.

Newsreel 1918:

Passes U.S. President Wilson, he is greeted, throwing flowers at his feet - LS., MS.

Cost sailor - CU.

The house is the former Nobility Assembly, where convened Extraordinary Congress of Soviets, attracts delegates from the provinces.

Local checks outside the mandates of deputies - MS.

YM Sverdlov Street, reading the document - CU.

Opponents of the Brest-Litovsk Treaty - the Mensheviks, the supporters of Trotsky, the Left Communists - MS.

Alexandra Kollontai was talking on the street with the sailor, is a door - MS.

Crowds of protesters on the street - LS.

Portrait of VI Lenin - CU.

Photo: Meeting of the Congress - LS.; Rapporteur GV Chicherin - CU.

Newsreel 1918:

Are columns of German troops - MS., LS.

Cover and pages of Brest-Litovsk Treaty - CU.

Newsreel 1918:

Revolution in Germany.

Crowds of armed men on the streets of Berlin, a rally in the square, the people applauded, waving his hands in greeting - LS., MS.

German revolutionary Clara Zetkin of the floor - MS.

Newspaper page with a message to cancel the Brest Treaty - CU.

Newsreel 1917:

Boy running down the street, the paperboy - LS.

Putting the "metropolis" hallway, staircase, hotel room.

Chairs, a piano in the room - MS., PNRM.

Photo sitting GV Chicherin - CU., Departure, impact.

Table covered with a cloth, for which the negotiations took place - MS.

The first Soviet diplomats Leonid Krasin (in the Kremlin) - MS., CU.; Vaclav Vorovskii - CU.; Lev Karakhan (lights) - CU.; Maxim Litvinov (writes) - CU.; Jacob Hanecki - CU.

Photo: Baltic sailor Nikolai Markin - First Secretary Commissariat - CU., Hitting.

Group photo of the people who came with tickets to Commissariat.

Recalls a former diplomat, the oldest worker Simon Aralov Commissariat (synchronous) - CU.

Photo: G. Chicherin Budenovka group of Soviet diplomats - MS.

Reel №3

Newsreel 1918:

The street is President Wilson, other statesmen and diplomats - LS.

Parade of the Entente in Paris from the Arc de Triomphe on the victory over the Germans - LS. (With a / t).

Japanese warship - LS.

Go Japanese sailors.

Flags of the countries of the Entente - MS., Hitting.

Animation: dispatch from London G. Chicherin of the Soviet representative in England LB Krasin, Lenin's manuscript - NPL, CU., PNRM.

Photo: V. Lenin at the table with workers NCID - MS., Departure.

Photo: sign "the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs», PNRM. a group of people in turbans - MS.

Photo: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Soviet republics in Central Asia James Surits office - MS.

The desert is a caravan of camels - LS.

The mosque and the streets of one of the eastern cities - CU., MS.

The street is a camel cart rides - MS.

Oriental Bazaar - LS.

Photo: J. Surits diplomats in the East - LS.

Photo Chicherin - MS., Departure.

Sculpture of a lion in London - CU.

Newsreel of the 20's.:

British Prime Minister Lloyd George in the group of politicians - LS., MS.

Is an English ship - MS.

National Independence Day celebration in Kabul parade - passing on elephants, horses, honoring the memory of the heroes who died in the struggle against the British Raj Kamal Pasha and others are carrying wreaths - LS.

Monument to the Heroes - LS.

Acts Kemal Pasha - LS.

Soviet-Persian negotiations Commissariat in Moscow.

The representative of Persia signed the Soviet-Persian treaty puts a stamp - MS., CU.

GV Chicherin's Room, where negotiations with the representatives of Mongolia - MS., PNRM.

Sit Mongolian diplomats - CU.

GV Chicherin welcomes diplomats from Bukhara, who put on a turban and robe - MS., CU.

GV Chicherin in Bukhara national costume - CU.

Buharets - CU.

In the study includes Mongolian diplomats, GV Chicherin greeted with the Mongols, is negotiating with them - LS.

Mongol - CU.

GV Chicherin in the Mongolian national costume - CU.

Girl-Turk - MS.

Square and streets of Ankara - LS., MS.

Photo: Building with - the Soviet Embassy in Turkey - MS., Departure.

Photo: Soviet Ambassador in Turkey Semen Aralov - MS.

Residents passing on horses and donkeys through the narrow streets of the city - MS.

Photo: Turkish Prime Mustafa Kemal Pasha, etc. - MS.

Smoking male Turks - CU.

People in felucca sing, dance - LS.

The signing of the Soviet-Turkish treaty of friendship in the Commissariat in Moscow - MS.

GV Chicherin and the representative of Turkey sign agreement - MS.

Is stamped - CU.

Photo: V. Lenin at the table in the group - MS., Hitting.

Newsreel of the 20's.:

VI Lenin stands in the hall - CU.

VI Lenin, in a group of people in the square - MS.

It takes a column in the Red Budenovka - MS.

On street passing convoy of tractors, on which the Red Army - MS.

Demonstration in honor of the October holidays - LS.

Recalls Ivan Maisky, while the head of the press department Commissariat (synchronous) - CU.

Persons oldest workers Commissariat: G. Umblija, N. Lyubimov, Bauman, Korotkina, parchment - CU.

Newsreel of the 20's.:

GV Chicherin at his desk, wearing glasses - CU.

Reel №4

Newsreel of the 20's.:

Passing car with British Prime Minister Lloyd George - MS.

Lloyd George in the group of diplomats - MS.

Labels in a foreign language, indicating the time and place of conferences of the Western powers.

The meeting was one of the conferences - LS.

The street in Cannes - LS.

Lloyd George was out of the car, greets a group of diplomats - MS.

Building - LS.

Title page of Russia's demands - CU., Hitting.

Nikolai Lyubimov, the expert of the Soviet delegation at Genoa, says the Russian demand for power responsible for intervention and blockade (synchronous) - CU.

Persons oldest workers Commissariat A. Nagel, I. May's - CU.

Newsreel of the 20's.:

GV Chicherin in the office, at the door puts the portfolio documents, wrote at the table - MS., CU.

LM Karahan a group of people - CU.

MM Litvinov at the table in a group of people - MS.

GV Chicherin in a group of people - CU.

Photo: V. Lenin - CU., Hitting.

Newsreel of the 20's.:

GV Chicherin Budenovka gets in the car - MS.

Car passes over the bridge - LS., PNRM.

There is a train - MS.

Rails - LS. (With us).

Flash telegraph poles, landscapes, bridges, towns, semaphore - LS., MS., CU.

Station in Berlin - LS.

Photo: Representatives of the German government at the station - LS.

Photo: G. Chicherin and the members of the Soviet delegation - LS., Departure.

Photo: M. Litvinov, a group of people - MS.

Photos of German Foreign Minister Rathenau and Chancellor Wirth - MS., CU.

Newsreel of the 20's.:

Berlin (with a / t).

The streets of Berlin, pedestrians, trucks - LS., MS.

Traffic control officers on the street.

The Soviet delegation out of the building, which hosted the meeting with German representatives - LS.

LB Krasin is a man in the park - LS.

Train wheels - MS.

Photo: G. Chicherin on the train on the way to Genoa - MS., Hitting.

Newsreel of the 20's.:

Opens the door to the train station approached Genoa train on the platform luggage - MS.

Truck with a container library Chicherin "History of diplomatic relations from ancient times to the present day", the inscription on the luggage "delegazione Rusie" - MS.

Carabinieri are - LS., PNRM.

Passing cars - MS.

The Soviet delegation - MS.

Tables in the cafe sitting Soviet delegates, drink coffee, smoke - MS.

General Secretary of the delegation VV Vorovskii other at a table - MS.

In the room are Lloyd George and others

Passes Archbishop of Genoa - CU.

Photo: Ernest Hemingway - MS.

Photo: Hall of ancient Genoese palace of San Giorgio, where on April 10 the opening ceremony of the conference: chandeliers, hall - LS.

The square in front of the palace - LS.

Go to a meeting of Japanese and French delegations - MS.

Empty seats Soviet delegates - MS.

Photo: is the Soviet delegation (in tuxedos, the cylinder) - MS.

Photo: Castle of San Giorgio, at the door - the police - LS.

Photo: Lloyd George, G. Chicherin - CU., Hitting.

Photo: at the conference is a Soviet Commissar GV Chicherin.

Photo: French delegate serves Bart, the British delegate Lloyd George - CU.

Conference delegates in the hall, outside, down the stairs - Various.

Reel №5

Newsreel of the 20's.:

GV Chicherin and MM Litvinov, get in the car, the car drives off - MS.

Photo: Home of one of the Western newspapers - CU.

Photo: Lloyd George and others

Stayed Soviet delegation in Genoa: Chicherin Vorovskii Litvinov on a walk in the park, Chicherin to reporters, etc.

Newsreel of the 20's.:

The streets of Genoa, the rope stretched across the street with underwear - LS., PNRM.

Genoa port - LS., PNRM.

Area of ​​the city - LS.

Japanese delegate to the area - MS.

Columbus Monument - MS., PNRM.

Palace of San Giorgio, the police and the people at the palace - LS.

Car and the cab of the palace.

Photo: The Soviet delegation, GV Chicherin delegates - MS.

Newsreel of the 20's.:

Lloyd George, the British delegates in the group - MS.

GV Chicherin - MS.

MM Litvinov and LB Krasin - CU.

GV Chicherin in a white hat - CU.

Out of the building and pass the Soviet delegates - LS.

Rathenau and Wirth - CU.

Talking VV Vorovskii and Rathenau - CU.

In Moscow, the platform of a train station is suitable - MS.

On the platform of a military band, the Red - LS.

GV Chicherin of meeting men, gets in the car - CU.

The celebration in Moscow on the fifth anniversary of the Great October Revolution: the people in the stands - LS., PNRM.

GV Chicherin Budenovka among workers Commissariat - LS., CU.

Workers NCID singing a ditty about Chicherin and Genoa Conference - LS., CU.

Pass the Blackshirts - MS.

They welcomed Benito Mussolini - LS., MS.

Blackshirts armed pass on trucks, the truck inscription: «Mussolini» - LS.

Blackshirts outside - MS.

Photo: Building the Soviet mission in Rome to the fall of 1922 Blackshirts attacked - LS., PNRM.

Photos: VV Vorovskii with a group of Soviet people, with his wife, on the other, with his daughter - CU., MS.

Photos: Lausanne, Soviet diplomats, Mussolini, Curzon and others - LS.

Lausanne - LS.

Photos VV Thieves' - CU., MS., Hitting.

Hotel "Cecil", which in 1923 was killed Vorovskii - LS., CU.

Travel to the window - CU.

People come out of the building - MS.

Roadway a street in Lausanne - LS., PNRM.

PNRM. to their homes.

Reel №6

PNRM. the photos home and the room in which was killed V. Vorovskii.

Photos newspaper page with portraits of Thieves and murderers, White Guard Conradi - MS.

Photo: hearse - MS., Departure.

Roofs of Lausanne - LS., PNRM.

Photo: carry the coffin to the train.

Newsreel 1923:

Funeral train goes, buzzing train whistle - MS.

The people on the platform of the station, the military, workers NCID, GV Chicherin meet funeral train - MS.

British representative in Moscow Hodgson, who presented Commissariat ultimatum signed by Lord Curzon, waiting for an answer.

Portrait of the English king.

Workers' demonstration in Moscow against the ultimatum - LS. (With a / t), MS.

Demonstrators carry an effigy Curzon banners.

In the streets of a hearse driven coffin Vorovskogo is a military honor guard.

Carry the coffin to the cemetery, is lowered into the grave, covered with earth.

GV Chicherin at the grave.

Photo: label with the words "Dipbagazh" and bloodstains.

News story about the murder of the diplomatic courier Theodore net.

Photo: Nette in the coffin.

Newsreel 1923:

It takes a group of Soviet diplomats - LS.

Soviet Ambassador in Warsaw Voikov Chicherin Voikov and talk, sit in the car.

Train whistle - CU.

It takes a military band.

By suitable train station, carry the coffin Voykova killed White Guard emigre.

Gun salute on the square - LS.

A plaque with the names of fallen Soviet diplomats - CU., PNRM.

Monument in front of the Commissariat Vorovsky - CU., PNRM.

Rally at the monument.

GV acts Chicherin.

Photos: GV Chicherin and others at meetings, at work in the Commissariat - MS., CU.

About Chicherin recalled Ivan Maisky (synchronous) - CU.; Aralov (synchronous) - CU.

A. Nagel, Korotkin, Umblija, N. Lyubimov - CU.

Tells the employee NCID Parchment (synchronously) - CU.

GV Chicherin in the car - MS.

Passes MI Kalinin et al

Animation: write out lines from a letter of Lenin Chicherin - CU.

Newsreel of the 20's.:

Typists and employees Commissariat for work - different.

Leonid Krasin his desk - MS., CU.

Conclusion of the Soviet-German economic agreement.

Pass and sit arriving in Moscow by representatives of the Western business community - MS.

Foreign diplomats at the International Conference in Moscow - PNRM.

Reel №7

Newsreel of the 20's.:

Foreign diplomats out of the door, get in the car - MS.

GV Chicherin's funeral VI Lenin - CU.

The honor guard at the tomb of Lenin are workers, farmers, pioneers - CU.

In the Hall of Columns and the street people going to say goodbye to Lenin - CU., LS.

Sign: "People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs» - CU.

GV Chicherin at work in the office - CU.

London - LS.

Monument and sculpture of a lion in London - CU.

Photo: Newspaper with portraits of members of the British Labour Government - CU.

Italian diplomats who came to Moscow to go on the platform - LS.

MM Litvinov and the Italian ambassador.

Out of the car arrived in Moscow French Ambassador Jean Paul Erbet, Erbet in the car - MS.

Appointed ambassador to Paris, Leonid Krasin at the station - MS.

Paris - LS.

Parisians at the station and on the forecourt of the first Soviet ambassador meet, greet him - LS.

The streets of Paris with the ambassador car rides - MS.

Ad in Russian and French: "The embassy, ​​consulate closed until arrival of Ambassador» - CU.

Krasin to the balcony doors - MS.

Reporters at the gates of the Soviet embassy.


GV Chicherin and others out of the car - MS.

Stairs indoors NCID.

Sentry at the door - LS.

The signing of the Soviet-Persian Treaty - LS.

GV Chicherin acts - CU.

Photo: Chicherin a tree, a car, with fellow diplomats Krasin and Litvinov in Genoa, in the chair - MS., CU.

Newsreel of the 20's.:

Along the street are armed men - LS.

VI Lenin with a bouquet of flowers among a group of people - MS.

Turning the pages of the manuscript Chicherin face Chicherin - CU.

Newsreel of the 20's.:

GV Chicherin out of the car, up the stairs - MS.

Ambassadors of foreign countries to recognize the Soviet state: Italian, Polish, Greek, Japanese, and others - are, greet, chat - MS., CU.

GV Chicherin with foreign diplomats - MS.

GV Chicherin, MI Kalinin et al

GV Chicherin - CU.

Budenovka cylinder and on a hanger - MS.

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