Lenin. Documents, Facts, Memories (1969)

Movie №6714, 6 parts, Duration: 0:53:57 Black-white
Kristi L.
Camera operators:
Generalov N., Popova A.
Kristi L.
Khmara L.


The film tells about Lenin as a person of the new era, the leader of the first Proletarian state in the world.

Historical reference

The film draws upon the Institute of Marxism-Leninism of the CPSU Central Committee, Central State Archive of Cinema and Photo Documents of the USSR, paintings, drawings, pieces of feature films.


A film about the life and work of Lenin, assembled from photos and film documents, taken during his lifetime, newsreels of memorable places. Where he lived and worked Lenin, shooting Lenin's tomb and the repository of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism. The film includes stories about Lenin O. transformation as well as the French engineer, a Hungarian historian, K. Bodo, Vietnamese teacher Duy Thi Lien, a sergeant of the Soviet Army Maslova (synchronous), numerous photos of mates, memories of which are given in the narration and newsreel Host British writer Bernard Shaw in the USSR.

Reel №1

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Photo portrait of VI Lenin - MS., Hitting.

Kremlin - LS. (With a / t).

Hotel «Russia» - LS.

Kalinin Avenue - LS. (With a / t).

Hotel «Youth» - MS., PNRM.

Banner: "International Workshop youth.

Lenin and the modern world »- MS., CU.

Interview participants: Karoly said Bodo, a historian of Hungary, Omer Abot, an engineer from Togo, Zooey Thi Lien, a teacher from South Vietnam, Carlos Cerda, a philosopher from Chile, Vyacheslav Maslov, a sergeant of the Soviet Army (synchronously).

Red Square, all in the Mausoleum - LS. (With a / t).

The inscription "Lenin" on the Mausoleum - CU.

To the mausoleum is a guard of honor, one of the guards - Sergeant Vyacheslav Maslov - MS., CU.

Change of the guard of honor at the mausoleum - MS.

In honor guard stands Maslov.

In the Mausoleum is the people - LS.

The queue at the Mausoleum - LS. (With a / t).

Newsreel of the 20's.:

VI Lenin among the people at the entrance of the house, says something - MS., CU. (Winter).

AV Lunacharsky among people at the door - MS.

People out of the building - MS.

VI Lenin in Red Square in the audience during a military parade universal education, says goodbye to the machine with the parade, speaking from a truck in front of the parade participants - CU., MS.

The people in the Red Square - LS., PNRM.

Photo: V. Lenin made a speech in Red Square at the opening of a temporary monument to Stepan Razin (May 1, 1919) - CU.

Photos listening workers, soldiers.

Photo: V. Lenin in Red Square talks with Secretary MK RCP (b) VM Zahorski and NK Krupskaya (01.05.1919 g.)

Photo: V. Lenin sits in a chair, smiling Lenin - CU., Hitting.

Photo by A. Lunacharsky.

Photos of streets, squares and buildings of Paris.

Dante sculpture, Beethoven, and others in the Paris studio of sculptor Aronson - MS., CU.

Photo: Sculptor Aronson, Aronson is working on a sculptural portrait of Lenin.

Photo: V. Lenin (1921


Sculptural portrait of VI Lenin's work Aronson - CU., Departure.

Reel №2

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Photo: Vladimir Mayakovsky - MS., Hitting.

Photo: Speaker on Sverdlov Square Lenin to troops going to the front (05/05/1920, the

Moscow) - MS.

Portrait of VI Lenin on the title page of the book of John Reed "10 Days That Shook the World» - CU.

Photo: John Reed - CU.

Room house in Konstantinovo village, where he lived Yesenin: a table in the corner of the icon on the wall photos and tear-off calendar on cardboard with a portrait of Lenin - MS.

Photo: V. Lenin - MS., Hitting. (March 29, 1919


Photo: V. Lenin (Paris, 1910) - MS.

Photo: MA Ulyanov - MS.

Lenin's portrait on the cover page of the book, NK Krupskaya "Reminiscences of Lenin» - CU.

Photo: Bertrand Russell - CU.

Newsreel 1920:

VI Lenin delivers a speech at the Palace Square in St.

Petersburg, on the international meeting dedicated to opening II Congress of the Comintern - LS.

The people at the Palace Square welcomes Lenin - LS., MS.

VI Lenin among the delegates at the time of arrival at the II Congress of the Comintern.

Delegates pass Congress - MS.

VI Lenin speaks at the II Congress of the Comintern - MS.

Popular conception "Revolution" at the Palace Square in Petrograd - LS., MS.

Watching people - LS.

Photo: V. Lenin delegates II Congress of the Comintern in the square Victims of the Revolution - LS., MS. (07.19.1920 g.)

Newsreel of the 20's.:

Tverskaya Street in Moscow - LS. (With a / t).

Theatre Square with the building of the Bolshoi Theater - LS.

Red Square is a tram - LS.

Photo: Secretary of the CPC LA Fotieva at his workplace - MS.

Opens the door to the study of Lenin in the Kremlin cabinet - LS., MS.

Photo: V. Lenin at the bookcase in his office in the Kremlin (Moscow, October 1918).

Two photo portrait VI Lenin by Pavel Zhukov - MS., CU., Hitting.

Photo by Pavel Zhukov - CU.

Photo: Pavel Zhukov certificate of merit, signed by the director of elementary public schools IN Ulyanov, hit a sign - MS.

A few photos of peasants who did Zhukov, when he came from St.

Petersburg to his family: farmers in harvesting hay peasant children in a field near the school, in class - LS., MS.

Piano in the house Ulyanov - MS., CU.

Photo: Vladimir Ulyanov - junior high school boy, his mother Maria (Simbirsk, 1879) - MS.

Cabinet in the house Ulyanov - LS.

Desk, books on the table - CU., PNRM.

Portraits Belinsky, Dobrolyubov, Herzen, Chernyshevsky - CU.

Chernyshevsky book "What to do?» - CU.

Photos: Vladimir Ulyanov graduated high school (Simbirsk, 1887) Ilya Nikolaevich Ulyanov, Anna Ulyanova, Alexander Ulyanov, Olga Ulyanova, Dmitry Ulyanov, Maria Ulyanov - MS., CU.

Photo: IN Ulyanov among colleagues (hitting), the first Congress of Teachers Simbirsk - LS.

Photo: girl standing and sitting, working at their desks - MS.; Teachers and the priest - MS., CU.

Reel №3

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A few photos from the life of pre-revolutionary village - MS., LS.

Photos: IN Ulyanov, Vladimir Ulyanov - schoolboy; NK Krupskaya among peasant; VI Lenin speaking at the I All-Russian Congress on Education (Hall Pedagogical Institute, Moscow, August 28, 1918) - arrival and departure.

The farmer sows from the basket, a plow plowing field, reading a newspaper on the street, listening to farmers - different.

Stand in the ranks of the Red Army - MS.

Book with pictures "ABC Red Army» - MS.

Photo: train is; VI Lenin at the entrance of the building, go to the meetings I All-Russian Congress on Education - MS., Departure.

Several photos AM Bitter - MS.

Photo: V. Lenin after injury chairing the meeting of the Council of People's Commissars (Moscow, October 17, 1918) - MS., CU.

VI Lenin on a walk in the courtyard of the Kremlin's recovery from injury (October 1918) - CU., MS.

The teaching of students in the All School Kremlin, on the parade ground, near the house where he lived and worked Lenin - LS.

The people watching the exercises, the guys are sitting on the Tsar Cannon - LS.

Photo: Head of Operations Division Narkomvoenmora Aral.

Hardware with the phone and the switch, located next to the study of Lenin - LS., MS., PNRM.

Tables in Lenin's office, covered with a operational map - CU., MS.

Operational map on the wall - MS., Hitting.

Photo: V. Lenin in his chair in his office - MS.

Newsreel 1919:

Universal education parade on Red Square - LS.

Lenin looks - CU.

Newsreel 1918:

Russian and German soldiers in the trenches at the front: talking, laughing, changing hats (winter).

Marching order are German troops are on the Square (summer) - MS., LS.

German coat of arms on the cover of Brest-Litovsk treaty, the treaty text in German - CU.

Come out of the building and get in the car, the negotiators at Brest - LS.

Photo: V. Lenin, diplomat GV Chicherin - CU.

Newsreel 1918:

Revolution in Germany: jubilant people in the streets armed workers in the streets at the rally serves Clara Zetkin - CU.; People welcomed her - LS.

Reel №4

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Newsreel 1918:

VI Lenin speaks at the opening of a temporary monument to Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels - MS., CU.

Monument - LS.

The text of the Central Executive Committee to annul the Brest Treaty - CU.

Photo: V. Lenin in his office in a chair - MS., Hitting, driver Lenin SK Gil in the car - MS.

Photo: V. Lenin (29.03.1919 g) - MS., Hitting.

Photos of thugs who attacked the car on the way to Lenin Sokolniki - CU.

A group of German diplomats - MS.

Photos of Lenin's associates: Yakov Sverdlov, Leonid Krasin, Alexander Cjurupy, Gleb Krzhizhanovsky - MS., CU., Hitting.

A few photos of Academician Petr Petrovich Lazarev, who in 1917 began working with the Soviets - MS.

Photo: Academician Lazarev and famous physicist Lebedev, Professor Leist - CU.

Leist book "Kursk Magnetic Anomaly» - CU.

Schematic map of the distribution of ferruginous quartzites in the pool MRA - CU., PNRM.

A few photos of Academician Ivan Gubkin, headed by Lenin's proposal created a special commission to study the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (KMA).

Work on the development of CMA bucket and shovel excavators - CU., MS.

It takes a freight train with ore - LS.

Photo: Skip Ludwig Martens, a talented engineer, chairman Glavmetalla, hit a photograph of him - CU.

Railway construction: laying hand rails - LS., MS.

Workers in the standard-issue in the work shop of the plant - MS.

Work on the construction of industrial enterprises - CU., LS.

In the shop of the plant are working commissioners, who came in place of the former owners, the commissioners are learning at their desks - MS.

Works in America, smoke pipes - LS., PNRM. (Top).

Shop factory - MS. (With motion).

Turbine Hall - MS.

Photo: New York.

House on Fortieth Street, where in 1919 on behalf of the Soviet Government, L. Martens opened a representative office in Soviet Russia, L. Martens and others on 40th Street in New York.

The text of the appointment of a Russian citizen Alexander Karlovich Christian Ludwig Martens representative of the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs in the North American States - CU.

Reel №5

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Memorandum Martens - CU.

Two photos of Martens - MS.

Cartoons in American newspapers: Lenin playing chess announces "Shah!" And other cartoons depicting the persecution of Martens American reaction and demands of American workers stop bullying Soviet mission - CU.

Photos of the attack on the Soviet authorities' mission (digging in the documents) - MS.

Animation: against Lenin's letter to the American workers appear portrait of Lenin - CU.

American workers are working in the shop at the conveyor - LS., MS.

The book is signed by John Reed: "The representatives of the country of my heart» - CU.

Book cover of Bernard Shaw - CU.

Photo: Bernard Shaw at the typewriter - MS.


Cabinet Shaw shelves with books, desk - LS., PNRM.

Portraits of Gandhi, Dzerzhinsky, VI Lenin on the wall in his office - CU.

Newsreel 1931:

Visiting British writer-humanist Shaw communes them.

Lenin in the Tambov region Kirsanov district.

Shaw among farmers, talking to them, taking pictures, Shaw among children in kindergarten - MS., CU.

Newsreel 30's.:

Collective farmers Croutes straw roof on hay - LS., MS.

Cover page of the book and the show, which he sent to Lenin, Lenin pages marked in the margins - CU.

Photo: V. Lenin at the table - MS.

Bookcase, books on a shelf - MS., CU.

Photo: A. Tsuryupa - MS., Hitting.

Photo: Meeting of the CPC, VI Lenin among the members of the CPC - LS.

Photos of Mr.

Krzyzanowski, GV Chicherin, NA Semashko, GI Petrovsky - MS., CU.

Letter VI Lenin addressed NA Semashko, to help purchase glasses peasant IA Chekunova - CU.

Newsreel 1921:

Performance of VI Lenin at the III Congress of the Comintern - MS., CU.

Interview with a member of the Communist Party of Argentina Rudolph Gioldi, delegate III Congress of the Communist International, a member of the World meeting of 75 Communist and Workers' Parties (synchronous) - MS.

St George's Hall, where he opened the International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties: are the meeting - LS., MS.

Hall, which hosts the Supreme Soviet - LS. (Without people).

Reel №6

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Sculpture VI Lenin in the niche of the hall of the Supreme Council - MS.

Photo: People in a bas-relief of Lenin.

Photo: the performance of VI Lenin on Red Square during the May Day holiday in 1919, listening to the soldiers; VI Lenin among the people, among the Red Army, a group of delegates to the Tenth Congress of the RCP (b) - the suppression of the Kronstadt rebellion participants - MS., LS.

Repository of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism, and boxes of documents and letters to Lenin on the shelves - LS., MS., PNRM., CU.

Employees of the Institute work with documents - MS., CU.

Group photos Glukhovskoy factory workers, who wrote a letter to Lenin.

Pond in Gorki Park, Alley Park - MS.

House in the Hills - LS.

Photo: V. Lenin in his chair in the park - CU.

Photo: Fedor Kuznetsov - Glukhovsky worker and artist, who decided to create the first monument to Lenin's lifetime - MS.

Newsreel 1924:

Rally Glukhovsky workers gathered at the opening ceremony of the monument to Lenin - LS., MS.

People took off their hats, on learning of the death of Lenin.

House in the Hills - MS.

Room, the people in the body of Lenin - MS.

Lenin in his grave - CU.

People are going to say goodbye to the Lenin Hills - LS.

Are the Red Army with a portrait of Lenin - MS.

Opening of the first monument to Lenin in Glukhov.

Is the working.

With unveil monument.

The people in the square.

Monument - MS. (Winter).

The same monument in the summer, the flowers at the monument - MS.

A plaque with the inscription: "The world's first monument to VI Lenin opened January 22, 1924 »- CU.

Red Square, all in the Mausoleum - LS. (With a / t).

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