They (2007)

Movie №68416, 1 film, Duration: 0:28:55


On the "conquest of space" it said and shown, it would seem, everything.
We all know that our country has launched into space the first man-made satellite.
Many, at the time, was even uncomfortable that we were the first, and they did not.
Some still can not forgive us and this Statement.
Not shown and not told about a really obscure things: why we first appeared.
In this film we will not talk about the "mysterious Russian soul", which explains the presence of obscure phenomena and facts.
We will try to show how and what the country lived, birthplace of the soul itself, which was the first in Earth orbit.

Movie №1

A B/w image is a scene, a curtain opens, a color image of space, galaxies, stars, etc. appears.

Chronicle of the 20-30s.

A quarry, a man with a wheelbarrow, a hammer hitting a stone.

The village, there are huts in a row.

The blades of the mill.

A peasant in the field, plowing the land with a plow and a horse.

A bearded man with a scythe.

Peasants mow wheat, women gather sheaves.

Harvesting hay.

Smiling girls in headscarves drive by on a cart.

Large - hands take grain from the bag.

Peasants in the field with plows, plowing the land.

The field, the blades of a windmill are spinning.

Workshop, locksmiths and turners work.

Factory, workshop, workers throw coal into the furnace.

Red-hot, molten metal Top view of the factory territory, in the square pipes, iron structures, etc.

Factory workshop, machine tools, etc.

The factory, the pipes, the smoke is coming.

Chronicle of the 1910s-1920s - the area near the factory, workers in the frame.

A bearded man in a cap.

Peasants on the porch, at the table, drinking tea.

The field, explosions are heard.

Hay and sheaves are burning.

The First World War, in the frame, soldiers in iron helmets are walking along the road.

Trenches, fortifications, soldiers running with rifles.

Top view - attack, cavalry, infantry in the frame.

Battle, soldiers with rifles are running to attack.

Bayonet attack.

A trench, a soldier carries a wounded comrade on his shoulders.

An officer on the front line awards medals to soldiers.

Emperor Nicholas II comes out of a wooden hut, greets the officers, a man in civilian clothes with a beard is in the frame.

Top view - panorama of fields, trees.

In the frame, an old peasant with a white beard.

The building affected by the explosion, the railway train.

There are fragments of iron structures in the frame.

The burned-out station, smoke, debris, etc.

The inscription on the flag is "Freedom, Equality and Fraternity".

Leaflets are being distributed from a truck, in the frame there is a crowd of soldiers, people in civilian clothes.

Kerensky is in the frame, next to him people from the crowd are waving their caps.

In the frame there is a rally, a demonstration, people holding a banner "Down with the capitalist ministers."

Soldiers and sailors with flags in Petrograd.

In the frame, a man in a Cossack uniform, with a beard, speaks at a rally.

There are rallies in the frame, anarchists, social revolutionaries, etc.

Lenin delivers a speech to people outside the Kremlin.

The station, the platform, the train cars - newspapers, leaflets are scattered from the windows, peasants and soldiers are standing on the platform.

Mounted squad, flags.

Bearded Red Army soldiers are in the frame.

Among the Red Army men there is a man in a hat and a bathrobe.

The soldiers are looking at a poster with a caricature of the tsar, laughing.

A Red Army soldier in a cap on a horse.

A peasant peasant holds a handful of grain in his hands.

A peasant woman in a headscarf.

Peasant women work in the field.

There are peasants in the frame.

Lunch is being prepared on the field.

A child in a wooden cradle on the field.

In the frame, a peasant in a cap.

A little boy in a wooden cart.

Wooden mills.

Destroyed houses, ruins.

There are street children in the frame.

The boys smoke and jostle.

Street children are fed soup.

Peasant tools are in the frame.

Peasants are working in the field, plows and horses are in the frame.

In the frame is the first tracked tractor, peasants with plows, etc.

The peasant sows, spreads the seeds.

A peasant is repairing tools.

Women are working in the field, stacking sheaves.

A small child is lying on a cart in the hay.

Children are playing in the hay.

Chronicle of the 1020s - the word "LENIN" in the sky from airplanes.

Lenin's funeral, winter, a huge crowd in the frame.

Nadezhda Krupskaya is in the frame.

People at the funeral.

Lenin is in his coffin.

Stalin at Lenin's funeral.

The Bolshoi Theatre, people in the boxes applauding.

View of the boxes, the hall of the Bolshoi Theater.

Stalin speaks from the podium, the people in the hall applaud.

Chronicle of the 1920s and 1930s - workers in a quarry, working with pickaxes, carrying wheelbarrows with earth, digging.

View of a huge quarry, in the frame of the catwalk, workers with wheelbarrows, etc.

A speaker speaks from the rostrum, talks about the enemies of the people.

The convicts are in the frame.

In the accusatory speech, a woman speaks in the factory shop, workers are standing next to her.

In the frame, Stalin says, "Life has become better, comrades, life has become more fun ...".

Chronicle of the 1930s - logging, felling trees.

A large hut, men work in the room, write something, draw, etc.

The title pages of the books "Exploration of World Spaces", etc.

A labor camp, there is a crowd of men.

A peasant woman in a headscarf looks through binoculars and smiles.

A smiling woman in a headscarf is in the frame.

A parade of physical education students, in the frame of a girl in tights with flags.

A parade of athletes on Red Square.

Stalin, Gorky, Kalinin on the podium.

Children in tights on parade.

Athletes with flags march on Red Square.

Big - legs can barely walk on the sidewalk.

A man drinks vodka from his throat.

Drunk people are in the frame, drinking vodka.

Drunk men.

Silhouettes - rally, demonstration, flags, banners.

Winter, members of the government on the podium of the mausoleum.

There is a demonstration, rally, etc. in the frame.

Searchlight beams.

The man crosses himself, bows.

In the frame, a priest with a cross on his chest crosses himself.

Believers, parishioners - cross themselves, bow down.

There is a temple in the frame, believers.

People are being baptized.


Basil's Cathedral in Moscow.

The bell tower, the bell is being rung.

The demolition of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, an explosion in the frame, the collapse of the building.

Ruins on the site of the temple.

The fresco icon on the wall of the destroyed temple.

A man in the temple hits the wall with a hammer.

There are peasants and peasants in the frame.

A bell is being dropped from the bell tower.

Men smash the bell with a hammer.

The faces of men and women.

Peasants in the field, in the frame of a cart with horses.

People with shovels, working in a quarry. a man with a flag gives a command.

Explosion, rock collapses.

The excavator is in the quarry.

Workers in the quarry.

A man with a jackhammer.

The All-Union construction site, factories, enterprises, etc. are being built.

Different plans with construction workers.

Construction of a hydroelectric power station (panorama of the construction site).

Water flows at the hydroelectric power station.

In the frame of the Dneproges.

There is a crowd of men in black pea jackets and caps.

Factories, enterprises, workers, metallurgists are working in the frame, metal is melting, a steel mill workshop is in the frame.

Steelworkers are working.

Streams of red-hot metal.

The workshop of a steel mill.

A crowd of workers in the square (top view).

Factory workshop, machine tools, parts, etc.

The work in the workshop is shown.

In the frame are peasants, collective farmers.

Tractors are working in the field, plowing the land.

Women in the field, tying sheaves.

A small child.

Women after work in the field.

Collective farmers at a wooden table, having lunch.

In the frame there is a tractor in the field, a thresher, a combine harvester.

Collective farmers work in the field.

There is a grain in the frame.

Women shovel grain.

Grain in the hands.

There is a mill in the frame, tractors are passing by.

The blades of the mill.

A field, a fire, burning hay, sheaves, etc.

Chronicle of 1941 - Germans, fascists, soldiers with weapons.

A German plane in the sky.

German soldiers and a tank are in the frame.

Captured Soviet soldiers, wounded.

There is a German officer in the frame.

A German soldier is awarded the Iron Cross.

Captured Soviet soldiers are walking along the road.

Different shots of prisoners surrendering, etc.

Soviet soldiers.

Chronicle 1041-1945. Mine, mine face, coal mining, female miner, coal trolley.

Factory, workshop workers throw coal into the furnace.

Steelworkers are working.

Workshops of factories, machine tools, etc.

A tank is being assembled in the workshop.

Tankers leave the workshop on a new tank.

Soldiers install shells on anti-aircraft guns.

Volleys of katyusha rockets.

Shots, explosions.

Aerial combat.

Shots from mortar launchers, "katyusha".

View of the battlefields, smoke in the frame, shots fired.

A scarecrow with a German helmet and an iron cross.

Relatives meet soldiers who have returned from the front.

The 1945 parade on Red Square.

In the frame of the military, officers with awards.

An airplane in the sky, soldiers on a cart, views of the destroyed city.

The destroyed building.

A peasant woman in a headscarf, crying.

The ruined city, smoke, ruins.

Analysis of the rubble, in the frame of the book.

The title pages of the books "Exploration of world spaces".

Sorting through the rubble, people take out books.

The inscription on the wall is "Death to Hitler".

The destroyed factory.

The destroyed Dneproges.

The shot shows a downed German tank, men on oxen plowing a field.

The collective farmer sows and scatters seeds.

A woman is plowing a field, a little boy is running around.

Collective farmers at agricultural work, sow, scatter seeds in the field.

Restoration of the Dneproges.

In the frame of the Dneproges, water flows.

Chronicle of the 1950s - airplanes in the sky (GLORY TO STALIN).

Stalin's funeral in 1953, in the frame wreaths at the Kremlin wall.

People cry in the crowd at Stalin's funeral.

Panorama of the crowd of people.

Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev is in the frame.

Khrushchev speaks from the rostrum.

Workers are in the frame.

Says Khrushchev.

The workshop of the plant, machine tools.

Combines are working in the field, harvesting is underway.

Metallurgical plant, workshop, steel production.

Machines, equipment, etc. are in the frame.

The faces of the workers.

A designer on the assembly of an artificial satellite.

Steel mill, molten metal in the frame.

Color photography - metallurgical plant, hot metal, steelworkers working.

Streams of red-hot metal.

A designer on the assembly of an artificial satellite.

Fire, jet engine, space rocket launch.

A rocket is in the sky, passing through the layers of the atmosphere.

B/w chronicle - radar station, antenna, signal reception.

A small child in a wooden cart in the yard.

A man with a beard in a cap.

Girls in headscarves on a cart.

Street children.

Peasants, workers, prisoners, etc.

Relatives meet soldiers who have returned from the front.

Victory Day Parade in 1945.

The faces of the peasants.

Color photography - silhouettes of three astronauts.

An image of space, galaxies, and stars.

The curtain is closing.


World War I, revolution, peasants, enemies of the people, Lenin's funeral, parade of athletes, demolition of Orthodox churches, Dneproges, harvesting, the Great Patriotic War, Victory Parade


Nikolaj II Romanov - imperator Rossijskoj Imperii

Kerenskij A. F. - rossijskij gosudarstvennij i politicheskij deyatelj, Ministr-predsedatelj Vremennogo praviteljstva

Vladimir Lenin

Krupskaya N. K. - rossijskaya revolyucionerka, sovetskij gosudarstvennij, partijnij, obschestvennij i kuljturnij deyatelj

Joseph Stalin

Gorjkij M. - rossijskij i sovetskij pisatelj, dramaturg, obschestvennij deyatelj

Hruschev N. S. - sovetskij partijnij i gosudarstvennij deyatelj, Pervij sekretarj CK KPSS


1910, 1914-1916, 1917, 1920, 1930, 1941, 1941-1945, 1940-1950

Shooting locations:

Russia, Petrograd, Moscow


Summer, Winter

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