Trunks Under the Ground (1971)

Movie №7019, 3 parts, Duration: 0:28:44
Sofronov V.
Camera operators:
Panov I., Prudnikov M.
Kleyner E., Orlov G.
Khmara L.


The film tells about the subway systems of five Soviet cities – Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Tbilisi and Baku, and their technical equipment.


Metropolitan cities: Baku, Tbilisi, Kiev, Leningrad, Moscow. Surface, underground subway station; decoration vestibules, underground subway stations. Passengers on the escalator, in electric cars. Post a centralized automatic train control. Advance flight wagon Track geometry car. Identification of defects in rails. Washing cars of trains. Construction of new metro stations. Georgian artist S. Kayava working on sketches for the decoration of bas-reliefs of Tbilisi metro stations.

Reel №1

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Out of the metro train depot - medium, the overall plan.

Train enters the tunnel - the average plan.

Baku - panorama from a helicopter.

Tbilisi - A panorama from a helicopter.

Kiev, the visible and the bridge over the Dnipro Dnipro - the general plan, departure.

Street Leningrad - the general plan, departure.

Moscow - an outline of a tall building and a bridge over the Moscow River - panorama.

Hitting the rails - the general plan.

Tunnel in the subway - the average plan (with motion).

People walking down the stairs of the Baku Metro - the overall plan.

Station 'Narimanov' - an outline (with motion).

People come out of the car - the average plan.

The Pioneers are in the car - the average plan.

The station "Ulduz" comes the train - the average plan.

Station "Ulduz" - the general plan.

People on a train reading newspapers, talk - general, close-ups of persons.

Sitting girl - close-ups.

Automobile on the street.

Baku - close-up.

People on the streets - the average, the overall plan.

Greens on the streets - the general plan.

New areas of Baku - the overall plan.

Baku overlooking the bay - panorama.

Tbilisi - a general plan view of the river Mtkvari - from helicopter view.

The old district of Tbilisi - panorama.

Monument - the average plan.

The ancient castle, below the cars - the general plan.

People walk the streets, see the palm trees - panorama.

Building Metro - A panorama.

The other station - panorama.

Metro Building, are people - the average plan.

The ground station "Isani" people down the escalator - the general plan.

People on the platform, including women in national costumes - close-up.

Suitable train people get into the car - close-up.

People on the train - the general plan, the close-ups of persons.

The entrance to the station "Marjanishvili" - an outline (removed from the escalator).

The station "Marjanishvili", are people - panorama.

Sit and talk girl Georgians - the average plan.

The station "Isani" - medium shot, hit a wall.

Kiev bank of the Dnieper, the monument to Vladimir Monomakh (shot from behind) - the overall plan.

The monument to Bogdan Khmelnitsky and cathedrals - the general plan.

The new area of ​​Kiev - an outline from a helicopter view.

Khreschatyk - the overall plan.

Street of Kiev, the building of the subway - panorama.

Metro Bridge, passing train - panorama from the house to the building underground - the overall plan.

Station "factory" Bolshevik ", people go - the average plan.

The building of the metro station "Arsenal", the old cannon on a pedestal at the station - the average plan.

Metro station "University" - the average plan (top).

The station "University" comes the train, is young - the average plan.

Station "University" - A panorama of the marble wall at the bust of Taras Shevchenko - a close-up.

Duty train leaves - close-up of the face.

The engineer in the cab - medium, large plans.

The passengers in the car - the overall plan.

The girl in a straw hat and sunglasses - close-up.

A boy and a girl at the window - close-up (the train is on top).

The new district of Kyiv on the other side of the Dnieper - an outline (removed from the traffic on the river).

The ground station subway train passes - LS. Plan.

The bridge across the Dnieper - the average plan.

The bridges in Leningrad, the sunrise over the Neva River - a common, average plans.

Monument to Lenin at the Finland Station - the average plan.

Leningrad from the helicopter, see St.

Isaac's Cathedral - the general plan, departure.

Alexander Column on Palace Square (shot through the arch) - close-up, departure.

Admiralty building and other (shot through the arch) - the average plan, departure.

Summer Garden - the average plan.

Monument to Peter I - the average plan.

Rostral column - the average plan.

The streets of Leningrad, the panorama of the building underground - a common, average plans.

Girls are outside the metro - close-up.

Station "Nevsky Prospect" - the average plan (top).

People on the escalator - close-ups of faces.

Escalator, the view of the station "Revolt Area" - the general plan, departure.

People look book bookshop (in meters) - Close-up of persons.

Metro station "Institute of Technology", comes the train - medium shot from a helicopter - an outline.

Talking two boys - big plans.

The bas-relief on the wall of Lomonosov - close-up.

Girls and boys at the station - the average plan.

Bas-relief of S. Kovalevskaya - close-up.

Looking girl - close-up of the face.

The bas-relief of Tsiolkovsky - close-up.

Station "Institute of Technology" - the average plan.

Reel №2

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The Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin, the monument to Lenin.

Kremlin Cathedrals and a tower.

Kalinin Avenue.

A panorama of (Lenin?) Avenue.

The building of the subway station “Sokol” [“Hawk”].

A panorama of the Komsomol Square [Young Communist League Square], of the Yaroslavl railway station building.

The station “Komsomolskaya”.

A panorama of the Sadovoye Kol’tso [the Garden Ring Road (the Moscow Ring Highway)], a subway station.

The station “Mayakovskaya”.

A panorama of a subway bridge over the Moskva River, a train is going by, a high-rise building can be seen.

Kalinin Avenue.

A panorama of the old building of the subway station “Arbatskaya”.

A panorama of the people at the Moscow subway plan.

A hand is pushing the button on the plan.

A route is lighting up on the map.

An above-ground subway line, a train is going by.

A panorama of a new Moscow district.

Different hands are putting 5 kopek coins into the slot machine.

A panorama of passengers passing through the turnstile.

People are going by the staircase.

A panorama of the station “Kurskaya”.

A train is going by.

The interior of the station “Ploschad Nogina” [“Square named after Nogin”].

A woman with a six-year-old girl are in the carriage.

A doll is in the bag, the woman's hand can be seen.

A Black man is standing.

The passengers’ faces – girls, an elderly man and others.

A bag with rackets.


A violin.

A girl is reciting texts from her exercise-book.

Men with newspapers are sitting.

The station “Mayakovskaya”.

A boy and a girl are standing near the bust of Mayakovsky [ a distinguished Soviet poet], a panorama of the wall.

A boy is sitting on the bench.

People are standing and sitting at the station “Mayakovskaya”.

A boy and a girl are talking in the carriage, other boy and girl are talking at the station.

People on the escalator.

A panorama of the room under the escalator on the station “Ploschad Revolutsii” [“Revolution Square”] - the escalator is rotating (the machinery is operating), people are working, the machinery.

People are descending by the escalator.

A television device.

The image of the people walking along the station is on the TV screen.

A woman at the TV control panel, a panorama of theTV sets.

People are at the train (on the screen).

A train is entering the tunnel, a panorama of the clock.

A panorama of the station “Lomonosovskaya” in Leningrad.

People are getting on the carriages.

The train and station doors are closing.

The train is leaving the station (shot from the cabin).

People in the carriage, a five-year-old boy is looking through the book.

A girl wearing spectacles is reading.

An automatic device driving the train in the driver’s cabin.

The driver is watching the automatic device.

The automatic centralized train control post.

The face of the young man working at the control panel, his hands.

The cassette with the punched tape where the program of train movements along the whole subway line is recorded.

A train is approaching the station (shot from the cabin).

The doors are opening, people are entering the carriage.

People are walking along the station “Lomonosovskaya”.

A woman at the control panel.

The subway plan is glowing.

A subway tunnel (in Moscow).

People at the devices in a track recording car making a check tour.

Lamps are flaring up.

The device graphing the route is operating.

Hands are carrying a magnifier and cine film with the image of rails.

A woman at the table is examiniing the film.

A panorama of washing trains in the depot “Krasnopresnenskaya”.

A worker is checking the train.

Hands are probing the carriage details, holding a hammer.

A worker is rapping the carriage with a small hammer.

A panorama of trains being checked and repaired.

A panorama of an above-ground subway line, a train is going by.

A panorama of constructing a new subway station in Moscow.

A panorama of a tunneling shield.

A man wearing a helmet is working, his hands.


A hoisting crane is carrying a joist.

A panorama of structures welding.

A panorama of the future subway station.

Reel №3

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The station “Kropotkinskaya”.

The station“Komsomolskaya”.

A panorama of columns, a chandelier.

The station “Shaumyan” (named after a distinguished Azerbaijan revolutionary) in Baku.

A panorama of the column, of the ceiling, of the bas-relief.

A woman is taking pictures.

A bas-relief at the station “Ploschad Vosstaniya” in Leningrad.

A panorama of the station“Ploschad Revolutsii” in Moscow.

A panorama of sculptures at the station.

The station “Oktyabrskaya” in Tbilisi: a train is going-by, a panorama of the panel on the wall.

The station “26 Bakinskikh Komissarov” [“26 Baku Commissars (26 Communist leaders executed by the Englist interventionists in Baku during the Civil War in Russia (1918-1922))”] in Baku – a column, a panorama of the bas-relief of commissars.

The monument to the 26 Baku Commissars – the sculpture and the Eternal Flame.

A panorama of the marble wall on the bas-relief.

The Georgian artist Soso Kayava is working, drawing sketches for the subway station halls.

Kayava's face, hands are minting.

Sketches on the walls.

The minting.

A panorama of a bas relief at the station“300 Aragvintsev” (300 Georgian warriors falled in a battle with the Azerbaijan khan Aga Mohamed at the Gergian town of Krtsanisi).

Other bas-relieves (stone).

A panorama of colored stained-glass windows.

The girls' faces – a Georgian and a Russian.

A panorama of the stained-glass windows at the station“Novoslobodskaya” in Moscow.

A six-year-old girl is watching.

A woman with a girl.

The station “Novoslobodskaya”, a panorama of the columns.

A panorama of the station “Avtovo” in Leningrad.

A panorama of the chandelier.

A girl and a boy are watching.

A panorama of foreign delegation members watching.

A girl is taking pictures.

A panorama of the station “Rustaveli” (named after the great Georgian poet Shota Rusyaveli) in Tbilisi.

People are standing, a lot of military people.

A scupture of Alexader Pushkin, a panorama of the station“Pushkinskaya” in Leningrad.

A guide at the station, a panorama of the scupture of Alexader Pushkin.

The faces of a girl, two boys, a young Vietnamese, three Arabs.

A Russian girl is laying flowers to the pedestal of the scupture of Pushkin.

A girl with a plait.

A panorama of elderly foreign female tourists watching a lamp at the station,

A panorama of the station “Pushkinskaya”, columns (shot from the escalator).

People in the carriage are reading, writing down.

Girls are looking through a book.

A man with a fishing rod is sitting.

A panorama of the people walking along the above-ground station“Gidropark” [“Hydropark”] in Kiev.

People are walking along the bridge, a beach with people.

A subway bridge, a motor-boat is sailing by below the bridge.

The station“Leninskiye gory” [“Lenin Hills”] in Moscow.

A panorama of the people near the station“Sportivnaya”.

The Stadium named after Lenin during the All-Union Sports and Athletic Competitions “The Friendship of Peoples”, people with flags are on the Stadium field.

A panorama from the letter “M” to the “Mayakovskaya” station entrance.

People at the entrance to the station.

An elderly woman with an ice-cream.

A man with a camera.

A girl is buying flowers.

A panorama of the people on the escalator.

People on the platform.

A panorama of the people entering the carriage.

The female worker on duty is letting the train go, the train is departing.

A subway tunnel.

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