Yesterday it seemed impossible (1976)

Movie №70958, 2 parts, Duration: 0:15:51
Studio Lennauchfilm (LNF)
Camera operators:

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Drawings on Greek vases: metal processing (animation).

Photo of St.

Petersburg in 1833.

Portrait of physicist Egor Parrott.

Portrait of physicist Emilius Lenz.

The experience of Parrott and Lenz.

Photo of Harvard University.

Photo of Nobel laureate Professor Bridgman.

The works of Bridgman.

Experience: metal under pressure is destroyed.

Physical laboratory.

Bridgman's experiments.

The building of the Institute of High Pressure Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Academician Vereshchagin (synchronously) about the work of the Institute.

Installation with a pressure of 30 thousand atmospheres.

The principle of a new method of processing heavy-duty metals in the laboratory.

Laboratory of the Institute of High Pressure Physics.

Academician A. I. Tselikov (photo).

Doctor of Technical Sciences A. N. Rozanov (photography).

Pilot installation.

Academician E. O. Paton (synchronously) on the work on the use of high-parameter physics.

Comparison of the schemes of classical pressing and pressing according to a new technique-hydroextrusion (animation).

A burning ship.


Vereschagin L.F. -fizik i himik

pedagog. Uchyonij

vnyosshij boljshoj vklad v sozdanie i sovershenstvovanie apparaturi visokogo davleniya dlya provedeniya nauchnih issledovanij i tehnologicheskih rabot pri visokih i sverhvisokih davleniyah. Geroj Socialisticheskogo Truda. Laureat Leninskoj premii i Stalinskoj premii tretjej stepeni

osnovatelj Instituta fiziki visokih davlenij RAN

akademik AN SSSR. Celikov A.I. -uchyonij-metallurg

konstruktor prokatnih stanov i drugih metallurgicheskih agregatov. Rozanov A.N. -metalloved

doktor tehnicheskih nauk

professor. Paton E.O. -uchyonij-mehanik i inzhener

rabotavshij v oblasti svarki

mostostroeniya i stroiteljnoj mehaniki.

Shooting locations:

Moscow [820]

Chronicle Topics


Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Candidate of Technical Sciences L. A. Maksimov in the laboratory with colleagues.

On a thin cylinder, a steel tape is wound.

A scientist in the laboratory.

The structure of the metal under the microscope before hydroextrusion.

Metal structure under the microscope after hydroextrusion.

Doctor of Technical Sciences Beresnev in the laboratory with colleagues.

Academician A. A. Galkin (synchronously)on the possibility of using high pressures in ferrous metallurgy.

Production of finished products by hydroextrusion.

Tubes made of molybdenum and nickel.

High-quality wire.

Finished parts.

Professor Alexander of King's College London (synchronously)on the work in the field of high pressures.

A press of 50 thousand tons.


Maksimov L.A.-uchyonij-fizik. Akademik A.A.Galkin -fizik-eksperimentator

akademik Akademii Nauk USSR


doktor fiziko-matematicheskih nauk

osnovatelj Doneckogo fiziko-tehnicheskogo instituta AN USSR.

Shooting locations:

Moscow [820]

Chronicle Topics


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